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Hearings for accused 9-11 plotters make little headway - World News
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20121023212632/http://worldnews.nbcnews.com:80/_news/2012/10/19/14564635-hearings-for-accused-9-11-plotters-make-little-headway

Hearings for accused 9-11 plotters make little headway

Stringer / Reuters

Family members of 9-11 victims are shown watching the pretrial hearings for five men accused of orchestrating the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States at a court in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba on Thursday. Alexandra Scott, left, who lost her father Randy Scott, sits beside Martin and Dorine Toyen who lost their daughter Amy.

A week of hearings at a military court in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba made slow headway towards a trial of five men accused of orchestrating the 9-11 terror attacks on the United States, ending Friday with few rulings on two dozen pretrial motions. 

On the final day of hearings none of the five accused men came to court, all opting to stay behind in their prison cells.

Army Col. Judge James Pohl heard several more hours of arguments on the issue of a gag order that prohibits any talk about the interrogations that the men were subjected to at secret CIA prison sites prior to their tranfer to Guantanamo Bay in 2006.  

The judge will likely issue a written decision on whether the defendants' memories of the events are in fact classified, as the protective order now states.

Judge Pohl did not rule on the other interesting motion discussed Friday — one that the Judge nicknamed "The C-SPAN Issue." The defense teams have requested that the trial be open to public television so the world can see the proceedings.

The defense argues that opening the trial to the public is necessary to prevent the appearance of an unfair trial.

The judge challenged that idea, arguing that by that logic every accused person in federal court cannot get a fair trial because it's not televised. He added that trials are not open to cameras in the military system either.

This case is different, defense attorney Marine Major William Hennessy argued.

Pohl countered by asking whether he should conclude that the lack of public television means that an accused person is not getting a fair trial.

"Yes, sir," Hennessy replied.

A prosecution attorney disagreed, saying that the First Amendment right to public access is not absolute, and that opening the trial to television cameras compromises the security of the trial participants.

Earlier in the week, self-professed mastermind of the attacks, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was granted an opportunity for a brief airing of his views of the proceedings.

Wearing a camoflage vest over his traditional robes Mohammed condemned what he called prosecutors "elastic" use of national security to justify its actions.

"The government uses national security as it chooses," the Arabic-speaking Mohammed said through a translator while seated at a defense table. "Many can kill people under the name of national security and torture people in the name of national security."

Mohammed and four alleged co-conspirators are accused of planning and providing logistical support for the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks by hijackers who crashed planes into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania, killing nearly 3,000 people.

If convicted they could face the death penalty, but the trial is many months away.

Pohl set the next motions hearings for Dec. 3-7, putting the attorneys on notice that they should plan to set aside at least one week, every other month.

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Sack the lawyers. Tell the scum if they don't come to the courtroom they're admitting guilt. Also strip them of their 'muslim' garb, since they have nothing to do with religion. Shave their beards and take away their monkey hats, then take them out back and execute them. They're playing this for all its worth to prolong their worthless lives.

  • 2 votes
Reply#1 - Fri Oct 19, 2012 8:58 PM EDT

wow your realy into the US constitution .....Sounds to me like Iran or China would be more oyur speed...I hope you dont vote because you know that is a right...and as terrible as this sound the men at GITMO deserve no have a right to a fair hearing and Trial...Are you American or a security officer in the Middle east some where ??

    #1.1 - Sun Oct 21, 2012 6:17 PM EDT

    Is this a sick joke? The defendants opted to stay in their cells? KSM is allowed to dress up in paramilitary attire and address the court....while seated at a table? This judge needs to be relieved ASAP and replaced with a judge who will control the courtroom and expedite the trial.

    • 3 votes
    Reply#2 - Fri Oct 19, 2012 9:27 PM EDT

    This is disgusting. We have the self-admitted terrorists repsonsible for 911 and we 'gave' the mastermind the opportunity to express his views? Who the F*ck cares what his or any of these animals views are? and wtf with them having the option to do anything. they stay in their cell and complain. this is utterly ridiculous and an insult to everyone who died and has suffered from that day.

    does this exercise in due process really accomplish anything? bcz i don't feel bad about putting down a rabid dog...and thats exactly what terrorists are, rabid animals. and how does this defense lawyer sleep at night, he's defending terrorism.

    this is the problem i have with our hyprocritical system. we want to eliminate terrorism, but when we get one, we give them a defense and a trial. this hearing, trial and sentencing is BS. i don't want to waste my taxew on keeping them alive in prison. why? so they can appeal or show good behavior and get something...as long as they're alive, they can still fight for their cause and we pay for it.

    but i like this: "If convicted they could face the death penalty..." OMG! 'could' they? ya think, and cost the taxpayers more $ when they appeal. Stop this madness and execute them all.

    • 1 vote
    Reply#3 - Fri Oct 19, 2012 9:41 PM EDT

    One of the 'Top 10' best orchestrated deceptions and cover-ups in the History of the World.

    There is always a feeling of power and superiority in numbers... even if you're just another brick on the wall.

      Reply#4 - Fri Oct 19, 2012 11:36 PM EDT

      tell ya what, if you truly believe that why don't you show us how much and go join these "poor Muslim patsy's."... in other words put up or shut up.

      or is it merely time to change the tinfoil in your hat...............

      • 2 votes
      #4.1 - Sat Oct 20, 2012 11:03 AM EDT

      Domingo de la Torre

      There is always a feeling of power and superiority in numbers... even if you're just another brick on the wall.

      Note to foreigners who want to show off their knowlege of American idiom while criticizing us: Bricks are in the wall. Humpty Dumpty was on it.

        #4.2 - Sat Oct 20, 2012 1:05 PM EDT

        Don't get your pantaloons up a wad!

          #4.3 - Sat Oct 20, 2012 4:05 PM EDT

          Why aren't these guys on death row? The judge and the lawyers have made a mockery of justice. Thousands of our men, tens of thousands of civilians have died in Afghanistan all because of the plot these men devised and helped carry out. Yet they are not even at trial. It's been eleven years - what possible national security could be revealed? We know some of these men were sent to other countries for torture under the Bush administration, and two were killed, others terribly injured. It's dirty laundry, very dirty - but it doesn't excuse delays so the US won't look bad - it already does. Plus, the prisoners are making living martyrs of themselves and spreading their propaganda right in our courtrooms. Disgusting.

          • 1 vote
          Reply#5 - Fri Oct 19, 2012 11:58 PM EDT

          This trial gives a new meaning to take no prisoners.

          Their lawyers have only one case to argue,not guilty, they made me say it with water boarding.

          To that I say it is common knowledge that many people were put through things they may or may not have deserved. The proof that no one put words in anyways mouth to admit to a crime that could carry the death sentence. Is that those many others are out there today to proclaim their unjust treatment and are not behind bars having falsely admitted to crimes or acts of terrorism under water board questioning.

          Someone please explain to them, the families of the victims and first responders, why this is even an issue more than a decade after the fact? What possible reason can our government give them for such a slow miscarriage of the justice system?

          Now lets put them to rest. So the families of those who lost the most on 911. Can begin to heal and only be reminded of their loss by their daily memories. Not by the headlines of these living and breathing POS being treated better than they deserve, fairly.

          • 1 vote
          Reply#6 - Sat Oct 20, 2012 1:23 AM EDT

          The defendants opted to stay in their cells?

          they probably didnt want to miss "the peoples court" on cable.............

          • 2 votes
          Reply#7 - Sat Oct 20, 2012 11:07 AM EDT

          Marilyn is a lot easier to look at than Judge Judy.

            #7.1 - Sat Oct 20, 2012 1:06 PM EDT

            Flag on the play! Fifteen years for delay of game!

              #7.2 - Sun Oct 21, 2012 10:09 AM EDT

              good news folks


              The implant is specifically designed to be injected in the forehead.
              When properly installed, it will allow the terrorist to speak to God.
              It comes in various sizes: Generally from .223 to .50 cal.

              THE exact size of the implant will be selected by a well-trained and highly skilled technician, who will also make the injection.

              No Anesthetic isrequired.
              The implant may or may not be painless. Side effects, like headaches, nausea, aches and pains are extremely temporary.

              Some bleeding or swelling may occur at the injection site.
              In most cases, you won't evennotice it.

              Broghut to you and implanted free of charge by a member of SEAL TEAM SIX

              • 1 vote
              Reply#8 - Sat Oct 20, 2012 11:17 AM EDT

              Expedite! Expedite! Expedite!

              Speedy Trial. Get 'er done !!

                Reply#9 - Sat Oct 20, 2012 11:27 AM EDT

                Don't believe everything the Lame Stream Media says...read deeper.

                  Reply#10 - Sat Oct 20, 2012 1:29 PM EDT

                  What are the judges afraid? Why are the judges allowing others to control their court and the proceedings?

                  I think from what I understand about terrorist they would rather have it over and be dead before being part of a trial or system that they do not resoect or be part of. If they could these terrorist murderers would kill everyone in the court system and destroy anything physically attached and if that could not be done by them they are more than willing to die trying.

                  System working to slow for me. Put up the charges and evidence put up the defense and get it done.

                  This is making nothing but POLITICS out of a justice system. Proceed and deal with it. It is what it is.

                  Weak ass judges. Bring the court to order and into session and don't leave until a ruling can be made.

                    Reply#11 - Sat Oct 20, 2012 2:08 PM EDT

                    I bet if you waterboard or use 'enhanced' methods correctly,you get results.It just doesn't sound very nice

                      Reply#12 - Sat Oct 20, 2012 4:05 PM EDT

                      Just handcuff these creeps to a parking meter at ground zero next to a pile of bricks, then post the date and time on the web. The citizens of NYC would take care of the rest.

                        Reply#13 - Sat Oct 20, 2012 9:29 PM EDT

                        I called the 911 emergency hotline to warn America of impending terror but it failed to accept my disclosure and ignored my revelation.

                        If only this was prevented then we will not have innocent lives loss in this tragedy.

                        I attest with the truth so help me God.

                        Messenger of God ,sison

                          Reply#14 - Sun Oct 21, 2012 6:48 AM EDT

                          These enemey combatants..what ever that means in legal terms need get this court thing behind them . America needs to get this behind us..The whole mess brought about buy Bush's GITMO needs to be put behind us...But we need to give these people a fair and Open COurt proceding...Otherwise our law is no better than any third world nation...But with some of the post above..I hope they dont ever cross the Law because they wish for abolishment of our COnstitutional rights..to due processes..They should be careful what they wish for...They may get it....

                            Reply#15 - Sun Oct 21, 2012 6:27 PM EDT
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