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Health Articles by Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen from the Chicago Sun-Times
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20121119040305/http://www.suntimes.com/lifestyles/health/youdocs/index.html


Mehmet Oz, M.D. & Michael Roizen, M.D.

Dr. Oz, 48, earned his undergraduate degree from Harvard, his M.D. from the University of Pennsylvania, and his M.B.A. from the Wharton School of Business. …

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Taking too many antacids masks real problem

DRS. ROIZEN AND OZ: Popping antacids on a regular basis might bring relief at the moment, but is not a long-term solution.

When adversity hits, here’s how to handle it

DRS. ROIZEN AND OZ: When life throws you adversity, what’s the best way to handle it and leave you in the best health possible.

Can you change your mind after a vasectomy?

DRS. ROIZEN AND OZ: He wants a vasectomy now. But what if he changes his mind later? Can he get the procedure reversed?

Bigger, better breakfast can squelch midnight munchies

DRS. ROIZEN AND OZ: An insomniac finds sleep has been replaced with eating after midnight. How can this behavior — which, no surprise, has led to weight gain — be stopped?

Mom-to-be wonders: circumcise or not?

YOU DOCS: A mom-to-be just discovered she’s going to have a boy. Now she wonders: should he be circumcised?

Feeling SAD? Get outdoors and exercise

DRS. ROIZEN AND OZ: I have seasonal affective disorder, and before I get socked by winter depression, tell me: What’s the best way to deal with it?

Forget antibacterials! Use plain soap and water to combat germs

DRS. ROIZEN AND OZ: I hear there’s bad news about an antibacterial ingredient that’s common in soap. With three kids under the age of 8, it’s a germ festival around here. I want to keep things clean. What should I do?

Elderly may find meditation helpful

DRS. ROIZEN AND OZ: I visited my 84-year-old grandmother in her assisted-living home recently, and she seemed lonely. I visit as often as I can, but what else I can do for her?

Combat gestational diabetes with walking

DRS. ROIZEN AND OZ: I’m 30 pounds overweight and was planning to lose weight before getting pregnant. Well, I’m pregnant. So, am I at risk of gestational diabetes? And can I lose weight while I’m pregnant?

Toned muscles = stronger bones

DRS. ROIZEN AND OZ: My doctor says if I strengthen my muscles, I’ll strengthen my bones, too. Is that true, and will it cut my risk for osteoporosis?

3 good reasons to donate blood

DRS. ROIZEN AND OZ: There’s a blood drive going on, and my friends want me to sign up with them. But I don’t like needles. And don’t laugh, but I’m worried I might get AIDS. Help!

Beware repeated contact drills in football

DRS. ROIZEN AND OZ: Her 12-year-old has his heart set on playing football. Is the game safer yet?

Getting in the mood with the right foods

DRS. ROIZEN AND OZ: Your brain, it turns out, is your biggest sex organ. That means flavors, textures and smells can be provocative. And all kinds of nutrients, including vitamins, minerals and micronutrients, are essential for robust sexual function in both men and women.

Simple procedure combats GERD

DRS. ROIZEN AND OZ: What do you think of the TIF (transoral incisionless fundoplication) procedure for relieving persistent GERD, gastroesophageal reflux disease?

  • Words work better than spanking

    DRS. ROIZEN AND OZ: The 4-year-old is acting impossible. Is spanking the right way to go?

  • Early intervention in dyslexia is key

    DRS. ROIZEN AND OZ: Before heading to the doctor to explore testing options for a child’s dyslexia, take time to note behaviors.

  • Post-traumatic stress can hit anyone

    DRS. ROIZEN AND OZ: Anyone who has experienced a traumatic event involving the threat of injury or death is a candidate for post-traumatic stress disorder.