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Euro Zone | Reuters.com
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Euro Zone

Topics also related to Euro Zone:

EU, China leaders meet amid growing trade disputes

BRUSSELS - European Union and Chinese leaders will try to bridge growing differences over trade and find common ground on tackling Europe's debt crisis at a summit in Brussels on Thursday.

Some EU states may no longer afford air forces - general

BRUSSELS - Many European Union countries will not be able to afford key parts of their armed forces, such as air forces, in a few years unless they spend more and cooperate more closely on defence, the top EU military officer said on Wednesday.

19 Sep 2012

Greece hikes gambling taxes, OPAP shares dive

ATHENS - Greece will hike taxes on OPAP, the state-controlled betting agency slated for privatisation, following rivals' complaints to the European Commission that tax provisions of Greek gaming legislation favoured the company.

19 Sep 2012

Regulator warns banking union could split Europe

BRUSSELS - Plans to create a European banking union risks a supervisory split between countries in the euro zone and those outside, Europe's top bank regulator said on Wednesday, warning of his concerns about the latest plan to tackle the financial crisis.

19 Sep 2012

Iran says six powers to meet before more nuclear talks

ISTANBUL - Iran's chief nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili said on Wednesday he and European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton had agreed to defer more nuclear talks until she has consulted the six world powers she represents next week.

EU may delay tough new capital rules for insurers

BRUSSELS - The European Union may have to postpone strict new capital rules for insurers because of wrangling between member countries over the final shape of the new regulations, the official in charge of the project acknowledged on Wednesday.

19 Sep 2012

Draghi to discuss euro zone with Merkel next Tuesday - German source

BERLIN - The head of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi, will discuss the state of economic and currency union in the euro zone with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin next Tuesday, a senior German source said on Wednesday.

19 Sep 2012

Europe to mobilise volunteers with EU "peace corps"

BRUSSELS - Europe plans to deploy some 10,000 humanitarian workers to help in disaster zones across the world, the European Commission said on Wednesday, creating a volunteer organisation similar to the U.S. Peace Corps programme.

19 Sep 2012

Croatian PM says country still keen on euro

BERLIN - Croatian Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic said on Wednesday after talks with Germany's Angela Merkel that his country's interest in joining the euro after it becomes a member of the European Union next year continued unabated despite the euro zone crisis.

19 Sep 2012

Bailout risk prompts Slovenia opposition rethink

LJUBLJANA - Opposition parties and unions in ex-communist Slovenia are edging closer to backing the government on radical reforms needed to save the country from joining the euro zone bailout queue.

19 Sep 2012

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