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News Articles by Steve Huntley of the Chicago Sun-Times
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Steve Huntley biography

Steve Huntley is a commentary columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times and a member of its editorial board.

He served as editor of the editorial page …

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Declare Jerusalem capital of Israel

The tempest over the initial failure of the Democrats to include the status of Jerusalem in their platform and the messy way they fixed it demonstrated how both political parties tend to treat the subject of the capital of Israel in hollow election rhetoric. The …

  • Huntley: Obama can’t run on record, so Dems double down on lies

    Anyone hoping for a retreat from mudslinging and falsehoods in the presidential campaign as it goes into the stretch is going to be disappointed for two reasons. The latest unemployment report showed that for every person who got a job in August, four were so …Read More

  • Huntley: Here’s a goal — trade Obama’s excuses for Romney’s results

    Hope needs more time. That was President Barack Obama’s message in his acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention Thursday night. But a country that was forced to live on hope for four years and rewarded with dreary unemployment, falling middle class income and depressed …Read More

  • Huntley: Clinton reminded us that Obama is no Clinton

    Out on the campaign trail in recent days, President Barack Obama accused Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney of wanting to take America back to the 20th Century. The problem with that is most Americans remember the last couple of decades of the old century as …Read More

  • Huntley: Better off than four years ago? Absolutely — not

    After a weekend of hemming and hawing and trying to duck the issue of whether Americans are better off now than four years ago, Democrats now boast the country is better off. “Absolutely,” declared Stephanie Cutter, deputy campaign manager for President Barack Obama. All right! …

    Huntley: Obama loses in this numbers game

    Look for Democrats to tout a lot of big numbers to churn up excitement about their national convention starting Tuesday. Already the party leadership is crowing that more than 10,000 volunteers from every state have flocked to Charlotte in a show of enthusiasm. President Barack …

    Huntley: Look for Obama to give a great speech — but not much else

    Here’s one prediction for this week’s Democratic National Convention that is 99 percent certain: President Barack Obama will give a better sounding acceptance speech than Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney did the other day. Oratory is what Obama does. It’s too bad he can’t run …

    Republican convention hard act for Democrats to follow

    Republicans in their national convention in Tampa set a pretty high bar for the Democrats for their gathering in Charlotte next week. The GOP program kept to the great issues of jobs, taxes, spending and entitlements at the core of the nation’s economic malaise and …

    Focusing on the issues will help Romney win

    The presidential campaign, at the start of the Republican National Convention, seemed to boil down to this: President Barack Obama is the candidate with a high likability rating while Mitt Romney is seen as the better man for handling the economy. In other words, who …

    u.n. leader’s visit to Iran is an outrage

    It was probably bound to happen, but that doesn’t make it any less deplorable or less damaging to prospects for a more peaceable world. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon of the United Nations decided to make Tehran the diplomatic center of the world next week by …

    Clouds begin to part for Romney

    After a summer with the wind at his back, President Barack Obama is seeing dark clouds forming over his re-election fortunes as bad economic news and political developments cast renewed doubt over his stewardship of the economy. It’s a long way to the November election …

    Our Afghanistan strategy is causing troops to get killed

    Here’s disturbing news from Afghanistan: Of eight coalition combat deaths in a 24-hour period last week, six were Americans killed by Afghan police or Taliban infiltrators into the Afghan security forces. So far this year there have been more coalition deaths by attacks from within …

    Ryan pick focuses GOP campaign on the big issues

    If Mitt Romney fails to be elected president, the summer of 2012 will be recalled as the beginning of the end, a sultry season of mudslinging by forces aligned with President Barack Obama that poisoned the Republican’s standing with voters. If Romney is successful in …

    Intolerance is rife in Islamic lands

    As the horrific attack on the Sikh temple in Wisconsin showed, no society is secure from the occasional outrage by a violent bigot. As a new report from the State Department demonstrates, too many governments around the world practice, countenance or acquiesce to repugnant and …

    Harry Reid’s baseless drivel

    Another bad jobs report, so it’s time to demagogue Mitt Romney’s tax returns, or so President Barack Obama’s campaign and his supporters believe. Their hope is that Americans care more about how much taxes Romney paid than they do about their own economic well-being after …

    Straight talk from Romney in Israel

    The liberal media take on Mitt Romney’s trip to Israel was that it produced another gaffe for the presumptive Republican presidential nominee. The reality is that Romney showed himself to be a plain-speaking leader in the tradition of Harry Truman and Ronald Reagan. That penchant …

    Obama insults small-business owners

    In his regular weekly address Saturday, President Barack Obama asserted that “we’re still paying” for the Bush tax cuts. It was a not-so-subtle jab aimed at blaming tax reductions enacted a decade ago for today’s bad economy. But desperate times require desperate measures, and the …