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Political News by Carol Marin of the Chicago Sun-Times
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Carol Marin biography

Carol Marin is the political columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times.

In addition to her work at the paper, she is the political editor for NBC5 …

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  • Marin: Axelrod ready to hang up his running shoes

    CHARLOTTE, N.C. — This is David Axelrod’s final campaign. The guy who took an unknown Illinois state senator to the political mountaintop has declared the re-election campaign of President Barack Obama will be his last. After all, what’s left?

  • Marin: Will Hillary Clinton run again?

    CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Conventions are auditions. Not only for the nominee on deck but for those setting their sights on the next time around. So an array of wannabe presidents not so subtly strutted their stuff at the Republican pep rally last week in Florida …

    Marin: Chicago style can spark either shame or pride

    CHARLOTTE, N.C. — While Romney Republicans in Tampa hammered away at Barack Obama’s politics as “Chicago-style” — code for Capone and cigar chomping ward bosses — Democrats at this convention couldn’t wait to paint their own portrait of Chicago. And style. First lady Michelle Obama excelled on both counts. Her elegance and substance shone a light on Chicago Tuesday night that GOP disparagement couldn’t dim.

    Marin: Obama going ‘hand to hand’ for every electoral vote

    CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Is the Obama team worried? “Democrats, oh yeah, they’re worried,” said David Yepsen on his mobile phone Monday as he was doing his regular Iowa-to-Illinois commute “from the land of hog farms to the land of Lincoln.” Yepsen, variously referred to as …

    Readers’ rants from Romney fest

    TAMPA — OK, here I am, sitting in the Tampa airport, and reading emails that have piled up over a week of covering Republicans at their Romney fest. Some of you have gotten pretty worked up about what I’ve written. And I figure if I …

    Marin: Lots of truthiness at political conventions

    TAMPA, Fla. — So, here’s Sen. Dick Durbin by a satellite truck in a parking lot just outside the security perimeter of the Republican National Convention. A fish out of water? A skunk at a garden party? No. And yes. Durbin was dispatched by the Obama campaign as part of a “truth squad” to counter the claims being made here by the Mitt Romney team. The Romney campaign will have its own truth squad in Charlotte next week for the Democratic convention.

    Ray LaHood: Outspoken, conservative, Republican — and for Obama

    TAMPA, Fla. — The last time I saw Ray LaHood was at the 2008 Republican National Convention in St. Paul, where the outspoken, conservative, seven-term congressman from Peoria was an enthusiastic delegate for John McCain. Today, LaHood is still outspoken, conservative and a Republican. But for the first time in his life, he will vote for a Democrat for president, Barack Obama, and not his party’s nominee, Mitt Romney.

    Mitt needs to do  more than ironing

    New Jersey Gov. Chris “Where’s the Beef?” Christie served up red meat at the Republican Convention in Tampa Tuesday night Delegates ate it up. “Tonight, we choose respect over love. We are not afraid,” he thundered. “We are taking our country back.” But they also …

    Storm presents perfect challenge for Romney

    CLEARWATER BEACH, Fla. — Mitt Romney has an optics problem. And, reserved as he is, an emotive challenge. Tropical Storm Isaac threatens to make landfall at the same time Romney’s nominating convention prepares to crest in Tampa. The two storylines have been on a collision …

  • Jim Edgar’s advice for Mitt Romney: ‘Show people you have a human side’

    Jim Edgar and Mitt Romney have things in common. Pragmatism, good hair and a distinct reserve. They are former governors — Edgar of Illinois, Romney of Massachusetts. Tropical Storm Isaac notwithstanding, they are both headed to the Republican convention in Tampa. Edgar, a delegate, believes …Read More

  • Prisons, pols and coming-out parties

    Over spicy catfish and fried shrimp at Wallace’s Catfish Corner on the West Side, former alderman/convicted felon Wallace Davis told me about the “coming out” party he’s throwing this Friday. It will be a uniquely Chicago event. The $100 tickets read “Sista In Need.” The …Read More

  • Madigan’s Machiavellian machinations thwart pension reform

    Republicans can despise him. Downstaters can denounce him. State Fair attendees can boo him till their cows come home. But no one can deny the Machiavellian cunning and genius of House Speaker Michael Madigan. At the special session of the Legislature on Friday in Springfield, …Read More

  • I tried to fire a TEC-9, but it took control

    In 1989, I came close — we’ll never know how close — to shooting a producer and cameraman with a TEC-9 assault weapon. We were at a suburban gun range with a law-enforcement agent doing a story on how semiautomatic weapons can be illegally modified …Read More

  • On birthday visit, Obama should tour city’s killing fields

    President Barack Obama is turning 51 and coming home next week for celebrations and fund-raisers. Fine. But he needs to add something to his schedule. He needs to travel to the killing fields of the South and West sides, where children at play risk not …Read More

  • Ald. Ed Burke spurns Inspector General Joe Ferguson, turns to new IG

    Faisal Khan is the new guy at City Hall. And plenty of pols think he’s doomed. As the first legislative inspector general, his job is to investigate aldermen and their staffs. Problem is the 38-year-old former New York prosecutor initially was given no staff for …Read More

  • NCAA stands up against scandal

    Who imagined the jock world would act with a greater sense of moral and ethical urgency than institutions of church and state? In Philadelphia on Tuesday, a Catholic monsignor was sentenced to prison for protecting predator priests and endangering children. In Chicago, yet another seven-figure …Read More

  • Tossing out 50 shades of yuck

    As a child, I loved Nancy Drew. She was my heroine. My escape. My wonder. Then as now, there is nothing like a summer day and a good book. Moments to put away work and melt into different words and worlds. But sometimes a book …Read More