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Sun-Times Politics

Staff reports on all things politics - from City Hall to Springfield to Washington, D.C.

That was fast.

Spirit Airlines is already seizing on a Mitt Romney blooper a day after the GOP Presidential hopeful said in a debate that he found "whole binders full of women," to hire when he was governor.

Spirit Airlines released this ad today, saying: "women will love them!"


Meanwhile: @Romneys_Binder is exploding on Twitter, already notching nearing 15,000 followers.

Here's the text of Romney's quote in response to last night's question.

Romney said he went to his staff asking: "How come all the people for these jobs are--are all men?' They said: 'Well, these are the people that have the qualifications.' And I said: 'Well, gosh, can't we--can't we find some--some women that are also qualified?' And--and so we--we took a concerted effort to go out and find women who had backgrounds that could be qualified to become members of our cabinet. I went to a number of women's groups and said: 'Can you help us find folks,' and they brought us whole binders full of women."

In response to a Chicago Sun-Times story that ran today, Tammy Duckworth's camp released a statement on Wednesday taking issue with a source who told the paper that a SuperPAC was preparing to launch another round of ads in an attempt to "bury" Duckworth in the fray.

The campaign also said it was preparing to file a complaint with the Federal Elections Commission against Joe "Walsh for Congress, Now or Never, and Americans for Limited Government for illegal coordination."

Walsh has said he did not know who was funding the SuperPAC.
On Tuesday it was revealed that the biggest donor by far was Americans for Limited Government -- a group Walsh helped "launch" years ago, according to his own Web site.

The Now or Never SuperPAC has pumped $2 million in attack ads against Duckworth in the race, bolstered by $1.9 million donation in September from Americans for Limited Government.

A source said another $2.5 million was planned with just three weeks left in the race.

"New reports state that the secretly-funded Now or Never special interest Super PAC will be dropping $2.5 million to "bury" Tammy Duckworth - in addition to the $2 million they have already spent in misleading negative ads," a statement released by the campaign said.
According to the campaign, Duckworth responded to the report by saying, "I wasn't buried in Iraq and I won't be buried by Joe Walsh's Out-Of-State Right Wing Super PAC."

Duckworth is an Iraqi war veteran who lost both her legs in combat.

A TV ad approved by U.S. Rep. Bob Dold shows a snippet of Dold's opponent, Brad Schneider saying: "I would borrow money all day long."

But if you watch the video below, there was more to the statement: "I would borrow money all day long if the cost of borrowing is less than the expected return."

Schneider, a Democrat and Dold, a GOP incumbent, are in a tough battle over the 10th congressional district, one of three hotly contested races in Illinois.

A video released to the Chicago Sun-Times shows Tea Party congressman Joe Walsh telling a group that now is the time for business owners to "energize" their employees.

They should do it, he said, by telling them they likely won't have jobs if President Obama is reelected or if the Democrats take the majority in Congress.

"If you run, manage or own a company tell your employees! What was the CEO this week that said, if Obama is reelected, I may have to let all of you go next year? If Obama's reelected, if the Democrats take Congress, I may not be able to cover your health insurance next year," Walsh told a crowd. "If there's ever a year where people who run, manage, or own their companies are going to energize their employees, it better be this year. We're up against it."

Walsh is in one of the most hotly contested contests in the nation -- running against Tammy Duckworth, an Iraqi war veteran who lost both her legs in combat. The two are competing in the newly redrawn 8th Congressional district. Walsh has repeatedly voiced his opposition to the Affordable Care Act, saying that it is too burdensome on small businesses.

The video is taken by CREDO, a SuperPAC that has been a thorn in Walsh's side of late. CREDO, which runs takedownwalsh.com, is known to have video at various Walsh appearances. Inevitably, Walsh utters something controversial. That includes when Walsh told a group that Sandra Fluke should "go get a job!" -- that utterance made it onto a campaign ad against the congressman.
The SuperPAC has spent $165,437 in the district.

The video's release comes as a source with knowledge of SuperPAC strategy told the Chicago Sun-Times on Tuesday that a conservative group that had dumped $2 million in anti-Duckworth ads, was preparing to pump another $2.5 million in attack ad against the Hoffman Estates Democrat.

Watch the entire, fiery second debate with all the altercations, avoided questions and punch-counterpunches.

For everyone in Chicago, this might as well be the last debate. The Bears play a Monday Night Football game during the final, foreign policy themed debate Oct. 22.

U.S. Rep. Joe Walsh, who is running for reelection in the 8th Congresional District, helped "launch" a group that is now the biggest contributor to the SuperPAC trying to take down his opponent Tammy Duckworth.

Americans for Limited Government has pumped $1.9 million into the Now or Never SuperPAC, a recent disclosure shows. Walsh says in his Web site that he helped launch Americans for Limited Government.

A 2009 New York Times article profiled the group saying:
"Americans for Limited Government does not specialize in nuance. A recent e-mail message labeled Mr. Obama "the biggest liar of all," and a piece on Mr. Obama's enthusiasm for the national volunteer service agency AmeriCorps suggested a parallel with Hitler Youth."

From the Duckworth campaign:

Largest Donors to Walsh's Super PAC Attacking Tammy Duckworth Belong
to Right-Wing Fringe

Joe Walsh was the only Congressman from Illinois to oppose the Transportation Bill and has received nearly $2 million in backing from an extremist group he helped launch that also opposed the Transportation Bill

ROLLING MEADOWS - Now or Never, a shadowy Super PAC spending millions on false, misleading negative ads attacking Tammy Duckworth, was forced to file a partial financial disclosure with the FEC. Now or Never'sfiling exposed the right-wing group Americans for Limited Government (ALG) as the primary funders behindNow or Never and Joe Walsh. ALG keeps the names of their donors secret, but their priorities are clearly in line with the Tea Party and extreme right.

In fact, Congressman Walsh helped launch ALG and is in line with their far right-wing, offensive, and often illegal agenda. ALG has a long history of saying and proposing outrageous ideas - similar to those advocated by Joe Walsh.

According to the Center for Public Integrity, ALG was forced out of Illinois for running afoul of the state's charity laws. The Illinois Secretary of State revoked ALG's authority to do business in the state. http://www.publicintegrity.org/accountability/takings-initiatives-accountability-project

"If you ever scratched your head and wondered why Joe Walsh would vote against the interest of his own constituency time and again - now you know why," said Duckworth for Congress Campaign Manager Kaitlin Fahey. "Joe Walsh has been bought and paid for by some of the wealthiest and right-wing fringe characters in America."

Americans for Limited Government and Congressman Walsh on the Issues

Side by Side

· Now or Never, funded by Americans for Limited Government, suddenly pours millions of dollars into negative ads against Tammy Duckworth.

· ALG opposed the transportation billhttp://netrightdaily.com/2012/03/senate-transportation-bill-funds-more-federal-government-land-grabs/

· ALG called Social Security and Medicare "ponzi Schemes"


· ALG's Chairman calls for the elimination of the Department of Education


· ALG's Spokesman called the President Obama "Uncle Obama"


· ALG's Chairman called President Obama a "Nouveau Fascist"


· ALG's President said President Obama was "the greatest threat ever to Freedom and Democratic Rule"


· ALC Chairman "Skirted" Campaign Finance Limits. http://mediamatters.org/research/2012/04/27/whos-behind-the-rights-latest-anti-environment/186166

· ALG compared carbon regulations to bombing Pearl Harbor and claimed data behind climate change was "manipulated and exaggerated". http://news.investors.com/ibd-editorials-on-the-right/041912-608420-epa-carbon-finding-attack-on-capitalism.htm

· Congressman Walsh helped launchAmericans for Limited Government


· Congressman Walsh voted against the transportation bill


· Congressman Walsh called Medicare and Social Security "ponzi schemes"


· Congressman Walsh has called for the elimination of the Department of Educationhttp://www.nbcchicago.com/blogs/ward-room/tammy-duckworth-joe-walsh-rolling-meadows-debate-173429601.html

· Congressman Walsh called President Obama "Son"


· Congressman Walsh called President Obama a "tyrant"http://www.suntimes.com/news/politics/13307709-418/rep-joe-walsh-obama-isnt-smart-enough-to-know-what-tyrant-means.html

· Congressman Walsh called President Obama a "liar"


· Congressman Walsh does not believe in campaign finance limits.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIXyyHng4qI&feature;=relmfu

· Congressman Walsh questions the science behind climate change.


Mitt Romney speaks with the Reverend Billy Graham during a visit to the Graham cabin in Montreat, N.C., on Oct. 11. - Jim Watson/GettyImages

Billy Graham's meeting last week with Mitt Romney accomplished two things: Graham offered his support of Romney's candidacy and it was apparently decided that Mormonism is not a cult.

Graham and Romney met at the evangelists North Carolina cabin, where Graham pledged "all he could do" to help Romney's cause. That apparently included scrubbing the following definition of cults from a section on the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association's website, according to a report in the Asheville Citizen-Times:

That website article listed as cults "Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, the Unification Church, Unitarians, Spiritists, Scientologists, and others."

According to the report, the Romney campaign didn't comment on the action. A Graham referred questions to the association, which did not return messages asking for comment.

The Citizen-Times posted a screengrab of the page in question, listing the examples of cults:


Graham graduated from Wheaton College and pastored in Western Springs in the 1940s.

Live-blogging the second Presidential debate

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It's been just shy of two weeks since President Obama gave a half-hearted showing in the first presidential debate against GOP challenger Mitt Romney. A listless president didn't challenge a fiery Romney in a debate that was further bogged down by a lackluster Jim Lehrer as moderator. The result? A huge swing for Romney who, in the days leading up to the debate, saw his deficit behind Obama swell. With the two candidates almost even, Obama got a small boost from Vice President Joe Biden who was seen by many pundits as besting GOP VP candidate Paul Ryan in last week's VP debate, but barely so. With Obama still holding a slight edge over Romney, at least according to FiveThirtyEight and RealClearPolitics, the incumbent is still looking to take the momentum back from Romney.

Tonight's debate should be an interesting one as it's a town-hall style forum and both campaigns have already gotten squirrelly over how tonight's moderator, CNN's Candy Crowley, will handle the questions and the candidates.

So to review: an incumbent aiming for an aggressive outing to change the rolling momentum of a fiesty challenger who's found his second wind answering questions from undecided voters with a wild card moderator. Should be a fun time so follow below as we live-blog the debate including insight from Sun-Times pundits and other bright minds. Also, sure to check out this pre-debate fact check.

The real 2012 swing vote: Muppets?

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For good or for ill, GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney thrust an unsuspecting segment of the population into the spotlight two weeks ago when, during the first debate, he called out PBS and, specifically, Big Bird as targets for his projected cuts. (Of course, funding to public broadcasting in 2011 only amounted to .00012 percent of the total federal budget so there's that.) But that not only started a tussle on Twitter over protection of Big Bird (who, lest it be forgotten, was at one point a child runaway); it also prompted the Obama campaign to use the big, yellow lug in a new ad targeting Romney.

But soon after the ad hit the air, Sesame Workshop, the folks who own Big Bird and pals, ask that the ad be spiked because it's copyright infringement and Muppets are bipartisan which seems weird given that all of Sesame Street seems like a socialist commune straight out of a Hunter S. Thompson nightmare, but, hey, whatever. Don't politicize Elmo. Got it.

That request, though, isn't stopping a newly announced event for November 3 being called The Million Muppet March. It evens has a Facebook page so you know it's totally legit. Strictly speaking, no official muppets, like Kermit or Scooter or Gonzo, will be taking place because, again, they're muppets, you see. But the march will include thousands of non-affiliated muppets who will march for muppetkind.

Oh, and there are Republicans who are in favor of supporting public broadcasting so TAKE THAT, ROMNEY.

U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. deserves sympathy from voters and should not step down despite a criminal investigation into the possible misuse of campaign funds, Gov. Pat Quinn said Tuesday.

The governor stuck by the beleaguered Chicago Democrat, whom the Chicago Sun-Times reported last week is the subject of the probe.

Since then, the Wall Street Journal expanded on that by reporting that the investigation is focusing on home decorations that allegedly were purchased with Jackson campaign cash.

And on Monday, the political blog, Gawker, reported Jackson was been seen at a Washington D.C. bar last week, drinking with two women - despite being on leave from Congress since June to deal with what aides have described as bipolar disorder.

During a stop in Woodlawn Monday to promote state investment in broadband internet, Quinn was asked if Jackson should resign given the steady drumbeat of negative headlines.

"No," the governor answered. "He was elected by the people to serve his term. Obviously, he's had some heath challenges, and, you know, I think we need to be sympathetic to anyone who's dealing with those challenges."

Recent Comments

  • Dan: Typical how Peter? Please grow up and don't be such read more
  • Dan: Kelly please. It is no different then when unions do read more
  • bill will: Why do liberals always have to name call? Its the read more
  • Peter Atwood: What another a___ hole... threatening jobs and fear mongering. Typical read more
  • Alverant: Yes because unions don't have the authority to fire people read more
  • Chicago Refugee: Perhaps that is why "Deadbeat Dad" Joe Walsh reneged on read more
  • Cathy Wolff: Please. Joe Walsh is an extremist who is not qualified read more
  • Kelly Slater: This is totally different you idiot. Advocating for a certain read more
  • Columbus White: Is this any different than unions (since Illinois is a read more
  • Danny Haszard: The *Cult* word gets overused,but in some cases it is read more

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