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Part one report | Independent Review of Police Officers' & Staff Remuneration & Conditions
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20120816064429/http://review.police.uk:80/part-one-report/

Part one report

Tom Winsor's first report, the Independent Review of Police Officer and Staff Renumeration and Conditions, covered short-term improvements to remuneration and terms and conditions and was published on 8 March 2011.

Tom Winsor's Part 2 report is now available on the publication page.

The report focused on short-term reforms to encourage the police service becoming more efficient, effective and economical. The recommendations are now being considered by the relevant negotiating bodies.


The independent review of pay and conditions of service for police officers and staff began on 1 October 2010.

The Home Secretary has asked the reviewer Tom Winsor to ensure that police pay and conditions and the structures around them are the best they could be given the challenges facing the police service, which will see forces being required to achieve more with less, while also being fair to officers and staff. Tom Winsor is supported by his Policing Advisor, Sir Edward Crew, the former Chief Constable of West Midlands Police and Richard Disney, Professor of Labour Economics at Nottingham University.

The review will report in two parts, covering short-term and long-term improvements.

The first report, published on 8 March 2011, covered:

·                     the deployment of officers and staff (including shift allowances, overtime and assisting other police forces)

·                     post and performance related pay (including special priority payments, competence related threshold payments for constables and bonuses at all ranks)

·                     how officers leave the police service

A second report will be published in January 2012, and will cover:

·                     how officers enter the police service

·                     how pay progression up the pay scales could be made fairer to officers, staff and the taxpayer, and whether the typical service length should be made more flexible

·                     how officer and staff pay and conditions of service are decided (including the structures of the Police Negotiating Board and the police staff council)

Responding to the consultation

The review is especially keen to hear from individual police officers and staff, including PCSOs. For our part one report, Tom Winsor met with hundreds of members of the police service and we received over 7,100 comments on our consultation.

We will be launching our second consultation in March 2011, it will focus on the long-term issues facing the police service.


The review aims to be as transparent and fair as possible. All responses to the review will be published on this webpage and comments are welcome on others’ views. The review will seek additional submissions from all interested parties in March 2011.

·                     a list of the responses received between October 2010 and January 2011

Thank you to everyone who posted their ideas and opinions on our consultation. These were then considered alongside the many other responses from interested organisations and individuals, including the national staff associations and trade unions.


Tom Winsor and Sir Edward Crew held a series of seminars with members of the police service, staff associations and external experts to inform the part one report, covering:

·                     deployment - 9 November 2010

·                     exit routes - 10 November 2010

·                     post and performance related pay - 11 November 2010

To ensure transparency and accuracy of comments and data, the key transcripts have been published.

A further series of seminars will be held to inform our part two report, to be published in June 2011.

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