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Pikmin 3 (Wii U) News, Reviews, Trailer & Screenshots
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20121018103634/http://www.nintendolife.com/games/wiiu/pikmin_3
(Wii U)

Pikmin 3 (Wii U)

Game Profile

The Return of an Army

Pikmin 3 is a fully reimagined, mass-action strategy title from the critically acclaimed Pikmin series. Players will discover a beautiful world filled with strange creatures and take command of a swarm of ant-like Pikmin trying to survive. The world is densely packed with treasures and enemies, which makes the game much more action focused and fills it with layers of potential strategies and paths, adding greater replayability to challenge modes.


Players can play using Wii Remote Plus and Nunchuk-based controls or the Wii U GamePad controller. With new intuitive controls that make it possible to aim at objects directly, players can command their tiny, yet powerful, squads in different ways.

The GamePad acts as an overhead map and radar to track Pikmin movements in real time. Players can slide a finger across the touch screen to quickly switch between areas, giving greater flexibility in commanding multiple groups of Pikmin.

The greater processing and HD capabilities of the Wii U console are put to extensive use, resulting in a more intricately designed world, enhanced ant-like movement of the Pikmin and precisely detailed overhead views for enabling easier strategic use of the Pikmin.

After completing a stage, the replay feature allows players the option to review their results using the GamePad and TV. Fast-forward, rewind or pause while assessing the previous mission to decide on other paths.

In addition to the five original types of Pikmin encountered in previous games, the new Rock Pikmin bring powerful new abilities and are able to crack hard outer shells of enemies and break through solid barriers.

Mission Mode challenges players to earn the most treasure in a given time.

Game Status

Announced by Nintendo

Game Screenshots

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User Comments (64)



brenwizard said:

today i went to a game website that says it knows all the games and they didn't have pikmin 3 on there.........well that means they don't have all the games.



brenwizard said:

i was just thinking that since they have been working on pikmin 3 for years there probably are going to be loads of new pikmin..........maybe the bulbmin might have there own onion.



danteveli said:

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gabrielwoj said:

I guess it will come with the new Wii!
Or the Pikmin will be make for the new Wii, I guess



Lan said:

imagine a limited edition pikmin 3 wii with pikmin all over it! that'd be the cooolest thing ever!



phoenix1818 said:

@ZeldaFTW It's a good single player RTS and a very unique game. If you're interested I recommend you try out one of the New Play Control Pikmin titles for Wii. They're pretty cheap now, about $25 or so in AUえーゆー, which means they'd be even cheaper in the US.



NintyFan said:

I've only played the first one, and that was the New Play Control! version. Unfortunately, the time limit turned me off. I remember watching the trailer on Luigi's Mansion and being impressed by the visuals when I was young, but I can only imagine how beautiful Pikmin 3 would look in full HD. Just picture it!



Sh00kst3r said:

Hello and welcome to Pikmin 3.
After several years in development, hopefully it'll be worth the wait.



brenwizard said:

pikmin fans (including me) have been waiting for pikmin 3 ever since pikmin 2 was released in 2005. hopefully pikmin 3 will come out when the wii u comes out. (this game better be worth the wait because i am kinda sick of waiting)



brenwizard said:

it would be awesome if they made pikmin 3 for not only the wii u, but also for the 3ds



Alpha2797 said:

I can't wait for Pikmin 3. I sure wish Nintendo would bring New Play Control! PIkmin 2 to the US.



marioman123 said:

i am close to finshing pikmin 2 i am amazed by pikmin 2 and i am buying pikmin 3 on the first day and i think it will be a launch title i think if i get wii u and pikmin 3 i think the price all together will be 425



Thwiidscube said:

Well, I already know I won't get this. Sorry to say this to all of those Pikmin fans, but, I haven't played a Pikmin game, but already hate the series. It looks a little weird, and from the trophy descriptions on SSBB, it sounds a little crazy, too. Please, don't get upset for hearing stuff like this, though. I'm just saying what I think of the series.



Wolfclouds99 said:

I've never played a Pikmin game before, but I've seen Chuggaaconroy's let's plays of Pikmin 2 before (and believe me, you'll be laughing your guts out more than just once per video!). I've been wanting to buy it from Amazon.com when I get enough money to pay for the game along with the expensive shipping :). I've also heard some rumors that might or might not be true that it'll be available for the 3rd along with the Wii U. In that case, Pikmin 3 and the 3DS FTW!!



Qwikman_N_Bass said:

@brenwizard- yeah, I've also been waiting for Pikmin 3 since I bought Pikmin 2 in 2005. It's such a great game, and I even made small clay models of Pikmin, including ones that I think SHOULD exist, like a green one w/ immunity to poison, an orange one w/ immunity to acid, a black one that can burrow underground, etc. (I was a very imaginative and wishful kid back then). Which reminds me, nice avi. I just realized that its a GREEN Pikmin, which doesn't truly exist yet. :P



kezo12 said:

Nintendo better release pikmin 3 on the 3ds because it will practically control the same as the Wii U version plus i dont know if i can afford the wii u and i want to know if i can get this game



kirby95 said:

Beat the first two on the Wii. Can't wait to play this. Hopefully it will be good.



TheN64Dude said:

I think Nintendo should have a real game for a launch title instead of Wii Sports and Pilotwings Resort. This way are Wii U won't just be sitting there with nothing to do on it.



marioandsonicfy said:

also if the wiiu supports a achievement system the game would very great for that feature e.x. collect 100 pikmin or complete the first level



zeldadude said:

ive never played pikmin, but ive watched my friend and it looks really fun! im gonna- wait... its gonna be for wii u? i thought it was coming out for 3ds!



Nano said:

Boy, I haven't heard of this game since it first came out with Luigi's mansion. I really want to give a lot of these Nintendo games a try. This is just like when Nintendo 64 and Gamecube were around, I bought so many of these great games. :D



herceg131 said:

i hope pikmin is good i dont want to spend 10 euro or 20 euro for this game

but i think this is good



pikminguy said:

@Huiee123 i have 1 but not 2 but in my opinion the first one is not that fun due to the limit of days u have left to play so if ur thinkin of gettin it i would recommend getting nuber 2



pikminguy said:

@marioandsonicfy Well i would like it with the regular day-after day thing because i dont really like games so much with different modes cause its harder but only if they had a create ur own pikmin option.....



pikminguy said:

@brenwizard it wouldn't be as good because u already gots tiny pikmin but with a small screen its gonna be hard as fudge to see ur pikmin



The_Other_M said:

I've heard that this game supports co-op multiplayer. I hope this is true, as a second real player would allow much multitasking to be done compared to the two captain system of Pikmin 2.



Moguri said:

It would be very good an online co-op play. Anyway, one of the best Wii U games at the moment.

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