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  1. Toyota comes off looking very bad after pulling ads from ABC because of the station's news coverage http://bit.ly/948b1h #cmp10
  2. @angela757 Re: Bordieu & ratings. He seems to advocate the "tell 'em what they should know, not what they want." That's flawed, too. #cmp10
  3. Agreed. RT @sam13_463: I was impressed w/ the extent of Fiske's model & his ability to relate Level 1 & 2 codes w/ Level 3 concepts #cmp10
  4. Smarter than the French. RT @Dave_L_Jones: @LizaPotts Williams is British. Therefore he's smarter. #cmp10
  5. For now, I'll say I agree audience ratings - instead of advertisers, as Chomsky suggests - can drive coverage. And that's bad. #cmp10
  6. OK, folks of #cmp10, that Bordieu reading was brutal... (1/2)
  7. @KellyAnnMurphy1 Just went back and watched that interview. Interesting to watch the camera closes in on her.
  8. Bud Light "Little Women", too #cmp10 RT @GroceryNihilist: Dodge Charger commercial made me think of Fiske-- encoded cultural assumptions...
  9. Lots of good examples of Fiske's codes on television. Among the best, maybe the movie Fatal Attraction (lighting, angle, set, etc) #cmp10
  10. @GroceryNihilist The best is when he's slinking away on all fours... What an atrocious acting credit...
  11. Funniest - and worst - political ad in a long time. It's 3 minutes, but if you watch it all, it's worth it. http://tiny.cc/uAMTS
  12. Seems like this guy may have been scoping the store rather than taking pics for an upgraded Google Maps http://bit.ly/bAoYf8
  13. @patrickmwilson I don't think you meant it this way, but that message about Kristin read like she's a suspect (again)...
  14. NFL decides to relax on rights to "Who Dat" http://tiny.cc/I8rKZ
  15. Good use of social media by Budweiser to engage audience, promote Super Bowl ads: http://bit.ly/cb82BO
  16. Southwest Airlines to offer in-flight wi-fi... for a fee. Haven't set the price yet, tho. http://tiny.cc/l0iyF
  17. Re: Herman & Chomsky. No doubt profit helps drive coverage. Anyone remember this classic? http://bit.ly/bi0aby #cmp10
  18. Pure hell. RT @litmom4: Interesting in light of H&C-Writer; watches only msn, cnn and fox. for a full week. http://bit.ly/6HEdNn #CMP10
  19. @KellyAnnMurphy1 Shock is alive but it ain't what it used to be. If you're not shocked, you're desensitized. Mission accomplished for media.
  20. @angela757 good reference to Hot Topic and "Goth" for Hebdige #cmp10