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Industry download information
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20121002235358/http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/science-research/hosdb/industry-download/

Industry download information

The Centre for Applied Science and Technology provides downloadable material including its database of police protective standards.

Use of tasers figures

The latest figures for the use of tasers by trained police officers in England and Wales have been released. These figures show use up to and including 31 March 2010.

Police protective equipment database

We produce a  searchable database of police protective equipment (new window) (Opens in a new window) (Opens in a new window) (Opens in a new window) (Opens in a new window) (Opens in a new window)  so the police can find the most up-to-date information on body armour and standards.

Testing CCTV image quality

We have developed a new range of tests to assist system installers and owners to robustly assess the performance of their CCTV systems. The tests are designed to be simple to use and produce results that are easy for a non-technical person to understand.

This new test system helps with common problems like video compression, changeable viewing resolution and variable transmission bit rate/bandwidth which can all result in the unpredictable quality of your digital CCTV images.

Download the new test targets

To encourage widespread use of the new test targets we have made them available for downloading with instructions on how to print them, to ensure accurate reproduction: downloadable electronic versions and system test procedures (please note these files are very large, 250MB). 

What is in the new test system?

The kit is a set of test images and a measuring stick. It includes tests for human identification, vehicle registration number legibility, colour rendition and resolution. The source material is available for download with instructions to produce a hard copy testing kit.

Measuring stick

The average height of a person can be measured with a calibrated measuring stick 1.7m high.

Human identification test

The purpose of this test is to help system commissioners and auditors to demonstrate the CCTV system under review is capable of providing images that can be identified.

The test consists of nine human faces. A random selection is presented to the camera at an appropriate distance. An operator attempts to match the presented face to a reference list.  The operator’s accuracy is then scored and used to evaluate the capability of the CCTV system to record identifiable images at this distance.

Vehicle registration number (VRN) legibility test

The purpose of this test is to evaluate whether a CCTV system can provide images suitable for reading a VRN. The test kit specifies nine segments of VRN characters. A random selection of these segments is shown to the camera at an appropriate distance. An operator attempts to match the presented VRN to a reference list and their accuracy is scored.

Colour rendition test

This test will help to establish whether a CCTV system can provide images with reasonably accurate colour information. The test kit includes a basic colour chart which is presented towards the camera at a suitable distance. The operator can then verify the level of match between the colours on a reference chart and the colours seen through the imaging system.

Other tests

Other test targets included in the system are A3 sized versions of the legacy Rotakin™ test pattern which allows system testers to use the updated guidance and methods to establish system acuity.

Download the new test targets

You can download electronic versions and system test procedures.  These files are very large (250MB) so you may find them difficult to download without a broadband connection.  If you prefer a copy of the files on CD (free of charge) write to this address:

Video team
The Centre for Applied Science and Technology
Woodcock Hill
St Albans

email:  castenquiries@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk
switchboard: (+44) (0)1727 865051
fax: (+44) (0)1727 816233

For more information on the test target manufacture or to purchase kits please contact CAST enquiries.

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