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Roger Ebert's Journal: March 2010 Archives
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March 2010 Archives

See you at the movies


     redbox.jpgYes, Chaz and I are still going ahead with our plans for a new movie review program on television. No, Wednesday's cancellation of "At the Movies" hasn't discouraged us. We believe a market still exists for a weekly show where a couple of critics review new movies.

I can't prove it, but I have the feeling that more different people are seeing more different movies than ever before. With the explosion of DVD, Netflix, Red Box, and many forms of Video on Demand,

My old man


my old man copy.jpgUntil the day he died, I always called him "Daddy." He was Walter Harry Ebert, born in Urbana in 1902 of parents who had emmigrated from Germany. His father, Joseph, was a machinist working for the Peoria & Eastern Railway, known as the Big Four. Daddy would take me out to the Roundhouse on the north side of town to watch the big turntables turning steam engines around. In our kitchen, he always used a knife "your

grandfather made from a single piece of steel."

"Jesus was a Nazi. So's your preacher"


1glenn-beck-1.jpgPretty near everything Glenn Beck says strikes me as absurd, but he scored a perfect 10 when he warned his viewers against the dangers of Christianity. You already know all about it. Well, maybe not, because the usual defenders of Christianity, like James Dobson and Pat Robertson, were very quiet on the topic. Not even a peep from Pat about this man who showed every sign of having hired the best lawyers to draft his pact with Satan.

Many other Christians were not so silent Dr. David P. Gushee, Professor of Christian Ethics at Mercer University, wrote: "He managed to do something few have been able to do -- speaking only of my own religious community, he has united Catholics and Protestants, evangelicals and mainliners, Christian progressives and moderates and conservatives."

Variety: This thumb's for you


Left_thumbs_down.jpgI flew home from the Oscars to find half a dozen e-mails awaiting with the same unbelievable message: Variety had fired its chief film critic, Todd McCarthy. Its spokesman was hopeful Todd and its chief theater critic, David Rooney, who was also fired, could continue to review for the paper on a free lance basis. In other words, Variety was hopeful that without a regular pay check, McCarthy would put his life on hold to do a full-time job on a piecemeal basis.

Todd McCarthy reviewed films for Variety for 31 years. He was the ideal critic for the paper -- better, we now realize, than it deserved. His reviews and the reviews of Kirk Honeycutt at the Hollywood Reporter were frequently the first reviews of a new film to see print. Honeycutt fortunately continues.

I wonder if this will work

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Danni_Ashe_2.jpg"Nobody on the web has figured out how to make any money," I said one day before a screening at the Sundance Film Festival. I was talking to another movie critic whose reviews were also online.

"My wife has," said a voice behind me. I turned around and saw a robust man in a ski sweater who seemed to be bursting with things to tell me.

"Your wife?" I said.

"She has a Web site that's making a lot of money."

"Who is she?"

"Her name on the Web is Danni Ashe."

Danni Ashe! The name rang more than a bell. Danni Ashe, proprietor of Danni's Hard Drive One of those few webmasters capable of taking their shirts off without driving down the hit count.

The Webby Awards
Person of the Year

Best Blog: Natl. Soc. of Newspaper Columnists

One of the year's best blogs -- Time

Year's best blog: Am. Assn. of Sunday and Feature Editors

Roger Ebert

Roger Ebert
Ebert's latest books are "Life Itself: A Memoir," "The Great Movies III," "Roger Ebert's Movie Yearbook 2012." Volumes I and II of "The Great Movies" and "Awake in the Dark: The Best of Roger Ebert" can also be ordered via the links in the right column of RogerEbert.com

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