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  • Member Since Jan 23rd, 2009
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Join Starfleet, and you might have a crack at one.
I'm hopeful for stuff like this, because chemotherapy is like beating yourself with a bat in order to fix a hangnail.

@Peter Church


Am I still on your brain, Peter?

I stopped posting because of a family emergency took the fun out of engaging in what is a mostly useless back and forth over consumer gadgets.

Quite frankly it exposed the immaturity and futility of the whole thing. So I left it to you all.

I still read the Android / iOS flames and enjoy the display of wasted time.

But thanks for still keeping me messing with your mind.


You are seriously a SAD person.
@Peter Church

Well if you two trolls must know, I've been dealing with big people concerns, like a close family member and cancer, so I've haven't had the time nor desire to engage in happy arguments over gadgets.

But if you miss me that much, then all you had to do was ask.
Sooooooo tempting. These guys have come a long way!

Sadly I have no reason to run it right now.

"Couldn't he just make flash optional...even disable it by default but give the user the option of installing? Bluetooth and wifi eat the battery much more than flash...we just disable it when not in use or live with less battery. Why does he allow those techs if he is so concerned about battery life"

That is the most brilliant rebuttal of this you can possibly have.

But it seems the argument from the parrots here is that you are too dumb to figure stuff like that out, and that Flash needs to be kept from you because it destroys machines (no evidence).

It is obscene how these robots, and PR re-printers at tech blogs, just let this guy slide on this because they dont want to dent his aura.


"I agree. It seems a lot of people want Flash simply to have flash, to hell with the consequences. Then they'll blame Apple because Safari crashed on their iPhone."

Oh I'm sure it isnt because they actually want to use it. Noooooo.

They need to be told what is good for them. They simply aren't capable of making a decision as an adult.

"to hell with the consequences"?

Such an absurd line of thought. If you folks cant handle the big bad internet as it is, then dont use it, and dont force your narrow vision of it on us because "stevo" told you that was the right way.
"Flash was created during the PC era"

Oddly enough so were web pages, HTML, Email, and Apple.

What's his point?

Is it going to update your status while your drive?

"I just totally turned right at the light. Saved 4 minutes on my trip!"

"Traffic is horrible. Going to take an alternative route!"

"10 minutes from my destination....Then it time for a Lost marathon!"
Let the hive mind of Engadget get that for you.
"I have a friend who's taken a job in a security field and the employer doesn't allow cameras on cellphones. He's currently happy with an iPhone 3GS and would definitely consider an Android device but is having trouble finding a decent phone with no camera. The only caveat is that for whatever reason he doesn't want a BlackBerry. Does anyone else make a decent smartphone sans camera? Thanks!"

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