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Spiritual Guidance: Guide to Mists of Pandaria holy priests

Spiritual Guidance Guide to Mists of Pandaria holy priests
WoW Insider brings you Spiritual Guidance for discipline, holy and shadow priests. Dawn Moore is a discipline priest by reputation, but still enjoys melting faces as shadow and bugging her raid to click the Lightwell as holy.

Are you going to be playing a holy priest in Mists of Pandaria? Are you up to date on what's different? Do you know what talents to pick, or what gear you want? If you don't, this guide will explain the changes, help you select talents, and give you suggestions on picking out gear for your character. Let's start with the changes.
  • Lightspring You know how priests have always been begging Blizzard to make Lightwell work like that Lightwell in Trial of the Champion? The one that spits out heals at players instead of requiring them to click on it? Well, we finally got it. It's called Lightspring, and you can get it by inscribing the Glyph of Lightspring. It does just as much healing as Lightwell, except it does it over time and only heals players below 50% health.
  • Chakra The three Chakra states (Chakra: Serenity, Chakra: Sanctuary, and Chakra: Chastise) have become stances which players can now swap between as they please. Previously you had to activate Chakra states by casting a corresponding spell, but now you can simply bind each state to a key and switch like druids or warriors. Unfortunately, there is a 30-second cooldown on each stance so you can't quickly swap between the stances to maximize your Chakra usage down to the individual spell. You'll still be able to switch Chakra several times during a fight though.

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Filed under: Priest, (Priest) Spiritual Guidance

Getting started in PvP Season 12

Being Dreadfully Gladiatorial
PvP Season 12 has begun, as we informed you last week. First and foremost, where are the vendors with the PvP gear? They're a little hidden away in Mists, that's for sure, with the Alliance vendor on the Serpent's Spine, the huge wall, level with the border between Vale of Eternal Blossoms and Valley of the Four Winds. There is a flight point there, but you won't have it unless you happened to pick it up while looking for Bowmistress Li. The Horde vendor is also on the wall, but between Townlong Steppes and Kun Lai Summit, a short way west of the corner. Again, there's a flight point there, but you likely won't have it. For both vendors, you can reach them by getting up onto the wall at pretty much any point you can, and running along it. Of course, you'll likely be 90 before you're interested in hunting them down, so you can just fly on over!

And do check out our guides to the Silvershard Mines and Temple of Kotmogu.

Weapon Problems

The PvP vendors sell both item level 458 honor gear, and item level 483 conquest gear, but there is currently a complete absence of honor weapons. Rather flying in the face of the so-called "you can play the game how you want to" Mists philosophy, PvPers are yet again required to get their early PvP weapons via PvE. While hardly new at the beginning of an expansion, it's rather frustrating.

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Filed under: PvP, Blood Sport (Arena PvP)

Encrypted Text: Combo points, chi, and your slow rogue

leeching poison
Every week, WoW Insider brings you Encrypted Text for assassination, combat and subtlety rogues. Chase Christian will be your guide to the world of shadows every Wednesday. Feel free to email me with any questions or article suggestions you'd like to see covered here.

The official rogue forums are one of the last places that I expect to find a blue post. The community managers tend to avoid the class-specific boards, and our rogue nook tends to have a poor signal-to-noise ratio. However, the recent thread titled "Why we are energy starved" was graced with several blue posts from Daxxarri. The original poster, Cloake, was lamenting on the fact that our finishers cost both energy and combo points to use.

Several posters commented on how our cousins, the windwalker monks, have solved this by having their chi finishers only consume chi and not energy. Daxxarri commented that Jab, their version of Sinister Strike, isn't exactly a great damage-dealer like our generators, so it's hard to make a direct comparison. Rogues aren't monks, and monks aren't rogues. But the question remains: why does the windwalker monk rotation feel so much more active and engaging than a rogue rotation?

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Filed under: Rogue, (Rogue) Encrypted Text

The Queue: Or maybe tigers

Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Alex Ziebart will be your host today.

I wish dragons flew out of my feet in real life. That'd be pretty sweet.

racer951y asked:

Is there a monk column I might have mist?

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Filed under: Analysis / Opinion, The Queue

Around Azeroth: Me and my dragon

Around Azeroth Me and my dragon WEDNESDAY
"I had just finished traveling all around and studying the rich history of Pandaria, earning me the right to purchase a Red Flying Cloud from the Lorewalkers quartermaster," writes submitter Gryzor of Screaming Bees on Moon Guard (US-H). "Needless to say, I took it for a spin around the Vale, and with the powers of '80s anime bearing me onwards like a mighty wind, I decided to fly alongside Alani the Stormborn just to see what it feels like to be Son Goku." I don't understand the reference, as my only experience with anime is watching Trigun when I was at college and looking to meet nerdy dudes, but anyone who wants to imitate Gryzor can follow our exalted with Lorewalkers guide.

Want to see your own screenshot here? Send it to aroundazeroth@wowinsider.com. We strongly prefer full-sized pictures with no UI or names showing. Include "Azeroth" in the subject line to ensure your submission dodges email spam filters; if you'd like to be credited, also include your name, guild and realm.

Filed under: Around Azeroth

Bling-tastic Blingtron 4000!

Blingtastic Blingtron 4000!
This awesome robot is created by engineering with a level requirement of 600, creating a summonable robot known as Blingtron 4000. He can only be summoned give you a gift once per day, and hangs around being generous for about ten minutes, giving away his Blingtron 4000 Gift Packages to anyone who talks to him. As commenters pointed out (thanks!) he can be summoned every 4 hours.

The exciting thing is that these packages can contain all manner of different items, from potions to amazing things that offer profession skill-ups to steamy romance novels about falling in love with robots. Presumably, robots who love a bit of bling, and are generous types. Robots with one earring, blue-green eyes, and fixed smiles...

Mists of Pandaria is here! The level cap has been raised to 90, many players have returned to Azeroth, and pet battles are taking the world by storm. Keep an eye out for all of the latest news, and check out our comprehensive guide to Mists of Pandaria for everything you'll ever need to know.

Filed under: Mists of Pandaria

Breakfast Topic: What are the secrets to a successful leveling partnership?

I miss my leveling partner
If you're already level 90, run right along to refill your coffee and get another donut -- today's Breakfast Topic isn't for you. This one's for all you smell-the-rose types, whether you've started over with a pandaren or a monk, or you're just exploring and poking and experimenting your way through Pandaria.

Do you have a leveling partner? We're talking about an actual, formal duo, a character you only play when your partner is online and leveling at the same rate you are. Don't get me wrong, this is no casual arrangement. Broken leveling pacts have broken many a relationship -- heck, even skipping levels together can bring on the pain!

Who brightens your grinds, keeps you on track, and never, ever sneaks off ahead while you're selling your grays? Is there a loyal guildmate or perhaps a real-world amour who's always by your side? And if you do, what are the secrets of your success? Do you never log in without the other? Do you sometimes play separately but stay within an agreed level range? What keeps your partnership successfully pushing through the mists instead of pouring out your agony to the Drama Mamas?

Filed under: Breakfast Topics

WoW Insider's Guide to the Anglers

Guide to the Anglers
The entire continent of Pandaria seems to ravaged by war, doubt, and uncertainty, but you wouldn't know it by visiting the Angler's Wharf. There you'll find a crew of light-hearted folks that are too busy sitting on a dock by Krasarang Bay with a fishing line tied to their toe. The humble fishers there have a variety of dailies and rewards that make it a breeze to level fishing -- and worthwhile to boot. If you're like me and actually enjoy the quiet solitude of casting a line in some far-off corner of WoW then this faction is just icing on the cake.

A soggy introduction

Before you hit level 90 and begin the interminable grind that is the Pandaria daily shuffle, your first introduction to the Anglers will be in Soggy's Gamble, in the southeastern corner of the Dread Wastes. All of the quests in that hub reward reputation with the Anglers, and in total should be enough to put you in striking distance of Friendly before you ever do a single daily. Make sure you complete these for an early boost to the rep.

Now, let's dig into what the Anglers have to offer, exactly.

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Filed under: Mists of Pandaria

Shifting Perspectives: Gearing your restoration druid for Mists of Pandaria heroics

Shifting Perspectives Gearing your restoration druid for Mists of Pandaria heroics
Every week, WoW Insider brings you Shifting Perspectives for cat, bear, restoration and balance druids. This Tuesday, masochists eager to heal a pack of early dungeon-runners sort through gear options.

This picture's already a bit dated -- my main's been 90 for about a week now -- but you'll probably find yourself in Mogu'shan Palace for several runs trying to get some useful gear to drop. As an aside, the rush of leveling monks continues apace, and more and more of them will start appearing in your level 85+ groups. Get gear now, people!

As NocturNamos pointed out in last week's article on how to gear a guardian druid for Mists of Pandaria heroics, the ilevel requirement for heroics (or more accurately, queuing for heroics through the dungeon finder) has been lowered to ilevel 435. As such, I've included some ilevel 437 quest rewards in this guide that I didn't think were usable last week.

Again, most of this guide's advice can be condensed to the following points:
  • Quest through the Townlong Steppes and the Dread Wastes.
  • Be prepared to spend some justice points.
  • Farm normal Mogu'shan Palace.
  • If you have a good option available from professions (whether primary or secondary), don't ignore it.

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Filed under: Druid, (Druid) Shifting Perspectives

WoW Moviewatch: Anton Pourqoi No Rerolls: Pandaria, ep. 3

Well, this is it. AFK Players have released the third episode of Anton Pourqoi No Rerolls: Pandaria. In a word, it's absolutely amazing. Including mind-blowing animation, pop culture references, and a wicked sense of humor, the Anton Pourqoi series might be the finest machinima we've seen in 2012.

I'm really sad to see the series end. Hopefully, the AFK Players will stay around for a while longer and we'll get the chance to see more panda shenanigans. I think the Street Fighter bit was my favorite, though the Bruce Lee references totally win.

Interested in the wide world of machinima? We have new movies every weekday here on WoW Moviewatch! Have suggestions for machinima we ought to feature? Toss us an email at moviewatch@wowinsider.com.

Filed under: WoW Moviewatch

Around Azeroth

Around Azeroth

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