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Chicago News Reports by Neil Steinberg of the Chicago Sun-Times
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20120922052859/http://www.suntimes.com/news/steinberg/index.html
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Neil Steinberg biography

Neil Steinberg began writing for the Chicago Sun-Times in 1984, and joined the staff in 1987 as a feature writer.

He became a columnist in …

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  • The one school stat that nobody’s discussing

    If I ran a hospital where 40 percent of the patients who checked in died rather than getting better, how long would you allow me to debate the details of our doctors’ salaries, our hospital care guidelines, or specific room amenities before you raised a …Read More

  • See, there’s this white whale. . .

    In July 1945, newspaper deliverymen in New York City went on strike. Deprived readers by the thousands lined up at their favorites’ offices to pick up that day’s paper. Despite this, New York Mayor Fiorello La Guardia, a colorful, squeaky-voiced fellow, worried that the city’s …Read More

  • 1987 teachers strike is an ugly lesson for Mayor Emanuel

    STEINBERG: So what does history tell us the city of Chicago and mayor Rahm Emanuel can expect now that the Chicago Teachers Union has gone on strike for the first time in 25 years?

  • NFL players back gay marriage, America

    Granted, I am not a football expert (pause, for general laughter among regular readers). But I don’t believe there are many situations where a punter blocks for a linebacker, particular when the linebacker is on another team. But that’s exactly what happened when Minnesota Viking …

    Neil Steinberg: Many stand to lose if teachers strike

    Banners from colleges — Harvard and Michigan State, Howard and Yale — hang from the ceiling in the second floor common corridor at the Chicago Vocational Career Academy on East 87th Street. The idea is that every day, as they come and go, students will …

    Trying to save birds from the wilds of the big city

    The early bird catches the worm, but how early must you wake to catch the early bird? In Annette Prince’s case, it’s 4:30 a.m. Thursday to head downtown to collect birds, both living and dead, whose journey from the wilds of Canada to the rainforests …

    Steinberg: Verdict wipes grin off Drew Peterson’s face

    STEINBERG: The smirking, joking, ruddy-faced former Bolingbrook police sergeant, who spent years prancing in the limelight surrounding his third wife’s murder and fourth wife’s disappearance, yucking it up on TV and radio, while a revolted, captivated public couldn’t look away, was found guilty of murder Thursday afternoon.

    Steinberg: How can Democrats mock Romney’s religion?

    STEINBERG: I try never to confuse the unfamiliar with the unacceptable. Is God living on a planet called ‘Kolob’ really any crazier than God living in a place called ‘Heaven’? Given all the truly offensive policies that Romney embraces, it seems strange to mention religion, the one realm where Romney is blameless.

    Is this the best Romney has to offer?

    That was it? The big high-water mark of Mitt Romney’s campaign, the emotional convention push that is going to propel him straight into the White House? Big sigh and smile. Let me state it again: Barack Obama, luckiest man in the world. If Romney’s limp, …

    Coach writes himself out of a job

    Oh yuck. That has to be the universal reaction to Casey Toner’s story about a suburban Chicago high school girls varsity basketball coach’s recent foray into sexually suggestive self-help writing. Once you collect your jaw off the floor, that is. But hold on to that …

    Murder city? Not to us

    Earlier this month, men wearing balaclavas and carrying assault rifles burst into a jewelry store in Grenoble, France. They fired into the glass cases, clubbed the jeweler with a rifle butt, grabbed the loot and fled with a hostage. “It’s worse than Chicago!” one bystander …

    Maybe tomatoes don’t taste like sun

    ‘Eat a tomato, boys,” I urged, spearing another fat red chunk of home-grown, vine-ripened bliss and transferring it greedily to my plate at dinner Monday night. “It’s like eating the sun.” A strange phrase, granted. “It’s like eating the sun.” Why say that? A bit …

  • We Americans sure love our prisons

    The United States of America is the greatest country in the world. We have no need to look to other, lesser nations for ideas or inspiration. Thus we can freely ignore what the rest of the world embraces — the metric system, universal health care, …Read More

  • Did you build that?

    When I heard that the theme of the Republican National Convention will be “We Built It” on Tuesday, my first thought was it had to be an Onion parody momentarily unmoored from its source and naively offered up as fact. Were the Republicans really lifting …Read More

  • How far back will they roll the clock?

    ‘This horror, this nightmare abomination!” Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote in 1852. “Can it be in my own country!” She was referring to the institution of slavery. And while it might be a tad strong to equate the sense of moral revulsion that slavery evoked in …Read More

  • New circumcision report cuts to the chase: Doing nothing costs $2 billion

    New parents are sinkholes of concern. Some of their worries are indeed valid — should I let the baby play with tigers? Is the house on fire? — but not all parental dilemmas pass the rationality test. Exhibit A is the New Age reluctance to …

    Awesome visit to awesome Wash U.

    ST. LOUIS — Tempur-pedic mattresses are awesome. The Greek sorority system is awesome. “Blazing Saddles” is awesome, as is a paper written about the movie. A photo of the girls’ rowing crew is not merely awesome, but “really awesome.” Political discussions with roommates are also …