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Archive for June, 2004

Cassini On Station

Posted by Sam Churchill on June 30th, 2004

The Cassini-Huygens spacecraft (Space.com, Florida Today, NPR, (images & ESA), performed a flawless 96-minute engine burn Wednesday night and sailed into orbit around Saturn. During the next four years, Cassini will circle Saturn more than 75 times, conducting a detailed study of the planet and its moons and rings. In January, the spacecraft’s Huygens probe [...]

Iowa Rest Stops Get WiFi

Posted by Sam Churchill on June 30th, 2004

Iowa motorists, like those in Texas and Maryland can now check their e-mail and surf the Internet at wireless hot rest stops, while they stretch their legs. The Iowa Department of Transportation said a six-month trial will test three wireless rest stops, then access may expand to 40 rest areas statewide. Wireless users will be [...]

Microsoft CoLocates (with GPS)

Posted by Sam Churchill on June 30th, 2004

At the TechEd conference, in Amsterdam, two Microsoft employees dressed respectively as a cell phone and a PocketPC demonstrated a simple application that enabled them to take a photograph and post it, along with the location, to a Web log. The World-Wide Media eXchange, can couple with SenseCam output for a lifetime store of everything. [...]

YDI Buys Ricochet

Posted by Sam Churchill on June 30th, 2004

Ricochet has been bought by YDI Wireless. C/Net has the poop on the $3.5 million deal. Denver-based Ricochet, one of the first “city-cloud” providers used 2.4 GHz networking to link their access points on lamposts. End users could receive 128Kbps using a small, portable modem that worked on the unlicensed 900 Mhz band. It’s available [...]

Orange Expands Hotspots

Posted by Sam Churchill on June 30th, 2004

UK cellular provider Orange, will expand its French Wi-Fi hotspot service by 1,500 sites, taking its total to 4500 locations by the end of the year, reports The Register. Growth of the pricey service comes on the back of deals signed with Air France to equip the airlines’ airport business lounges with wireless Internet access, [...]

Video Eye-to-Eye Tricks

Posted by Sam Churchill on June 30th, 2004

TechDirt complains about webcams showing people staring off camera (at their monitors), rather than looking you in the eye. There are several solutions. Microsoft’s research lab has been developing a technique using two cameras under the name i2i. It could be released for video chat sessions in the future. A (cleaned-up) background may also be [...]