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Oct 23 2012 01:18 PM ET

Lindsay Lohan live-tweets debate, relieved that it's over


Image Credit: Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images

There are renewed concerns about Lindsay Lohan’s welfare. Her dad recently attempted an intervention, a screenwriter accused her of skipping work, she seemingly can’t drive two blocks without bumping into someone or something, and she still likes the nightlife. So I was relieved yet surprised last night as I settled in with my iPhone for last night’s presidential debate to read a Tweet from Lohan nestled in between ones from my close personal viewing buddies, Chuck Todd, Albert Brooks, and The Fix’s Chris Cillizza. “OMG it is HAPPENING!!!!!!!! The Final Debate!!!!! I’m so nervous!” she wrote.

It was happening and she was nervous. How nervous? Fourteen exclamation points worth! READ FULL STORY »

Oct 23 2012 12:32 PM ET

'Borderlands' blows up iPads! -- EXCLUSIVE FIRST LOOK


It’s official. Borderlands is indeed blasting onto iOS devices in an all-new title starring the series’ original quartet of vault hunters. Borderlands Legends, the bite-sized take on the console blockbuster, will have players looting, leveling, and laying waste to ugly bandits on Oct. 31 ($4.99 iPhone, $6.99 iPad).  READ FULL STORY »

Oct 23 2012 12:28 PM ET

Bob Schieffer talks debate, says he 'tried to get them back on more specific foreign policy questions'

As part of our ongoing national effort to avoid talking about anything of actual political substance during this fraught election season, America has discovered a popular new hobby this month: Complaining about the moderators of the presidential debates. Last week, CNN’s Candy Crowley was criticized for her role in the “Act of Terror” episode — a semantic issue which quickly dominated the post-debate discourse, right alongside “binders full of women” and other things no one will care in a month. Now it’s Bob Schieffer’s turn. The host of Face the Nation has taken some heat for letting the candidates wander away from the third debate’s Foreign Policy subject matter into domestic policy issues, thus depriving the viewing public of our promised full 90 minutes of Romney yelling “Tough on China, Soft on Latin America!” while Obama intoned “Bin Laden, Bin Laden, Bin Laden” over a thumping bass line. READ FULL STORY »

Oct 23 2012 12:25 PM ET

PopWatch Confessional: What shows are you breaking up with on your DVR? 2012 edition!


Image Credit: David Giesbrecht/Fox

Now that the fall TV season is in full swing, it’s time for the annual declaration of our DVR casualties: What shows have you broken up with? It’s hard sometimes to make the break. Last season, I started fast-forwarding through Glee just to watch the musical numbers, and then the episodes began piling up untouched. As a former member of my high school chorus and band (who had the lead in Anything Goes junior year, thank you), I let Glee linger because I support what the show stands for. But now, after seeing how much I genuinely enjoy Nashville, which incorporates good songs without the iffy choreography, I’ve finally let it go. (To assuage the guilt, I plan on attending at least one concert and musical at a local high school this year.)

I hereby also pronounce Dancing With the Stars dead on my DVR. I used to tape the performance night (and fast-forward through the judges and backstage Brooke Burke interviews). But Annie Barrett’s DWTS coverage is entertainment enough. Plus, you can always YouTube a steamy Gilles Marini rumba.

Your turn. Which shows no longer make the cut?

Read more:
The latest TV news on our Inside TV blog
PopWatch Confessional: What scripted show do you DVR and routinely fast-foward?
PopWatch Confessional: What TV show do you like watching before bed?

Oct 23 2012 11:59 AM ET

Justin Timberlake serenades Jessica Biel at wedding reception -- What song would you want to hear?


Image Credit: Harry How/Getty Images

Sorry gals, it looks like love. While performing at his wedding reception, Justin Timberlake reportedly debuted a new song for his ladylove, Jessica Biel.

Us Weekly reported the news, and if true, this means that the man whose music career has been on hold since 2006 actually took the time to pen some lyrics for his betrothed. If that’s not love, I don’t know what is.

Since the ceremony consisted of an intimate gathering of friends and family, I doubt there’s any shaky camera footage of the performance out there. (Not that we didn’t try combing YouTube.) There’s no word on whether Timberlake will release the new tune, but in the meantime, let’s debate which Timberlake song we would have wanted him to sing to us? READ FULL STORY »

Oct 23 2012 10:50 AM ET

Honey Boo Boo fakes sleep to avoid answering Dr. Drew's questions -- VIDEO

Someone get Honey Boo Boo child her go-go juice, stat — she’s falling asleep!

A barefoot and agitated Honey Boo Boo feigned sleep yesterday in the middle of an interview with Dr. Drew in order to avoid answering his questions. The 7-year-old reality star, whose real name is Alana Thompson, has been making talk-show rounds for the last week, acting more and more restless with each interview. She groaned, snored, and flailed her arms to no avail yesterday, ultimately yelling “My fans come up to me and I hate it!” in response to Drew’s question about whether she likes being on TV. Season 2 of Here Comes Honey Boo Boo will certainly be entertaining.

Maybe Dr. Drew should stick to interviewing celebrity drug addicts and pregnant teens — they’re usually more responsive.

Watch the video below: READ FULL STORY »

Oct 23 2012 10:26 AM ET

Donald Trump has YUUGE info about Obama that could change the election, claims Donald Trump


Image Credit: Slaven Vlasic/Getty Images

So that‘s why Donald Trump’s hair is so fluffy: It’s full of secrets. And tomorrow, he’ll reveal one of those secrets to the world at large.

It’s gonna be yuge.

Trump announced on Fox & Friends yesterday that he knows “something very, very big concerning the president of the United States.” The mogul told TMZ Live that he plans to release said information “around noonish” on Wednesday, though he demurred when asked to give any more information about it — including whether Obama will be happy once Trump’s October Surprise has gone public. So far, Trump’s extremely active Twitter page has remained mum on the issue, though he has opined about Lance Armstrong and his “enemies.”

So, what could Trump possibly have up his incredibly luxurious sleeves?  READ FULL STORY »

Oct 23 2012 10:01 AM ET

Ellen DeGeneres on Twain Prize: 'Why didn't I get this sooner?'


Image Credit: Paul Morigi/WireImage

Some of the nation’s top comedians hailed Ellen DeGeneres as a trailblazer Monday night as she received the nation’s highest humor prize.

The Kennedy Center is awarding DeGeneres the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor. The show will be broadcast Oct. 30 on PBS stations.

“Thanks to everyone at PBS. I am so happy to be part of your farewell season,” DeGeneres joked in accepting the prize and taking a jab at Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s plans to stop funding public broadcasting.

On the red carpet before the show, DeGeneres said she doesn’t see herself as political with her comedy, though, even though she’s been a trailblazer.

“I just want to make people happy and make people laugh,” she said. READ FULL STORY »

Oct 23 2012 09:57 AM ET

EW's Morning Bite: And the best sound bite from last night is...

Submitted by KR:

“Well, governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets.”

–President Barack Obama during the final presidential debate, in response to Mitt Romney’s comment that the U.S. Navy has fewer ships now than it did in 1916

Check out the rest of your quote submissions from Monday, Oct. 22 and come back tonight to share your pick for best sound bite!

Read more:
The final Presidential debate review: Obama scores TKO: Romney ‘doesn’t have different ideas’ from the President
Who made the better Peter Berg reference in final presidential debate?
ABC News reporter Martha Raddatz on the art of national debate moderating

Oct 23 2012 09:30 AM ET

'Gossip Girl' recap: A B in B's clothing


Image Credit: Giovanni Rufino/The CW

What an incredibly frustrating episode of Gossip Girl.

If I may recap from the top of Mount Holier Than Thou — I think every character on this show was secretly infected with some sort of crazy virus à la The Walking Dead, died (inside), activated the virus, and now roams the streets of New York calling themselves “mentors.” Yup, there’s no other option because these people can’t be real. (Also, Sandra, newsflash: They’re not.)

Alas, in whatever warped reality in which Gossip Girl takes place, this week’s episode found Serena and Blair at each other’s throats in a pretty massive (and juvenile) way, Dan backstabbing his best bro, Serena playing big sis/mini-mom to Sage, and Sage just asking to be slapped. I get that this season was meant to test the relationships, but this isn’t a test. This is character implosion! READ FULL STORY »


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