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Star Wars: The Old Republic launches update 1.4 and takes aim at faster patches

Sci-fi, Trailers, Video, Patches, Endgame, News items, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Dungeons

Hey, dude.  Oh, we're just chilling, fighting alien horrors, you know.  What's new with you?
The fourth major update for Star Wars: The Old Republic is live right now, but some players may find patch 1.4 a bit lighter than previous updates. According to a new development blog, this isn't by accident but by design. Creative director James Ohlen explains that the development team's previous strategy of launching a single big update every few months did result in big patches but at the cost of long stretches without anything new for players.

Starting with 1.4 and moving onward, the team is moving to prioritize more frequent updates. Ohlen places a rough estimate of every six weeks but notes that it's only an estimate and a target rather than a firm schedule. He goes on to state that the team is planning on three more patches by the end of the year in addition to the free-to-play conversion, with more large-scale improvements and updates due in 2013. If you're mostly just interested in cutting through 1.4's new raid mode, of course, most of this is immaterial, but you can still check out the trailer for the patch just after the break.

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SWTOR's 1.4 patch is live

Sci-fi, Game mechanics, MMO industry, Patches, News items, PvE, Star Wars: The Old Republic

SWTOR's 14 patch is liveIt's patch day in a galaxy far, far away. BioWare has officially unleashed Star Wars: The Old Republic's 1.4 update to the masses, and there's a summary of all the changes up on the game's official website.

There's a new operation (Terror from Beyond) on the remote world of Asation. There are new weapons and armor courtesy of Dread Guard gear.

Finally, the group finder has been tweaked, as have moods, emotes, and companion color choices. Check out more details on 1.4 in our weekly SWTOR column.

World of Tanks rolls out improved physics and lighting

Historical, Video, Game mechanics, Patches, News items, Free-to-play, World of Tanks

World of Tanks rolls out improved physics and lighting
World of Tanks is getting a little bit shinier and a lot more realistic today. The game's new Update 8.0 includes an overhaul of the physics and lighting of the game. Wargaming is calling this the "most important upgrade since the game's release."

In addition to more realistic physics and improved lighting, Update 8.0 is bringing in new optimization for the UI, better rendering, adaptive camouflage, and new minimap functions. Four new tank destroyers are gracing the branches of the USSR tech tree, and the Matilda Black Prince, the first premium British machine, is available for purchase in the in-game shop.

Skip below the cut to see how the new physics engine will change your gameplay.

[Source: Wargaming press release]

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RuneScape puts bots on trial

Fantasy, Video, Game mechanics, Patches, RuneScape, Free-to-play, Legal, Humor

RuneScape puts bots on trial Wed 11am embargo
Jagex has nuked them from orbit, and now, the MMO studio is going to put RuneScape's bots on trial.

Coming soon to RuneScape is a brand-new area called Botany Bay. It's here that players can be the judge, jury, and executioner for convicted bots, voting on their ultimate punishment. Jagex gives two warnings to botters, after which the player is ejected from the game and his or her avatar is sent to Botany Bay for final judgment. Botters' avatars may be smooshed by a dragon, vaporized, or pelted with rotten fruit.

Lead Designer Mark Ogilvie hopes this will deter players from naughty behavior: "We have wanted to do this for some time and we hope that by bringing the actions of those who cheat to the attention of the wider community, we can make a massive step towards eliminating botting from the game."

You can watch a trailer for the new Botany Bay area after the jump.

[Source: Jagex press release]

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The Secret World Issue #3 The Cat God is now live

Fantasy, Horror, Real life, Patches, News items, The Secret World

The Secret World Issue #3 The Cat God is now liveCatching the game back up to its aggressive monthly update schedule, The Secret World's third update is now live on servers. Issue #3 The Cat God comes right on the heels of Issue #2 Digging Deeper, which launched just last week after a few delays.

Besides various tweaks and fixes, The Cat God offers two new missions: The Binding and Dogs of War. The Binding is an investigation mission that takes you to the City of the Sun God in Egypt, while Dogs of War focuses on the conflict between the vampires and their allies. For full details about the changes, check out the patch notes.

The Cat God, for whom the update is named, will make a personal appearance in October closer to the Halloween holiday. A special Halloween event will run through the end of October and the first week of November and will include the beginning of a new storyline and a new villain. We'll keep you updated as more information becomes available.

Guild Wars 2 patches up dungeon rewards and difficulty

Fantasy, Game mechanics, Patches, News items, Guild Wars 2, Dungeons

Now I have all of the tokens!  I am the queen of Tokenania!  That's how it works, right?
If you've had your fill of helping NPCs around the world and advancing your personal story in Guild Wars 2, you're probably going to head into one of the game's dungeons. You may have noticed some changes to the way that the dungeon rewarded your accomplishments if you've already done that today. These changes are the result of the game's newest patch, which has altered the reward structure for dungeon tokens and some of the encounter mechanics within individual dungeons.

Players now receive dungeon tokens by reaching the end of an explorable chain rather than via individual boss kills, which prevents players from farming the first boss that drops tokens. To help increase the overall rewards from a single run, the chains will offer 20 tokens on completion and an additional 40 the first time you clear one in a given day. Thus, clearing all three chains in a given dungeon in one day will reward you with 180 tokens in total. Read up on the full changes, along with some minor balance adjustments and bugfixes, in the full patch notes.

Hyperspace Beacon: Six reasons to return for SWTOR update 1.4

Sci-fi, Patches, PvP, Endgame, PvE, Opinion, Star Wars Galaxies, Free-to-play, Roleplaying, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Community Q&A;, Hyperspace Beacon

Hyperspace Beacon Six reasons to return for SWOTR Update 14
I've been playing MMOs for many years, and in that time, I've realized that the big thing they all have in common is that they get better with age. Unlike most single-player games, MMOs are in a constant state of flux. Besides the social interaction, the fact that I can leave a game for a couple of months then come back to find things have changed makes this gaming genre more interesting to me than your average RPG or FPS. Oftentimes, it's fun to come back to a game that I liked but maybe wasn't sticky enough to play all the time just to see what has changed, and maybe I'd like it more the next time around.

That's kind of what happened to me with Star Wars Galaxies. When the game launched, I thought it was great to explore the Star Wars universe I'd grown up with as a kid, but I couldn't latch on to the game because of the bugs and other minor issues. It wasn't until about six months after launch that I was actually able to grasp the game and play it long enough to find out why people were so smitten.

Perhaps Star Wars: The Old Republic will be the same kind of game. When it launched nine months ago, there were bugs, though not as big as SWG's bugs, mind you. The content needed a little tweaking. And certain systems like the Galactic Trade Network did not function well. But now with update 1.4 coming tomorrow and free-to-play on the horizon, it might be a good time to invite your friends to come back or even come back yourself. Let's examine some of the reasons to do so.

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The Soapbox: Diablo III's endgame is fundamentally flawed

Fantasy, Economy, Game mechanics, Patches, Endgame, PvE, Opinion, The Soapbox, Diablo III

The Soapbox title image
Diablo III was arguably the biggest online game release of the year, but its predecessor's decade of consistent popularity left some pretty big shoes to fill. Despite being the most pre-ordered PC game in history and selling more than 6.3 million units in its first week, Diablo III has started to seriously wane in popularity. I've seen over a dozen friends stop playing completely in the last few months, and Xfire's usage stats for D3 have dropped by around 90% since June. Guild Wars 2's timely release accounts for some of the drop, but there's a lot more going on than just competition.

The Diablo III beta showed only the first few levels and part of the game's highly polished first act, and soon after release it became obvious that parts of the game weren't exactly finished. PvP was cut from release, the Auction House was a mess, and Inferno difficulty was a poor excuse for an endgame. Poor itemisation made the carrot on the end of the stick taste sour, and the runaway inflation on top-end items is crying out for some kind of ladder reset mechanic. But there is hope for improvement, with new legendary items, the Paragon level system, and the upcoming Uber boss mechanic taking a few steps in the right direction.

In this opinion piece, I look at some of the fundamental flaws in Diablo III's endgame and suggest a few improvements that would make a world of difference.

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Not So Massively: Torchlight II free demo, Diablo III's Ubers revealed

Betas, Game mechanics, New titles, Patches, PvP, News items, PvE, Free-to-play, Not So Massively, MOBA, League of Legends, Diablo III, Firefall

Not So Massively title image
It's been a long time coming, but Torchlight II is finally here, and you can play a demo version of it completely free. Diablo III fansite Diablofans has been digging around in the test realm patch files to find out how the game's new Uber bosses works and what awesome rewards can be found by fighting them. Path of Exile celebrates its fourth successful public stress test weekend and looks at an interesting character build that lets players kills monsters by setting themselves on fire.

League of Legends released details of its next champion this week, the stealthy insectoid Kha'Zix, who can evolve his abilities in the middle of a game. Dota 2 officially released classic champion Meepo The Geomancer this week, and upcoming MOBA Prime World announced an odd new "PvEvP" game mode. Upcoming FPS Firefall came under fire from some beta testers this week for the unpolished state of its current beta client, and Blacklight: Retribution released the winning video of its bolt-action rifle montage contest.

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The Mog Log: Generating a wow factor in FFXIV

Fantasy, Patches, News items, Opinion, Consoles, Final Fantasy XIV, The Mog Log, Housing

The Mog Log header by A. Fienemann
The more I see about Final Fantasy XIV's relaunch, the more anxious I get.

If there's any doubt remaining in the minds of others, let me be entirely transparent: I'm a big fan of Final Fantasy XIV. Wonders never cease, I know. To say that I'm looking forward to the new version is pretty much irrelevant. Of course I'm going to play it when everything changes over; I'm playing it now and would continue to do so even without the promise of rebirthing realms.

But while I was discussing the game over dinner with Ms. Lady a few nights ago, she said something that struck me as very relevant: "It's going to need to really be awesome to pull me back." And she has a point. I'm getting a bit anxious because the new version thus far seems to set the bar at a very respectable level that's still nowhere near as high as it needs to be, and I wonder whether it's even possible to hit the mark it needs.

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Star Wars: The Old Republic livestream discusses free-to-play, HK-51, and scaling

Sci-fi, Video, Game mechanics, Patches, Previews, News items, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Community Q&A;

Somehow cheery purebloods look more creepy.
The community team behind Star Wars: The Old Republic hosted a livestream, and as you can probably imagine, the whole session has been recorded already by the team from Darth Hater for your viewing pleasure. But if you want to know the highlights and you can't wait for a more detailed take (say, from next week's Hyperspace Beacon), you can always get the rundown of some of the bigger points from the half-hour session.

For those currently playing, HK-51 can be expected before the end of the year, with Cathar getting a somewhat more ambiguous release of whenever the species is ready. There will also be other species to be unlocked when the free-to-play conversion goes live, along with moddable gear (without endgame stats), mounts, and pets. The team is also looking into implementing a hood toggle for the Force-using classes of the game and scaling content down in difficulty for smaller groups of players. Check out the full recording past the break, or just take a look at the highlights.

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Blizzard's 'appear offline' functionality coming soon

World of Warcraft, Fantasy, Culture, Game mechanics, MMO industry, Patches, News items, Diablo III

Blizzard's 'appear offline' functionality coming soon
Have you ever wanted to wander Azeroth in virtual seclusion, flying completely under the radar of folks who may have you on their friends list? If so, Blizzard's new "appear offline" functionality will likely put a smile on your face.

"All of your Real ID friends, BattleTag friends, and character-level friends will see you as offline in their friends list whenever you're logged into the game," Blizzard says on its Battle.net website. This is assuming you don't set your social status option to available, busy, or away, of course. The new functionality is slated for World of Warcraft as well as StarCraft II and Diablo III. WoW's version of the feature should surface sometime after Mists of Pandaria.

Runes of Magic previews Chrysalias Shadows patch

Fantasy, Trailers, Video, Patches, Previews, Free-to-play, Runes of Magic

Runes of Magic previews Chrysalias Shadows patch
Dubbed the "Mysterious Land of the Elements," Chrysalia will be the next step for Runes of Magic adventurers. This strange region is set to open on September 25th, but Gameforge has a preview video to whet your appetite for the journey to come.

Chrysalia is dominated by strong elemental features, such as waterfalls and lava, and looks to be populated by many intelligent insect species. Some of these, like the Garon, are friendly, but others, like the Kulech, will spit acid in your face and slurp your insides for dinner. Or so we've heard.

Next Tuesday's patch will also introduce a new challenging instance to the game. Check out the flyby video after the jump and let us know what you think!

[Source: Gameforge press release]

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New trailer released for Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn

Fantasy, Trailers, Video, Patches, Previews, News items, Consoles, Final Fantasy XIV

Well, the time is actually in a few months.  But let's not get nitpicky.
If you're looking forward to the release of Final Fantasy XIV's large-scale revamp, you're probably devouring every piece of information you can find about the game. So you'll be happy to know that just beyond the cut down yonder lies the latest trailer for the impending relaunch, featuring some recycled footage from previous trailers and some new shots of the game as a whole. Also no voiceovers, if you prefer your information in text form.

What we have seen are elements from the first trailers and some of the bigger group battles, including the Meteor spell. What we haven't seen is some of the in-game footage, including more group battles showing off combat and some of the new landscapes featured in the relaunch. There's also a good look at some of the new starter outfits in the game rather than in concept art. If that sounds like enough reason for you, go ahead and check out the full trailer just past the break.

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SWTOR's 1.4 patch adding moods, delayed binding, and more

Sci-fi, Game mechanics, MMO industry, Patches, News items, Star Wars: The Old Republic

Star Wars: The Old Republic - companions
MMOs sometimes skimp on quality-of-life features in favor of combat. Fortunately Star Wars: The Old Republic's 1.4 patch is looking at the little things, according to a new post on the game's website.

The update adds a new group finder teleport back function as well as delayed binding for those times when you accidentally roll greed or spend your hard-earned commendations on the wrong item. BioWare is also gifting players with some new avatar mood options (think /alarmed or /cheery). Finally, the patch brings companion customization tweaks to the table as well. You can hide helmets and "unify colors to chest" to avoid those godawful mismatched outfits.

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