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Unemployment Rate Drops To 7.8 Percent, Nearly 4-Year Low - Careers Articles
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Unemployment Rate Drops To 7.8 Percent, Nearly 4-Year Low

unemployment stats jobs report

By Lucia Mutikani

WASHINGTON -- The U.S. unemployment rate dropped to a near four-year low of 7.8 percent in September, a potential boost to President Barack Obama's re-election bid.

The Labor Department said on Friday that the unemployment rate, a key focus in the race for the White House, dropped by 0.3 percentage point to its lowest point since January 2009.

A survey of households from which the jobless rate is derived showed 873,000 job gains last month, the most since June 1983. The drop in unemployment came even as Americans moved back into the labor force to resume the hunt for work. The workforce had shrunk in the prior two months.

The household survey is volatile. A survey of business establishments showed employers added 114,000 jobs to their payrolls last month, a touch above economists' expectations for 113,000 jobs. Employment for July and August was revised to show 86,000 more jobs created than previous reported.

It was the second-to-last report before the Nov. 6 election that pits Obama against Republican Mitt Romney.

A Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Thursday after Wednesday's first presidential debate showed that Romney gained ground and is now viewed positively by 51 percent of voters. Obama's favorability rating remained unchanged at 56 percent.

Persistently poor labor market conditions led the Federal Reserve in September to announce a plan to buy $40 billion worth of mortgage-backed securities each month until it sees a sustained turnaround in employment.

The central bank, which also pledged to keep overnight lending rates near zero until at least mid-2015, hopes the purchases drive down long-term borrowing costs and spur the recovery.

The Fed's ultra-easy stance has started to free up credit, giving a lift to consumers, economists said. That, in turn, helped lift retail hiring in September.

Temporary help jobs, which are often seen as a harbinger for permanent hiring, fell 2,000 after being almost flat in August.

Manufacturing payrolls fell for a second straight month.

Construction employment rose 5,000, benefiting from the rise in home construction, as demand for housing rises against the backdrop of record low mortgage rates

Government payrolls rose 10,000 after increasing 45,000 in August. Average hourly earnings rose 7 cents last month, which could support spending.

Economists have blamed the so-called fiscal cliff for a recent slowdown in business hiring, which has left millions of Americans working either part-time or unemployed and too discouraged to look for jobs.

The Congressional Budget Office has warned that a failure by Congress to avoid the automatic tax hikes and government spending cuts that will suck about $600 billion out of the economy next year would knock the economy back into recession.

"Businesses are not hiring people, they want to wait and see how the election evolves and how the political landscape shapes up," said Sung Won Sohn, an economics professor at California State University Channel Islands in Camarillo, Calif. "Everyone has kind of battened down the hatches," Sohn said before the release of the report.

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US Jobless Rate Falls to 7.8 Pct., 44-Month Low

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just think how much lower it will drop when Christmas hiring starts up.. The ass will try and take credit for that too... lies all lies!!

5 hours ago Report abuse +1 rate up rate down Reply
1 reply to ugetangelkisses's comment

Well after all the ones that elected him, believe in Santa Clause !

4 hours ago Report abuse +1 rate up rate down Reply
1 reply to tjdwill007's comment

LOL. The taxpayers are Santa.

3 hours ago Report abuse rate up rate down

i find it so ironic that it is suddenly a record FOUR LOW...LMAO! Sounds like someone is trying to help make up for the complete ass that someone made of themselves on debate night... IF it is it is because people are getting dropped from it because they no longer can get it! Please dont think we are so stupid to believe this.

5 hours ago Report abuse rate up rate down Reply

Is the govt aware that many people have computers now and can look up the real numbers on the BLS site...the u-6 numbers which put the real rate at over 13% unemployment !!!

10 hours ago Report abuse +2 rate up rate down Reply
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11 hours ago Report abuse +1 rate up rate down Reply

Bull. If youm count all the people who are no longer eligible to collect benefits the rate is more like 14%. Besides those who found work generallt are being paid less than their last job, and many are taking part-time jobs just to work.

11 hours ago Report abuse +2 rate up rate down Reply

I have been out of work, laid off after 25 years of service, since 2007. Try finding work when you are 50, malnourished, diabetic, dehydrated, HCV + from on the job/medical lab exposure, and without income for 3 + years. SSDI has denied me over and over, and now I am caught in the trap of indigent public health. I WANT/NEED/LUST TO GO BACK TO WORK. Obama, I was on your side . Now all I can say to your imaginary unemployment numbers is, and, please excuse me here....my a**, and ol'Mitt's response to my plight, I suspect, is just die and get the hell out of the way, you entitlement ******* parasite. What entitlements? A 50 year old woman with no kids under 18 gets 50 bucks a week in food stamps. I am with many others who wrote here: quit pulling numbers out of the thinnest air and base them on what is going on here...a tsunami of human AMERICAN NEED unemployed, underemployed, desperately trying to keep it together with indigent deathcare, opps I mean healthcare, EBT cards, welfare, unemployment checks-if you are lucky enough to still get one, food banks, and most SADLY siphoning the life savings of their parents. BTW, if you are still thinking that bad reviews and your "protected health information" are sacrosanct from discussion from one HR sacred cow to another, you are dead, unemployably wrong.

12 hours ago Report abuse rate up rate down Reply

With just 113,000 new jobs HE has lowered unemployment .03% to the lowest rate in 4 years, 7.8%!!!!!!! (even though it is a widely accepted statistic that you must add 125,000 JUST to stay even with the last months rate??
It is truly a miracle... this is better than when he fed all those starving peasants with the loaves and fish, AND, turned the water into Wine!!!!!!
What a misguided, lying crock of political rubbish... is the voting public REALLY that stupid??????

12 hours ago Report abuse +4 rate up rate down Reply
1 reply to I HATE AOL's comment
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11 hours ago Report abuse rate up rate down Reply

The U.S. is currently 6.5 million jobs below where it was when the recession started. But because the working-age population grows as the population expands, in the nearly four years since the recession started, we would have needed to add around 4.5 million jobs to keep the unemployment rate from rising. Filling the gap in five years—by fall 2016—would mean adding 280,000 jobs each month. By comparison, over the last six months, the economy averaged adding just 90,000 jobs per month on average. At this rate, the unemployment rate will never significantly budge.

13 hours ago Report abuse +3 rate up rate down Reply

Hmmmm and just last week it was reported that unemployment went up in 44 states.

The Obamites are hard at work trying to get their failed hero elected.

13 hours ago Report abuse +5 rate up rate down Reply

In addition to the jobs lost numbers we need a number for the food stamps increases. Each week the 'unemployment numbers' are stated as lower and then revised upward. How about a FOOD STAMPS APPLIED FOR number??????

15 hours ago Report abuse +7 rate up rate down Reply

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