(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Who goes there? A map of science-fiction - Roger Ebert's Journal
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20120919191556/http://blogs.suntimes.com/ebert/who-goes-there-a-map-of-scienc.html

Who goes there? A map of science-fiction

You'll definitely need to click to expand.
     map copy.jpg
Sent to me by Chris Swanson, who blogs on science at wily badger. He found it here, where, incredibly, there is no credit line for the artist. Let me know who drew it.




Wowsers! Thanks for the shout-out. :) Technically I blog about science, TV, movies, atheism, morality and whatever happens to be annoying me on any given day.

In very small print, in the upper right corner it seems to be signed "Ward Shelley 2009 - V. 1" Artist name, perhaps?

Ward Shelley is what I read when I saw it on boingboing. Love the map - lots of fodder for new things to read.

If you look at the upper right of the image, you'll see what I think is the artist's signature, Ward Shelley.

I've always been delighted at your ongoing affinity for SF as both a cinematic and literary genre, Roger. At the risk of presumptuousness, my own career reviewing the latter was influenced largely by your own approach to reviewing โ€”ย insightful yet populist, analytical yet accessible, avoiding the "ivory tower" academic stereotype. Many thanks!


Alfred Bester ("Stars My Destination") must be in there but I can't find him.

The artist is Ward Shelley. http://www.wardshelley.com/

It looks to be signed right up at the top under mainstream ward Shelly 2009 V.1 and further inspection from Wily badgers blog link to here: http://www.metafilter.com/101343/The-Map-Of-Science-Fiction

and so: Ward Shelly: http://www.wardshelley.com/

awesome I would have never found it but for your tweet!

Looks like it was created by Ward Shelleyโ€”credit in the upper-right corner, beneath the Mainstream Styles bar.

Awesome. It's by Ward Shelley. (The name is in the upper-right corner.)

It may be that others have found this by now, but in looking at the ultra-enlarged version of the map I see that it's signed in the upper right-hand corner, just under the mauve-ish box in the timeline labelled "Mainstream Styles." The artist is Ward Shelley. I wouldn't have found it if I hadn't been randomly roaming around that part of the image.

Shelley has an extensive web site featuring his work. Turns out he's made other "maps" on various subjects that are just as impressive as this one, plus other 3-D installations & projects. Wow. I hate discovering interesting, complicated, and compelling web sites just before I was planning to go to bed. :)

Expect this has already been spotted - up under the "Mainstream Styles" box it says something like "Word(?) Shelley 2009-v.1". It looks like the artist's credit.
Love it, BTW.

In the top right it says: Ward(Word?) Shelley 2009-v.1

I would guess that might be the name of the artist.

Do you read any current science fiction authors?
I'm a fan of Robert Sawyer and of Kim Stanley Robinson, neither of whom seems to be on the chart, and wonder if you have any opinions on their books.

Why does the right hand side look like someone's rear end, and what do the big white holes represent? Is the rear end some future convergence? Are the white holes some missing subgenres?

I love this map, sadly its a little large for a netbook wallpaper however. Thanks for posting it.

I love how, if you find L. Ron Hubbard and follow his line, you eventually come across "Battlefield Earth" and then, further along, "bad film".

I want it as a poster!

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