After five years as a webcomic, Cameron Stewart's creepy and oddly beautiful series Sin Titulo has completed its run and is being prepared for print publication next year from Dark Horse Comics, bringing its unsettling surreality to a whole new audience unprepared for what's to come.

Lauren Davis wrote about Sin Titulo for this very site back in June of this year, describing it as "delightfully surreal" and "almost [David] Lynchian" as it followed protagonist Alex through the seeming unraveling of his reality in both emotional and literal terms. The series started in June 2007, and ran through the end of last week - Stewart, perhaps best known for his work with Grant Morrison on various projects including Seaguy and Batman and Robin, took a hiatus from the strip for a period last year - with the creator announcing this weekend that the series will be collected for print by the Oregon-based Dark Horse:

I can reveal that I have signed a publishing contract with Dark Horse Comics to release the complete Sin Titulo in hardcover in 2013. The book will be printed "landscape" format, preserving the format of the webcomic. Price is as yet undetermined but I am told that it will be affordable. I will be doing some revisions, mainly tidying up lettering and color, so that it looks its best in print.

He added that "foreign-language editions are also in the pipeline."

With any luck, Sin Titulo will be the first of many projects written as well as drawn by the creator, who's proven to be as skilled a storyteller with words as he is with images.

For those of you who can't wait until next year, Sin Titulo can still be read in its entirety online starting here.