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    • Jay McFarland and Lynora Good like this.
      • Amy Louise Cooper Americans NEED JOBS!!!!! I have been laid off more than I have worked in over 4 unemployment now....far in debt with car problems, medical bills (with NO insurance) and college school loans that the degree has NOT helped me find a job =(
      • Lori Spangler American culture will never adopt the vacation/work balance values of other countries. Sometimes I envision all those that hate their jobs or hate going to work, just trading places with all of the out of work people who actually want to work. That would raise a different set of problems though, wouldn't it.
  1. Photo: Should Doug have sued?
      • Lori Spangler Unless a contract states otherwise, even in crazy California,employees are to be paid for hours worked. Assuming he was a salaried employee, usually you work whatever is necessary to do your job. I think there is a shift in the wind in California regarding salaried positions.
  2. Photo: Loving husband, or one step too far?
    • Letitia Hughes likes this.
      • Casida O'Neill They should fire the producer of their seriously annoying commercials. I hope he took Flo with him.
  3. Photo: Should Gared have been fired for this?
  4. Photo: Is Lance doing the right thing for his career?
      • Amy Louise Cooper very true =( try the only job that I have had someone interview me for is for a part time12 hours a week at min wage..... I used to make $17 an hour and over 40 hours a week!!!!!
      • Chris Sahar
        Well I would not put the blame entirely on Obama, He had a jobs bill in Congress which has been stalled for over a year. As a Congress man he crafted bills for ending subsidies to oil companies and expand Pell Grants for education oppoprtun...
        ities to lower incomes. Also, the financial crisis lost so many jobs that to recover employment levels to 2007 in some states will take another 4 years. The only states which have recovered levels are those that were able to tap new energy reserves OR areas with technological advances. But yes wages have gone far down and employment scarce.
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    • Joey Cinco likes this.
      • Amy Louise Cooper how about a decent job for college grads....I have a degree and a certificate and I can only find one job to call me for an interview that is for a open position that a kid in HS is going back to school....min wage and 12 hours a week.....I am an adult that needs a real paying serious job!!!!! the posted job description was not really what the job many postings lie!!!
    • Hope Debbie Jones and Amy Louise Cooper like this.
      • Doreen Harrison Gaudiana
        If you come to America and want to be part of this then there are rules you must follow and you want a job but cant wear the uniform because of your reliagion come on now. So i can decided to believe in something different so I dont have to...
        follow the job dress code. What does she think she is special.And who knows if it is true at the interview there probley looking for fast money. The problem here is anyone can sue for anything now a days. This is just not right. Were the uniform or find a job that you can dress the way you want
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      • Andy Derler theb naybe she should have applied at chic fila
    • Mary Seals likes this.
      • Valdez Anardo What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.? Harry now you know. What happens in Vegas ... doesn't stay in Vegas. Goes strayed to England Front page newspaper... LOL
    • Beth Knoll and 11 others like this.
      • Chris Sahar ‎1) Employers are highly unlikely to say they are not hiring due to long gaps in employment because it is illegal to discriminate and has them look quite unethical in this economic environment 2) From my experience, on -the-job training is one of the FIRST expenses to go in recessions. PLus the infographic showed employers INTENTION, but no evidence of action.
      • Chris Sahar
        On the job seekers side - many fail to see that networking is the most successful way to get a job, yet, understandably, employers use the internet to screen out the preponderence of job seekers applying for positions for which they are not...
        qualified. Also, many job seekers fail to volunteer or put down freelance work they do while seeking full-time work. Too many job seekers think that volunteering takes away from your job search. It depends entirely on what you do and limiting you volunteer commitment to a few hours a week at most.
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      • Desiree Day, Sade Edwards and 5 others like this.
        • Jose Matta Jr. Oopss!...Not just Monetary ($), there should be some sort of acknowledment for Mothers whom NEVER had their Child / Children TAKEN AWAY and turn out to be WONDERFUL, SUCCESSFUL PRODUCTIVE LAW ABIDING MEMBERS of SOCIETY. also, as a Father/Dad, i in no way am taking Away or minimizing OUR, FATHER'S, involvement in raising a child but I feel
        • Jose Matta Jr. Oopss again.... That the Mothers presence is MOST IMPORTANT in raising children. So on that note, I wanna give a HUGE SHOT-OUT to ALL the MOMS of the WORLD !!!
      • Jay McFarland and Naida LaBorde like this.
        • Lori Spangler I have prepared targeted cover letters for every job. Even when posting resume or applying online, I give it to the interviewer at the same time I give a formatted resume. And I send a thank you note the next day.

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