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Fortune's 25 Best-Paying Companies - Careers Articles
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Fortune's 25 Best-Paying Companies

DevonEngineers at Devon Energy take home an average $178,305 total compensation annually. See which other Best Companies to Work For offer big paychecks.

Take a look at the ten top-paying companies in the gallery below, and view the full list of 25 at CNNMoney.

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where is international paper stock going

July 09 2012 at 10:53 AM Report abuse rate up rate down Reply
Ashish Sharma

test 22222

February 09 2012 at 2:03 PM Report abuse rate up rate down Reply

testing cccc

February 09 2012 at 2:01 PM Report abuse rate up rate down Reply
Big D!!

With my AADD, why even try? I'll just be the dust pan for these super high I.Q pseudo-supremists to throw their crap in. And they don't care. No wonder people like me vote with their guns instead of their ballots.

February 02 2012 at 7:11 AM Report abuse rate up rate down Reply

happy 60 years old

February 02 2012 at 6:21 AM Report abuse rate up rate down Reply

I believe this hospital is in or about Portsmouth, Ohio? That would be Scioto County.

February 02 2012 at 5:47 AM Report abuse rate up rate down Reply

No wonder my healthcare cost so much!!!!

February 02 2012 at 1:44 AM Report abuse +1 rate up rate down Reply
Amber Dawn

I found this very helpful! As an aspiring software designer/engineer I'm glad I came across this page, I've never heard of Autodesk before, sounds like a promising company....although I still have my eyes set on Microsoft....they do pay really good even for simple jobs :)

February 02 2012 at 12:28 AM Report abuse rate up rate down Reply

Most of the companies are either in the Health, or software companies, large law offices and one inthe Restuarant and energy exploration. Duh
Most Us electronics has been offshored. If not, the companies cry "We can't find enough people to do the jobs ( qualified people that is) which is crap so that they can say not enough software engineering jobs exist for the people capable of doing them. They do this so that they canclaim "shotages" and they go lobby before congress and they can get more H1B's. Theygive 85,000 h1B's along with a group of foreigners. That's a fact.
By the way how did Goldman Sachs get on the list of top 25 companies????

February 01 2012 at 11:55 PM Report abuse rate up rate down Reply
1 reply to bob's comment
jay love

you said it well Bob!! we all need to push whomever if going to be the next candidate for president and also the congress to eliminate, or at least severely limit those H1B visa's in todays employment environment where Americans, (those already heere and trained) are finding it impossible to land decent paying jobs, or jobs at all, its insane for congress to be allowing so many foreigners into the states seeking those jobs? now I am NOT against some foreign visa's, nor against those workers, I just feel we need to take care of those here at home first and foremost?

February 02 2012 at 3:01 AM Report abuse +1 rate up rate down Reply

Mitt Romney wants to be President for more tax brake.His money is invested overseas.

February 01 2012 at 11:39 PM Report abuse rate up rate down Reply

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