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Pension-related links | Home Office
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Pension-related links

Presented here are a range of links to documents that you may need when dealing with your police pension. The contents of this page are copyright protected. If you want to reproduce any of these documents, please contact us before proceeding.


Links to the regulations for the two current pension schemes, as originally made.

Police Pensions Regulations 1987 (SI 1987/257) 

Police Pensions Regulations 2006 (SI 2006/3415)

Explanatory Memorandum to 2006 Regulations (SI 2006/3415)

Members' guides

Guides on the two current pension schemes for police officers

PPS members' guide

NPPS members' guide

2006 scheme (NPPS) commentary

Home Office circulars

More detailed guidance on various police pension issues

7/2012 - Guidance on police injury award reviews

4/2012 - Increased police officer pension contributions

8/2011 - Police pensions - commutation factors

15/2010 - Police Pensions (Additional Voluntary Contributions) (Amendment) Regulations 2010 SI No.2235

9/2010 - Police Pensions (Amendment) Regulations 2010 SI No. 431 and a related miscellaneous issue

8/2010 - Police pension scheme - British Transport Police transfers

2/2010 - 30+ PLUS – Arrangements for the re-engagement of certain police officers following retirement

18/2009 - Forfeiture of Police Pensions

14/2009 - Police pension scheme - amendment regulations 2009

6/2009 - Police pension scheme: new commutation factors and outcome of judicial review

31/2008 - Police pension scheme: overpayments due to incorrect indexation of guaranteed minimum pension

23/2008 - Police medical appeal boards - new provider

21/2008 - Police pension scheme - the triennial police pension scheme valuation and 2008 amendment regulations.

20/2008 - Police pension scheme - further changes to PPS and NPPS as a result of 'A-Day'

14/2008 - Police pension schemes: trivial commutation and capitalisation for death gratuities

11/2008 - Police pension scheme 1987 and new police pension scheme 2006: new factors for commutation and exchange of lump sum

10/2008 - Police pension scheme - updated guidance
(linked to Home Office Circular 54/2005)

25/2007 - Police pension scheme - miscellaneous

22/2007 - Police pensions scheme - pension arrangements for part-time constables and sergeants with effect from 1 July 2007

44/2006 - Police Pensions Regulations 2006 and the new police pension scheme 2006

35/2006 - PNB/Home Office joint guidance for police authorities on new compulsory retirement ages and retirement policy for police officers with effect from 1 October 2006

30/2006 - New compulsory retirement ages for police officers with effect from 1 October 2006

28/2006 - Recharging arrangements for the pension costs of seconded police officers and officers in funded posts

26/2006 - Forfeiture of police pensions

7/2006 - 'A-Day' and changes to police pensions regulations

54/2005 - Finance reform

52/2005 - Civil partnership

31/2005 - Part-time service

63/2004 - Police pension scheme and the DDA

46/2004 - Police medical appeal boards/role of SMP/BTP transfers

39/2004 - Miscellaneous issues

3/2004 - Police medical appeal boards/role of SMP/BTP transfers

Supplementary documents

Police Medical Appeal Board guidance 

HMRC taxation guidance

Compulsory retirement ages (CRA) objective justification

Compulsory retirement ages - equality impact assessment

1987 Scheme (PPS)

Underpins on CETVs - guidance from GAD

Incoming transfers - guidance and factors from GAD

Commutation on retirement - guidance and factors from GAD

Transfer values and pension sharing - guidance and factors from GAD

2006 Scheme (NPPS)

NPPS added years tables

Unmarried partners - administrators' guide (April 2007)

Unmarried partners - members' guide (April 2007)

NPPS lump sum death grant nomination form

Transfer values and pension sharing - guidance and factors from GAD

Incoming Transfers - guidance and factors from GAD

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