Scenes from Renee Joy De Vere and Lloyd Westcott Edge's wedding. Click for more photos

Renee Joy De Vere and Lloyd Westcott Edge

Scenes from Renee Joy De Vere and Lloyd Westcott Edge's wedding. Photo: Anna Zhu

  • Scenes from Renee Joy De Vere and Lloyd Westcott Edge's wedding.
  • Scenes from Renee Joy De Vere and Lloyd Westcott Edge's wedding.
  • Scenes from Renee Joy De Vere and Lloyd Westcott Edge's wedding.
  • Scenes from Renee Joy De Vere and Lloyd Westcott Edge's wedding.
  • Scenes from Renee Joy De Vere and Lloyd Westcott Edge's wedding.
  • Scenes from Renee Joy De Vere and Lloyd Westcott Edge's wedding.
  • Scenes from Renee Joy De Vere and Lloyd Westcott Edge's wedding.
  • Scenes from Renee Joy De Vere and Lloyd Westcott Edge's wedding.
  • Scenes from Renee Joy De Vere and Lloyd Westcott Edge's wedding.
  • Scenes from Renee Joy De Vere and Lloyd Westcott Edge's wedding.
  • Scenes from Renee Joy De Vere and Lloyd Westcott Edge's wedding.

Renee Joy De Vere and Lloyd Westcott Edge
St Mark's Church, Darling Point and The Royal Motor Yacht Club, Point Piper

A couple of music lovers, Lloyd is a music conductor while Renee plays the clarinet for fun. They became a duet after meeting in the concert band they both play in. "We are both very passionate about music and it is a blessing we are able to share music together," Renee says. It's not the only thing they have in common. "We both love shoes."

Apart from sharing a love of shoes, Renee says that Lloyd, "is a very talented musician, property mogul, and motorbike enthusiast."  

His enthusiasm for biking means they go cruising together, but it doesn't excite Renee to quite the same extent. On one ocassion, on a road trip from Canberra to Sydney, Renee fell asleep on back of Lloyd's motorbike on the freeway.  

The proposal
A three-part proposal, Lloyd went all out to impress Renee. First up, he bought her "a beautiful cocktail dress, had a hire car pick me up with roses and champagne and take me to Guillaume at Bennelong [at the Opera House]." After their entre and main, he whisked her to another restaurant to dessert. "We then walked to the Harbour Bridge, and he proposed on bended knee under the Harbour bridge."
The wedding

A string quartet made up of musicians from the Australian Opera and Ballet Orchestra serenaded the couple at the ceremony. Afterwards, their 97 guests were kept entertained, in the bright purple and fuschia-themed reception room, by a game played by the bride, groom and best man. In it, the best man 'stole' Renee just before the first dance and he and Lloyd play-battled to win her back for the first dance. Lloyd, of course won his new bride and they put on their dancing shoes.

Since becoming Mr and Mrs Edge, their greatest challenge has been an envious one; they couldn't decide whether to go to the Maldives or Japan for their honeymoon. "So we went to both."

The details

The dress
A Johanna Johnson silk dress with a low-cut back and crystal detailing.

The cake
A macaroon tower by CreAsion.

The honeymoon
Maldives, Singapore and Japan

The photography
Anna Zhu Photography