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Signal, Interrupted: Sun Spots Interfere with Satellites this Week

Is your cable television signal fuzzy, internet reception spotty or cell phone service dropping in and out? Don't blame your service provider over the next few days, blame the sun

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One-fifth of British Parents Think Alcohol Improves Their Parenting Skills

There are many dos and don'ts of parenting, and drinking while parenting is certainly a big no-no. But in what can be called a "shocking" finding, about one-fifth of Britain's

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Take this 10 minute Test to Know Your Face-Name Memory IQ

So a person walks up to you, says hello, asks you how you are doing. You, while politely answering her questions, are struggling hard to remember her name. You are sure you have se

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High Blood Pressure During Pregnancy could Lower Baby's IQ: Study

Think you have low IQ? Blame it on the time you were in your mother's womb, as a new study suggests that people whose mothers had blood pressure during pregnancy could have a life

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Virus Upsets the Stomach of Thousands of German Chidren,

This is either an extremely massive case of food poisoning or a very elaborate ploy to play hooky.

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Infants Movements Guided by Motor Ability And Not Fear

Infants' perception of risk and safety has always been an interesting area of research, and various studies have been conducted so far to observe and understand their willingness

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Sleeping Less to Study Will Result in Poor Performance

Sacrificing sleep for recreational activities or more importantly studies does not bring any rewards, instead it has negative effect. According to researchers from University of Ca

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AGE-less Diet Also Prevents Obesity and Diabetes

Researchers at Mount Sinai School of Medicine have identified a common compound in the modern diet that could play a major role in the development of abdominal obesity, insulin res

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HIV Drug, Anti-Retroviral, Leads to Cognitive Impairment

A popular HIV drug known as anti-retroviral, like many other drugs, has daunting side-effects, though more preferable than the disease that the drug is treating. However new resear

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Brush Teeth Regularly to Keep Away Dementia

Regular brushing of teeth may lower the risk of developing dementia later in life, claims a new study. For the study, researchers observed 5,500 elderly people for a period of 18 y

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