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Guild Wars 2

Free for All: An interview with disabled gamer Keith 'Aieron' Knight

Fantasy, Video, Culture, Interviews, PvP, PvE, Opinion, Guild Wars 2, Free-to-play, Massively Interviews, Free for All, Livestream, Miscellaneous, MOBA, League of Legends

Keith 'Aieron' Knight playing Guild Wars 2
There are literally millions of disabled citizens in the United States alone. How many of these millions play games or would love to if the developers and hardware manufacturers provided more options for control and accessibility? During my time volunteering with Ablegamers.com, I learned a lot about how disabled gamers are often ignored or simply forgotten during the making of a title. Despite the fact that MMOs are generally more accessible than, say, the latest FPS, the community and developers still have a long way to go.

Don't tell that to Keith "Aieron" Knight. Besides having a killer name, he hasn't let his muscular dystrophy stop him at all. Recently he gained a bit of fame after being promoted by the official Guild Wars 2 and AbleGamers Twitter accounts. It turns out he was streaming his gameplay live, along with his webcam, as he played games to raise money for research. When I first tuned in to watch, he had over 3,000 viewers. The chat was mostly civil and showed just how educational it can be to show how a disabled player actually accesses a game. Many in the chat room didn't believe it was real. Why? Well, because Knight can pretty much kick some butt in both Guild Wars 2 and League of Legends... all while playing by using a pen in his mouth and his cheek on the mouse.

I had to ask this guy some questions!

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Flameseeker Chronicles: My Guild Wars 2 wishlist

Fantasy, Bugs, Game mechanics, Opinion, Guild Wars 2, Flameseeker Chronicles

Flameseeker Chronicles My Guild Wars 2 wishlist
Having hit level 80 on one character, finished the personal storyline, delved into dungeons, been handed my backside in PvP, conquered keeps in WvW, and run around like a chipmunk on crack with multiple alts, I feel that I am totally in a position to pass absolute judgment on Guild Wars 2.

Well, I've at least had enough time to draw some firm opinions about the game. There are a lot of things I like, but there are also things I wish were different. This is by no means a conclusive list of those things. What are they? You'll never know unless you skip below the jump. Go on. You know you want to.

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Jukebox Heroes: Whimsy and oddity

World of Warcraft, Dungeons and Dragons Online, Lord of the Rings Online, Warhammer Online, Guild Wars 2, Free Realms, Champions Online, Hello Kitty Online, Miscellaneous, Jukebox Heroes

Jukebox Heroes Whimsy and oddity
I have two big announcements today. The first is that Jukebox Heroes is switching from a bi-weekly to a weekly schedule, which should delight my 30 readers and cause an epidemic of indifference elsewhere. The second is that we're going to take a week off examining specific soundtracks to have a little fun with how silly MMO studios can get.

If you haven't figured it out already, this column is kind of a not-so-subtle outlet for sharing my MMO music collection with you. I don't have any firm method of collection other than I just acquire tracks that my ear tells me I'd like to hear again. So along the way, I've acquired a few oddball pieces that you probably won't find on any OST but that are notable enough to share.

In some cases, these tracks represent studios' attempts (successful or otherwise) to let down their hair and be humorous. In others, these songs are parodies or one-time special events. So let's take a sidebar to look at the whimsical and odd songs of gaming.

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Get crafty for the Guild Wars 2 Halloween contest

Fantasy, Contests, Events, real-world, News items, Guild Wars 2

Get crafty for the Guild Wars 2 Halloween contest
Do you like Guild Wars 2? Do you like Halloween? Do you like chances to win graphics cards and other goodies? That's an incredibly convenient set of likes you've got there because it means that the Guild Wars 2 Halloween contest is pretty perfect for you. That is, it's perfect if you like making dioramas. You like dioramas, don't you? We knew you did.

Contest dates and other bits of information of that nature haven't been announced yet, but the ArenaNet team wants you thinking of what sort of Guild Wars 2sy, Halloween-y scene you'd like to bring to life. Hit up the contest teaser page, and get those spooky and creative juices flowing!

Pink Day in LA is coming to a Lion's Arch near you

Fantasy, Guild Wars, Culture, Events, real-world, Events, in-game, News items, Guild Wars 2

Yes, I know, this is Divinity's Reach. Sue me.
It's October, and you know what that means! The time for Pink Day in LA is almost upon us! The Gaming World Entertainment Network's annual Guild Wars fundraiser for the fight against breast cancer will be held on Saturday, October 20th.

Of course, the LA of Pink Day in LA is Lion's Arch, and there are two of those now. GW-EN's solution is to host parties in Lion's Arch in both Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2. Up to three international districts in Guild Wars will be hosted, as will the Henge of Denravi, Dragonbrand, Stormbluff Isle, Jade Quarry, Darkhaven, Sanctum of Rall, Underworld, and Desolation servers in Guild Wars 2. You don't really need to be playing a Guild Wars game to participate: GW-EN is encouraging people to tun into the radio stream and celebrate the event no matter what game they play. Maybe we'll all accept that LA can be found in our hearts, not on some server somewhere.

Hit up the official Pink Day website for full details, including a prize list and information on how you can help.

Previously on MV TV: The week of September 22nd

Fantasy, Video, Aion, EverQuest II, Classes, Events, in-game, Interviews, Previews, Wurm Online, Opinion, Ultima Online, Vanguard, Guild Wars 2, Free-to-play, The Secret World, Casual, Virtual worlds, Humor, Allods Online, Community Q&A;, Livestream, Sandbox, Dungeons, Crafting, Previously on MV TV, Anniversary, Housing

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It's that time of the week again, people! Time for those unlucky few who missed our livestreams as they went live to click beyond the cut and enjoy my favorites of the week. It's hard picking them out, so I reach out to the team and ask which ones deserve to be highlighted. Honestly, all of the livestreams deserve the spotlight, but it should be no surprise to find out that individual streamers find their own streams to be the best of the best. I tend to agree, and every week I am surprised at just how no-nonsense and informative our streams are. Be sure to bookmark our livestream schedule calender so that each week you can tune in to your favorite. Feel free to suggest titles for streaming and to chat it up with our streamers live as they play!

This week we have MJ returning with her favorite games like EverQuest II, Aion, The Secret World, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, and Guild Wars 2. Richie joins in with his current favorite, Guild Wars 2, and I round things off with an hour spent with the Ultima Online developer team, a goblinball session with community leaders in Allods Online, and a tutorial on building a house in Wurm Online! Trust me, if there is one goblin-kicking, dev-interviewing, house-building livestream series that you should watch, it's this one!

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ArenaNet accepting apps for 2013 internships

Fantasy, MMO industry, News items, Guild Wars 2, Free-to-play

ArenaNet accepting apps for 2013 internships
Think you have what it takes to work for ArenaNet? Are you willing to spend a year toiling for peanuts and attaboys?

If you answered yes to both of those questions, head to the official ArenaNet blog and read over the company's class of 2013 internship post. ANet is offering experience in disciplines ranging from character and environmental art to animation and programming. Best of all, you'll get a year's worth of networking opportunities, not to mention resume fodder from one of the industry's most successful firms.

Guild Wars 2 patches up dungeon rewards and difficulty

Fantasy, Game mechanics, Patches, News items, Guild Wars 2, Dungeons

Now I have all of the tokens!  I am the queen of Tokenania!  That's how it works, right?
If you've had your fill of helping NPCs around the world and advancing your personal story in Guild Wars 2, you're probably going to head into one of the game's dungeons. You may have noticed some changes to the way that the dungeon rewarded your accomplishments if you've already done that today. These changes are the result of the game's newest patch, which has altered the reward structure for dungeon tokens and some of the encounter mechanics within individual dungeons.

Players now receive dungeon tokens by reaching the end of an explorable chain rather than via individual boss kills, which prevents players from farming the first boss that drops tokens. To help increase the overall rewards from a single run, the chains will offer 20 tokens on completion and an additional 40 the first time you clear one in a given day. Thus, clearing all three chains in a given dungeon in one day will reward you with 180 tokens in total. Read up on the full changes, along with some minor balance adjustments and bugfixes, in the full patch notes.

Massively Speaking Episode 217: Shawn into the sunset

Podcasts, City of Heroes, Darkfall, MMO industry, News items, Guild Wars 2, Massively Meta, Massively Speaking, Miscellaneous

Massively Speaking Episode 217 Shawn into the sunset
With this week -- and this podcast -- Massively's Editor-in Chief Shawn Schuster departs from helming this barge of insane writers, and an era comes to an end. To mark this occasion, we invited him to join us for one last Massively Speaking with the ultimate goal of seeing whether we could get him to cry. That's easy: All you have to do is mention Tabula Rasa three or more times.

Have a comment for the podcasters? Shoot an email to podcast@massively.com. We may just read your email on the air!

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Read below the cut for the full show notes.

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Flameseeker Chronicles: Guild Wars 2 dungeons and dungeon talk

Fantasy, Endgame, Opinion, Guild Wars 2, Flameseeker Chronicles, Dungeons

Flameseeker Chronicles Dungeons & dungeon talk
I finally had enough time set aside to head into a dungeon this weekend. We made it through the Ascalonian Catacombs story mode with considerable grace, and I'm hoping to progress through each story mode before doubling back to start on explorable versions.

Having made more than 60 silver in coin and drops (and only losing a small handful to a single armor repair after the dungeon), I feel a bit better about the currency gain throughout the game. I've heard plenty about people giving up on certain explorable branches of certain dungeons because they were effectively losing gold due to armor repair costs, but I can't really speak to that yet.

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ArenaNet posts a new Guild Wars 2 introductory video

Fantasy, Video, News items, Guild Wars 2

ArenaNet posts a new Guild Wars 2 introductory video
Have you heard about Guild Wars 2? You haven't? Cool -- ArenaNet put out a brand-new video just for you. A new video, called What is Guild Wars 2, has sprung up on ArenaNet's YouTube channel. Starring a sombre narrator, music from the official soundtrack, and copious in-game footage, the video is an introduction to the races, professions, and mechanics of the game. While not exactly a trailer, this video seems like a much more accessible and straight-forward counterpart to the recently released official launch trailer.

Skip below the cut to check it out.

[Thanks to savvy reader Divalicious Diva for the tip!]

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Previously on MV TV: The week of September 15th

Fantasy, Sci-fi, Super-hero, Video, Aion, City of Heroes, EVE Online, EverQuest II, Culture, Game mechanics, Previews, Opinion, Vanguard, Guild Wars 2, Free-to-play, Casual, Virtual worlds, Humor, Community Q&A;, World of Tanks, Livestream, Miscellaneous, Dungeons, Previously on MV TV

Previously On MV TV banner
Ah, what a week in livestreaming for the Massively crew! Luckily, no one was discouraged by the fact that I was unable to stream my usual amount because I was waiting on a new PC to arrive. What brave soldiers, what fearless souls! I begged them to go on without me, and... well, they did. Pretty easily, actually. Be sure to bookmark our livestream schedule page so you won't miss another!

Anyway, what did we do on to stream? Well, tons of stuff. I took some of the very best streams from last week and assembled them in one easy-to-swallow pill. All you have to do is sit back, relax, and watch the wackiness! Like what? Like Richie taking on some more Guild Wars 2 in beautiful HD; MJ leaping bravely into The Secret World, EverQuest II, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, City of Heroes and Aion; and Mike PvPing in EVE Online and World of Tanks. I rounded things off with my one stream of the week: a look at IMVU, a social MMO for those who really, really like to go goth.

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The Daily Grind: Do jumping puzzles belong in MMOs?

Fantasy, Game mechanics, MMO industry, Opinion, Guild Wars 2, Massively Meta, The Daily Grind, Miscellaneous

Guild Wars 2
Among the many map locations Guild Wars 2 entices its players to explore are vistas, and let's not kid ourselves: Vistas are jumping puzzles. Some are easier than others, of course, and some don't require much jumping at all (like those that ask you to take a leap of faith into an Asura gate or dive deep into a lagoon). But most of the time, your spacebar skills will be tested.

Though I am no platforming champion, Guild Wars 2's jumping puzzles have seemed very doable for me. A few have been frustrating enough to annoy me, especially those that require a few minutes of set-up so easily spoiled by a single overshot. But I like that MMO developers are bringing in new gameplay elements that both challenge and reward us and aren't just another round of "click here to make the foozle go."

What do you think -- do jumping puzzles belong in MMOs?

Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

Guild Wars 2 players suffer a server outage

Fantasy, Bugs, Launches, Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 players suffer an accidental rollback
Guild Wars 2 players were distressed last night to find themselves kicked from the game during loading screens and unable to log in. Shortly after the problems began, ArenaNet's community team started communicating about them via Twitter, saying that the issues were being looked into. Forum logins were also disabled.

After about an hour of downtime, the game was once again accessible to all -- with a slight problem. Many players discovered that they'd lost the fruits of recent endeavors, including map exploration, items, experience, and gold. According to the Guild Wars 2 Twitter, the team is unable to restore progression or items due to the nature of the outage.

Beyond updates as the issue was being resolved, no one from ArenaNet has given comment about the nature of the outage or how such problems will be avoided in the future.

ArenaNet celebrates concept artists, sheds light on WvW queues [Updated]

Fantasy, Game mechanics, PvP, News items, Guild Wars 2, Dev Diaries

ArenaNet celebrates concept artists, sheds light on WvW queues
One of ArenaNet's main selling points for Guild Wars 2 is the game's art direction. In recognition of that, the studio has begun a series of weekly interviews, which kicked off with a chat with Concept Artist Team Lead Jamie Ro. After getting her start in Auckland, New Zealand, Ro worked on developing a new style of art once she got to the States. She's pleased to be on a team with "some of the most talented people in the industry" whose "support and friendly competition" keep her motivated, and she believes that the diversity of artists and art styles represented in the concept art department is a real strength of the team. Head on over to the official interview to see all of what she has to say.

In other Guild Wars 2 news, Mike Ferguson has been busy updating players about World vs World queue numbers. About 30% of Guild Wars 2 players queued up for WvW on the day that his data was taken, and about 3% of the players who were queued up didn't get in during that time. Ferguson says that the team is "looking at a number of short term and long term solutions" to help get more people playing and fewer people queuing. There are a lot of charts to be seen, so take a gander at the NA and EU server posts to see what's up.

[Update: The team also plans to limit world transfers to one per 24 hours in an attempt to limit WvW exploits.]

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