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Illinois Political News by Rich Miller of the Chicago Sun-Times
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Rich Miller biography

Rich Miller has been writing about Illinois politics since 1990. He began publishing Capitol Fax, a daily political newsletter, in 1993. He is recognized as …

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My Uncle Kenny is no state pension scammer

I spent some time at my Uncle Kenny’s house in Ashkum last weekend. We went to the Iroquois County Fair, which is like taking a step back in time. The fair hasn’t changed much at all since I was a kid. They still don’t allow …

Jesse Jackson Jr. story is a summery mystery

In the grand scheme of things, the disappearance of U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. hardly matters at all. A minority party congressman drops out of sight, checks himself into some sort of treatment facility and won’t say where he is or for what, exactly, he’s …

I need a break from Illinois

Off and on for the past few years, I’ve tried to defend Illinois’ honor against the crazier attacks by outsiders while still candidly acknowledging that this state has some real problems which absolutely must be solved. That ain’t easy, to say the least. Ever since …

Take a fresh look at drug laws

I want to say right off the bat without any hesitation or equivocation whatsoever that I happen to like prosecutors and cops. I respect and honor their difficult jobs. I couldn’t do what they do, so I’m glad they’re there for me and everyone else. …

Weighing budget cuts vs. cigarette tax hike

‘Hey, Rich, is there any good news?” I must hear that question a half- dozen times a day at the Illinois Statehouse. So, I’ve developed a standard retort. “Man, there’s never any good news in this building.” Despite struggling the past year or so to …

What I told Rahm about how Springfield works

I had a chance to sit down for half an hour with Mayor Rahm Emanuel when he was in Springfield on Tuesday. Most of the conversation was off the record. Going off the record was my choice because Emanuel was sticking so tightly to his …

Gov. Quinn listens and learns and begins to lead

Gov. Pat Quinn’s job-approval ratings have at times fallen as low as 23 percent. And polls taken so far this year have pegged his rating at between 30 and 36 percent. He barely won his 2010 election, beating a weak, socially conservative Republican challenger by …

Those ‘low-info voters’ smartly dumped a fraud

‘I love the fact Obama obviously has a thin skin,” Tom Swiss wrote in 2010. “His four years are going to be torture for him.” Less than two years later, Swiss, the former executive director of the Cook County Republican Party, mailed a campaign flier …

Downstate and Chicago, brothers in arms — or not

Mayor Rahm Emanuel was in Peoria earlier this week talking about how Chicago and Downstate politicians need to stop fighting so much. “The politics of the past where we used to play Chicago versus downstate is over. It doesn’t serve the people of Illinois,” Emanuel …

Let’s hope Quinn sticks to his guns on budget

Yes, Illinois is worth saving, and it’s time to get started already. I think if you listened carefully to both of Gov. Pat Quinn’s major public speeches this month, his State of the State address and his annual budget address, that’s the message you’re left …

Legalizing society’s vices is best way to hurt Outfit

Outfit crime boss Michael “The Large Guy” Sarno was sentenced to 25 years in prison this week. Sarno ordered the bombing of a business that was encroaching on his illegal video poker racket. I’m glad that Sarno’s going to prison. I’m also happy that Illinois …

Roast me now, at 50, while I’m still around

‘Old timer, old timer, too late to die young now.” I’m turning 50 soon, so I’ve been planning a big party in Chicago on March 31 to distract myself from my own mortality. As Todd Snider confides in his song Age Like Wine, “I thought …

Legislature’s best: State gets a bipartisan lift from Millner, Sullivan, Saviano, Bradley and Mautino

Every year, commenters at my website (CapitolFax.com) vote on something we call the “Golden Horseshoe Awards.” I started the contest as a tongue-in-cheek lark, so I jokingly named it after Springfield’s most infamous culinary offering. People took the contest seriously, though, and, unfortunately, the name …

  • Wannabe gangster Blago — all flash and swagger

    There’s no real mystery to understanding Rod Blagojevich. He was, and still is, a failed wannabe gangster. Not a real gangster who pops caps in people’s behinds. Blagojevich tried to model himself on movie gangsters. The guy even quoted a character from “The Godfather, Part …Read More

  • Quinn’s OK a must for more gaming

    The last two decades give us a pretty simple Illinois history lesson: Unless all four state legislative leaders and the governor are pulling hard in the same direction, no gaming expansion bill can ever become law. The last significant gaming bill passed a few months …Read More

  • Two weeks of nothing  in our messed up state

    The second and final week of the annual state legislative veto session was a disappointing dud. Just about nothing came together, except that one tiny part of the massive state budget problem was solved. Sort of. And only for a year. Gov. Pat Quinn vetoed …Read More

  • Corporate tax break bidding war heats up

    An expensive bidding war is escalating at the Illinois Statehouse and it needs to be slowed down. Gov. Pat Quinn met with the four legislative leaders Thursday morning. Much of the discussion centered around CME Group’s threat to leave Illinois unless it gets a tax …