The Right Thing for Women and Children

Mother and child in Burkina Faso. If women in poor countries can get the contraceptives they want, millions of lives will be saved, says Melinda Gates. More

Kenya: Gender-Friendly Farming

Residents of Yatta district in Kenya's Eastern Province used to live on food aid due to dwindling crops of maize until a local bishop changed everything.More

Burundi: Tougher Going for Pregnant Muslim Women

In a country with only three women gynecologists, access to specialised health care for Muslim women in Burundi is limited.More

Africa: Expanding Contraceptive Use to Save Lives

Melinda Gates says deaths from complications related to pregnancy and giving birth kill more than 350,000 women and three million babies, mostly in developing countries, every year. More

Family Planning Summit Aims to Deliver

Delegates at the London Summit on Family Planning expressed a firm commitment to increase the political will and resources needed to provide millions of women with crucial services. More

Kenya: Funds for Sanitary Towels

Kenya's treasury has announced that U.S.$3.5 million will be allocated for impoverished girls to have access to free sanitary towels. More

Madagascar: Women Pay High Price in Crisis

The majority of the Malagasy population endures poor governance, insecurity and violence, with women bearing the brunt of these hardships.More

Kenya: Seeking Justice for Forced Sterilization

Mother and daughter in HIV clinic (file photo): More than 40 HIV-positive women, who were allegedly coerced into sterilization procedures, are taking their case to court to demand justice.More

Namibian Women Win Landmark Court Case

A Namibian court has ruled that the government had coercively sterilised three HIV-positive women in violation of their human rights. More

Africa: Greater Support for HIV-Positive Pregnant Women

Speaking at the 19th International Aids Conference, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced an additional U.S.$80 million to support treatment for HIV-positive pregnant women. More

Liberia: No Policy for Pregnant School Girls

Despite being a major factor in limiting access to education for girls, Liberia's Education Law has no policy for girls who become pregnant while enrolled.More

InFocus: Women and Gender

Kenya's One-Third Gender Dilemma

The attorney general has petitioned the Supreme Court on the interpretation of the one-third gender rule and the presidential elections. Read more »

Nigeria: Zamfara State to Fund Widows' Marriages


The Commissioner for Women and Children Affairs says government has concluded plans to assist widows to fund their marriages in order to reduce the burden they face. Read more »

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