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Online Etymology Dictionary
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-ward Look up -ward at Dictionary.com
adverbial suffix expressing direction, O.E. -weard "toward," lit. "turned toward," sometimes -weardes, with genitive singular ending of neuter adjectives, from P.Gmc. *warth (cf. O.S., O.Fris. -ward, O.N. -verðr), variant of PIE *wert- "to turn, wind," from root *wer- "to turn, bend" (see versus). The original notion is of "turned toward."
-worth Look up -worth at Dictionary.com
as final element in place names, from O.E. worþ "enclosed place, homestead."
W Look up W at Dictionary.com
not in the Roman alphabet, but the Modern English sound it represents is close to the devocalized consonant expressed by Roman -U- or -V-. In Old English, this originally was written -uu-, but by 8c. began to be expressed by the runic character wyn (Kentish wen), which looked like this: ƿ (the character is a late addition to the online font set and doesn't display properly on many computers, so it's something like a cross between lower-case -p- and a reversed -y-). In 11c., Norman scribes introduced -w-, a ligatured doubling of Roman -u- which had been used on the continent for the Germanic "w" sound, and wyn disappeared c.1300. -W- is not properly a letter in the modern French alphabet, and it is used there only in borrowed foreign words, e.g. wagon, weekend, Western, whisky, wombat.
W.C. Look up W.C. at Dictionary.com
"lavatory," 1954, abbreviation of water closet.
WAC Look up WAC at Dictionary.com
1943, American English, acronym from Women's Army Corps, formed 1943.
wack (n.) Look up wack at Dictionary.com
"crazy person," 1938, back formation from from wacky. Adjective in slang sense of "worthless, stupid," is attested from late 1990s.
wacke (n.) Look up wacke at Dictionary.com
rock resembling sandstone, 1803, from Ger. Wacke, from M.H.G. wacke "a large stone," from O.H.G. wacko "gravel," probably from O.H.G. wegan "to move." A miner's word, brought into geology by German geologist Abraham Gottlob Werner (1750-1817).
wacko Look up wacko at Dictionary.com
extended form of wack, recorded from 1977.
wacky (adj.) Look up wacky at Dictionary.com
"crazy, eccentric," 1935, variant of whacky (n.) "fool," late 1800s British slang, probably ultimately from whack "a blow, stroke," from the notion of being whacked on the head one too many times.
wad (n.) Look up wad at Dictionary.com
early 15c., "soft material for padding or stuffing," of uncertain origin, and the different meanings may represent more than one source. Among the possible connections are M.L. wadda, Du. watten, and M.E. wadmal (late 14c.) "woolen cloth," which seems to be from O.N. vaðmal "a woolen fabric of Scandinavia," probably from vað "cloth" + mal "measure."

The meaning "bundle of currency" is American English, 1778. To shoot (one's) wad "do all one can do" is recorded from 1914. The immediate source of the expression probably is the sense of "disk of cloth used to hold powder and shot in place in a gun." Wad in slang sense of "a load of semen" is attested from 1920s, and the expression now often is felt in this sense. As a suffix, -wad in 1980s joined -bag, -ball, -head in combinations meaning "disgusting or unpleasant person."
wad (v.) Look up wad at Dictionary.com
1570s, from wad (n.). Related: Wadded; wadding.
waddle (v.) Look up waddle at Dictionary.com
"to walk with short steps," 1590s, frequentative of wade. Related: Waddled; waddling. The noun is recorded from 1690s.
wade (v.) Look up wade at Dictionary.com
O.E. wadan "to go forward, proceed," in poetic use only, except as oferwaden "wade across," from P.Gmc. *wadan (cf. O.N. vaða, Dan. vade, O.Fris. wada, Du. waden, O.H.G. watan, Ger. waten "to wade"), from PIE root *wadh- "to go," found only in Germanic and Latin (cf. L. vadere "to go," vadum "shoal, ford," vadare "to wade"). Italian guado, Fr. gué "ford" are Germanic loan-words.

Specifically of walking into water from c.1200. Originally a strong verb (p.t. wod, pp. wad); weak since 16c. Figurative sense of "to go into" (action, battle, etc.) is recorded from late 14c. Related: Waded; wading.
waders (n.) Look up waders at Dictionary.com
"waterproof high boots," 1841, plural agent noun from wade.
wadi (n.) Look up wadi at Dictionary.com
"watercourse," 1839, from Arabic wadi "seasonal watercourse," prop. participle of wada "it flowed."
wafer (n.) Look up wafer at Dictionary.com
late 14c., from Anglo-Fr. wafre, O.N.Fr. waufre "honeycomb, wafer," perhaps from Frankish (cf. Flem. wafer, altered from M.Du. wafel "honeycomb;" see waffle (n.)). Also found in Old French as gaufre, gofre "wafer, waffle." Eucharistic bread first so called 1550s.
waffle (n.) Look up waffle at Dictionary.com
1744, from Du. wafel "waffle," from M.Du. or M.L.G. wafel; cognate with O.H.G. waba "honeycomb" (Ger. Wabe) and related to O.H.G. weban, O.E. wefan "to weave" (see weave). Sense of "honeycomb" is preserved in some combinations referring to a weave of cloth. Waffle iron is from 1794.
waffle (v.) Look up waffle at Dictionary.com
1690s, "to yelp, bark," frequentative of waff "to yelp" (1610); possibly of imitative origin. Figurative sense of "talk foolishly" (1701) led to that of "vacillate, equivocate" (1803), originally a Scottish and northern English usage. Related: Waffled; waffling.
waft (v.) Look up waft at Dictionary.com
1510s, "to carry over water," back-formation from obsolete wafter "convoy ship" (late 15c.), from M.Du. or M.L.G. wachter "a guard," from wachten "to guard," related to waken "rouse from sleep" (see wake (1)). The meaning "pass through air or space, float" is first attested 1704, and possibly shows some influence of northern dialect waff "cause to move to and fro" (1510s), a variant of wave. Related: Wafted; wafting.
wag (v.) Look up wag at Dictionary.com
early 13c., "waver, vacillate, lack steadfastness," probably from a Scandinavian source (cf. O.N. vagga "a cradle," Dan. vugge "rock a cradle," O.Swed. wagga "fluctuate"), and in part from O.E. wagian "move backwards and forwards;" all from P.Gmc. *wagojanan (cf. O.H.G. weggen, Goth. wagjan "to wag"), probably from PIE root *wegh- "to move about" (see weigh). Meaning "to move back and forth or up and down" is from c.1300. Wagtail is attested from c.1500 as a kind of small bird (late 12c. as a surname); 18c. as "a harlot," but seems to be implied much earlier:
If therefore thou make not thy mistress a goldfinch, thou mayst chance to find her a wagtaile. [Lyly, "Midas," 1592]
Wag-at-the-wall (1825) was an old name for a hanging clock with pendulum and weights exposed.
wag (n.) Look up wag at Dictionary.com
"person fond of making jokes," 1550s, perhaps a shortening of waghalter "gallows bird," person destined to swing in a noose or halter, applied humorously to mischievous children, from wag (v.) + halter. Or possibly directly from wag (v.).
wage (n.) Look up wage at Dictionary.com
c.1300, "a payment for services rendered," also in Middle English "a pledge of security" (mid-14c.), from O.N.Fr. wage (O.Fr. guage) "pledge," from Frankish *wadja- (cf. O.E. wedd, Gothic wadi "pledge"); see wed. Modern French cognate gages (pl.) means "wages of a domestic," one of a plethora of French words for different classes, e.g. traitement (university professor), paye, salaire (workman), solde (soldier), récompense, prix. The Old English word was lean, related to loan and representing the usual Germanic form (cf. Goth. laun, Du. loon, Ger. lohn).
wage (v.) Look up wage at Dictionary.com
early 14c., "to pledge, deposit as a pledge," from O.N.Fr. wagier (O.Fr. gagier), from wage (see wage (n.)). Meaning "to carry on" (of war, etc.) is attested from mid-15c., probably from earlier sense of "to offer as a gage of battle" (early 15c.).
wager (n.) Look up wager at Dictionary.com
c.1300, from Anglo-Fr. wageure, from O.N.Fr. wagier "to pledge" (see wage (n.)).
wager (v.) Look up wager at Dictionary.com
c.1600, from wager (n.). Related: Wagered; wagering.
waggish (adj.) Look up waggish at Dictionary.com
"willing to make a fool of oneself, and fond of doing so to others," 1580s, from wag (n.) + -ish.
waggle (v.) Look up waggle at Dictionary.com
mid-15c., frequentative of wag (v.). Cf. Du. waggelen "to waggle," O.H.G. wagon "to move, shake," Ger. wackeln "to totter." Related: Waggled; waggling.
wagon (n.) Look up wagon at Dictionary.com
1520s, from M.Du. wagen, waghen, from P.Gmc. *wagnaz (cf. O.E. wægn, Mod.Eng. wain, O.S., O.H.G. wagan, O.N. vagn, O.Fris. wein, Ger. Wagen), from PIE *woghnos, from *wegh- "to carry, to move" (cf. Skt. vahanam "vessel, ship," Gk. okhos, L. vehiculum, O.C.S. vozu "carriage, chariot," Rus. povozka, Lith. vazis "a small sledge," O.Ir. fen, Welsh gwain "carriage, cart;" see weigh).

In Dutch and German, the general word for "a wheel vehicle;" English use is a result of contact through Flemish immigration, Dutch trade, or the Continental wars. It has largely displaced the native cognate, wain. Spelling preference varied randomly between -g- and -gg- from mid-18c., before American English settled on the etymological wagon, while waggon remained common in Great Britain. Wagon train is attested from 1810. Phrase on the wagon "abstaining from alcohol" is 1904, originally on the water cart.
wah-wah Look up wah-wah at Dictionary.com
1926, in jazz slang, in reference to the effect on brass instruments made by manipulating the mute; of imitative origin. Later also in reference to an electric guitar effect. As an imitation of the sound of a baby crying, it is recorded from 1938. Wah-wah pedal is recorded from 1969. Cf. Chinook jargon wawa "talk, speak, call, ask, sermon, language;" Cree (Algonquian) wehwew "goose," Lenape (Algonquian) wava "snow goose," all probably of imitative origin.
Wahabi Look up Wahabi at Dictionary.com
1807, follower of Islamic fundamentalist Abd-el-Wahhab (1691-1787), from his name, with Arabic genitive suffix -i.
wahoo (n.) Look up wahoo at Dictionary.com
type of large marine fish, 1905, of unknown origin.
waif (n.) Look up waif at Dictionary.com
late 14c., "unclaimed property, flotsam, stray animal," from Anglo-Norm. waif, gwaif (early 13c.) "ownerless property," probably from a Scandinavian source akin to O.N. veif "waving thing, flag," from P.Gmc. *waif-, from PIE *weip- "to turn, vacillate, tremble ecstatically" (see vibrate). Cf. M.L. waivium "thing thrown away by a thief in flight." A Scottish/northern English parallel form was wavenger (late 15c.).

Meaning "person (especially a child) without home or friends" first attested 1784, from legal phrase waif and stray (1620s). Neglected children being uncommonly thin, the word tended toward this sense. Connotations of "fashionable, small, slender woman" began 1991 with application to childishly slim supermodels, e.g. Kate Moss.
waifish (adj.) Look up waifish at Dictionary.com
1870, from waif + -ish. Related: Waifishly; waifishness.
wail (v.) Look up wail at Dictionary.com
early 14c., from O.N. væla "to lament," from "woe" (see woe). Of jazz musicians, "to play very well," attested from 1955, American English slang (wailing "excellent" is attested from 1954). The noun is recorded from c.1400.
wain (n.) Look up wain at Dictionary.com
O.E. wægn "wheeled vehicle," from P.Gmc. *wagnaz (see wagon). Largely fallen from use by c.1600, but kept alive by poets, who found it easier to rhyme on than wagon. As a name for the Big Dipper/Plough, it is from Old English (see Charles's Wain).
wainscot (n.) Look up wainscot at Dictionary.com
mid-14c., "imported oak of superior quality," probably from M.Du. or M.Flem. waghenscote "superior quality oak wood, board used for paneling" (though neither of these is attested as early as the English word), related to M.L.G. wagenschot (late 14c.), from waghen (see wagon) + scote "partition, crossbar." So called perhaps because the wood originally was used for wagon building and coachwork. Meaning "panels lining the walls of rooms" is recorded from 1540s. Wainscoting is from 1570s.
wainwright (n.) Look up wainwright at Dictionary.com
"wagon-builder," O.E. wægn-wyrhta; see wain + wright.
waist (n.) Look up waist at Dictionary.com
"middle part of the body," also "part of a garment fitted for the waist," late 14c., probably from O.E. *wæst "growth," hence, "where the body grows," from P.Gmc. *wahs-tu- (cf. O.E. wæstm, O.N. vaxtr, Swed. växt, O.H.G. wahst "growth, increase," Goth. wahstus "stature," O.E. weaxan "to grow" see wax (v.)), from PIE *wegs-, extended form of root *aug- "to increase" (see augment). Meaning "portion of a garment that covers the waist" (but, due to fashion styles, often is above or below it) is from 1640s.
waistcoat (n.) Look up waistcoat at Dictionary.com
1510s, from waist + coat (n.).
waisted (adj.) Look up waisted at Dictionary.com
c.1400, "fitted with a (specified type of) waist," from waist.
waistline (n.) Look up waistline at Dictionary.com
also waist-line, 1867, from waist + line (n.).
wait (v.) Look up wait at Dictionary.com
c.1200, "to watch with hostile intent, lie in wait for," from O.N.Fr. waitier "to watch" (O.Fr. gaitier, Mod.Fr. guetter), from Frankish *wahton (cf. Du. wacht "a watching," O.H.G. wahten, Ger. wachten "to watch, to guard;" O.H.G. wahhon "to watch, be awake," O.E. wacian "to be awake;" see wake (v.)). General sense of "remain in some place" is from late 14c.; that of "to see to it that something occurs" is late 14c. Meaning "to stand by in attendance on" is late 14c.; specific sense of "serve as an attendant at a table" is from 1560s.

To wait (something) out "endure a period of waiting" is recorded from 1909, originally American English, in reference to baseball batters trying to draw a base on balls. Waiting game is recorded from 1890. Waiting room is attested from 1680s. Waiting list is recorded from 1897; the verb wait-list "to put (someone) on a waiting list" is recorded from 1960.
wait (n.) Look up wait at Dictionary.com
early 13c., "a watcher, onlooker," from O.N.Fr. wait, O.Fr. gaite, from gaitier (see wait (v.)). From late 14c. as "an ambush, a trap" (as in lie in wait).
waiter (n.) Look up waiter at Dictionary.com
late 14c., "attendant, watchman," agent noun from wait (v.). Sense of "servant who waits at tables" is from late 15c., originally in reference to household servants; in reference to inns, eating houses, etc., it is attested from 1660s.
waitress (n.) Look up waitress at Dictionary.com
1834; see waiter + -ess.
waitstaff (n.) Look up waitstaff at Dictionary.com
1981, American English; see waiter + staff (n.).
waive (v.) Look up waive at Dictionary.com
c.1300, from Anglo-Fr. weyver "to abandon, waive," O.Fr. weyver, guever "to abandon, give back," probably from a Scandinavian source akin to O.N. veifa "to swing about," from P.Gmc. *waibijanan (see waif). In Middle English legal language, used of rights, goods, or women. Related: Waived; waiving.
waiver (n.) Look up waiver at Dictionary.com
"act of waiving," 1620s (modern usage is often short for waiver clause); from Anglo-French legal usage of infinitive as a noun (see waive). Baseball waivers is recorded from 1907. Other survivals of noun use of infinitives in Anglo-French legalese include disclaimer, merger, rejoinder, misnomer, ouster, retainer, attainder.
wake (v.) Look up wake at Dictionary.com
"to become awake," O.E. wacan "to become awake," also from wacian "to be or remain awake," both from P.Gmc. *waken (cf. O.S. wakon, O.N. vaka, Dan. vaage, O.Fris. waka, Du. waken, O.H.G. wahhen, Ger. wachen "to be awake," Goth. wakan "to watch"), from PIE root *weg- "to be strong, be lively" (cf. Skt. vajah "force, swiftness, race, prize," vajayati "drives on;" L. vegere, vigere "to be live, be active, quicken," vigil "awake, wakeful," vigor "liveliness, activity"). Causative sense "to rouse from sleep" is attested from c.1300. Phrase wake-up call is attested from 1976, originally a call one received from the hotel desk in the morning.
wake (n.2) Look up wake at Dictionary.com
"state of wakefulness," O.E. -wacu (as in nihtwacu "night watch"), related to watch; and partly from O.N. vaka "vigil, eve before a feast," related to vaka "be awake" (cf. O.H.G. wahta "watch, vigil," M.Du. wachten "to watch, guard;" see wake (v.)). Meaning "a sitting up at night with a corpse" is attested from early 15c. (the verb in this sense is recorded from mid-13c.). The custom largely survived as an Irish activity. Wakeman (c.1200), which survives as a surname, was M.E. for "watchman."