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Effective practice | Home Office
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Effective practice

Welcome to the Effective Practice area for community safety practitioners.

This area provides access to all the Effective Practice publications on the Home Office website, including guidance, case studies and research.

You can also submit and share your examples of effective practice by providing details of problem solving case study work which has taken place at a local level.

If you are interested in more general news and information relating to crime and community safety at a local level, including information about funding, award schemes and lots more ... please go to the Community Safety Partnerships page .

If you would like to receive News Updates and Information regarding crime and community safety at a local level, please email us at Effectivepractice@Homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk

		                Teenagers sitting on a fence

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Effective practice is relevant to community safety partnerships, voluntary and private organisations, and communities who work to cut crime.

Latest on this topic

New Page on the Home Office website - Other Funding Streams - A new page has been added under the Community Safety Partnership area of the Home Office website featuring details of non-Home Office funding sources which practitioners may find useful when resourcing case study projects within crime and community safety.
Published 19 October 2012

New Page on the Home Office website - Other Sources of Good Practice - Check out the new page under the Community Safety Partnership area of the Home Office website.  The page features details of other sources of good practice in crime and commuity safety, that practitioners may find useful when researching potential projects.
Published 17 October 2012

Project Oracle - Youth Evidence Hub
The Project Oracle website is now up and running and ready for submissions.  The Youth Evidence Hub aims to 'understand and share what really works' in youth programmes in London.
Published 16 October 2012

Learning from the Neighbourhood Agreements Pathfinder Programme
Read the latest research which sets out several suggestions that will help those interested in developing a Neighbourhood Agreement approach in their local area. In particular it provides guidance to practitioners on planning an Agreement, how to monitor its effectiveness, and how to sustain local resident engagement.
Published 5 October 2012

Test, Learn, Adapt - Developing Public Policy with Randomised Controlled Trials
This report from the Cabinet Office presents information helpful to practitioners who want to improve the strength of their evidence by using more systematic approaches to planning, conducting, implementing and evaluating new initiatives. 
Published 5 October 2012

Guidance by Department of Health on Sharing Information to Tackle Violence
This Guidance highlights how Community Safety Partnerships  (CSPs) can reduce violence in their community by encouraging A&Es to collect and share information on time, type and location of assault, as part of the Government’s commitment to deliver on Information Sharing to Tackle Violence.
Published 25 September 2012

Tilley Awards 2012 Public Vote
Have your say - vote for your favourite crime fighting project. The Tilley Awards public vote is now live. You can vote for your favourite shortlisted project by visiting the Home Office website here. Please encourage friends and family to visit and vote. Voting closes on the 2nd November and the winning project will be announced alongside the top three projects judged by an expert panel in December.
Published 20 September 2012

Call for abstracts for the International Crime and Intelligence Analysts Conference, 13/14 December 2012, Manchester - Deadline - Monday 24th September -
There are only a few days left to submit an abstract for consideration for presentation at the International Crime and Intelligence Analysts Conference.  Selected speakers attend the conference for free.  Please click on this link for more details.
Published 19 September 2012

Above Bar Street - See how Southampton City Safe Partnership reduced crime and disorder in the night time ecomony (NTE) by creating a Night Time Economy Group to develop a package of measures to counter act the problem.
Published 18 September 2012

Safe Bet Alliance - Read how the Metropolitan Police and partners reduced burglary offences and developed good practice in dealing with crimes against bookmakers, their staff and customers.
Published 18 September 2012

Distraction Burglary in Warwickshire - See how Warwickshire police and partners r educed the problem of distraction burglary and the harm caused, to empower the elderly and vulnerable.
Published 7 September 2012

Challenge it, Report it, Stop it - We are looking to showcase examples of local areas that have developed successful strategies to combat hate crime in partnership with others, and hope to publish a collection of examples of 'what works' in combating hate crime, in late Autumn 2012
If you are interested in showcasing your work please visit the Hate Crime page on the Home Office website and send your expressions of interest to Suzelle.Dickson@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk by 24th September 2012.
Published 20 August 2012

Deadline approaching for the annual call for UK entries for the European Crime Prevention Awards - the deadline for submitting any project, initiative or package of measures that aims to reduce crime and/or fear of crime is the 7th September 2012.  Entries are invited from organisations such as local authorities, CSPs, the police, community groups and voluntary organisations.  Please contact Maria.Athayde3@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk or Georgina.Mallows@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk for more information. 
Published 20 August 2012

Operation Uncanny - Northampton Police used a strong partnership approach when dealing with the high levels of street prostition in the area which led to to a sigificant decrease in the number of prostitues working in the area with no displacement effect.  Read more to see how they managed it.
Published 17 August 2012

The Engage Team - Read how Blackburn and Darwen CSP used a multi agency approach to tackling issues surrounding child sexual exploitation resulting in an overall reduction of children being reported as missing from home and a greater understanding of the issues surrounding child sexual exploitation.
Published 17 August 2012

Tout and You're Out - Read how Safer Merton successfully addressed the problem of ticket touting in their London Borough and neighbouring boroughs during the Wimbledon tennis tournaments which was leading to an increase in fraud and associated crime.
Published 2 August 2012

Traffic Light System - See how South Wales Police reduced alcohol-related crime and disorder among licensed premises in Cardiff City Centre.
Published 2 August 2012

Reducing Burglary - This case study focused on a combination of law enforcement and social crime prevention and was designed to address the problem of burglary of dwelling and damage to dwelling in Woodhouse Carr in Leeds.
Published 1 August 2012

Operation Fragment - See how Avon and Somerset Constabulary reduced the impact of metal thefts on the community and created sustainable working partnerships in the South West region.
Published 1 August 2012

Learning from the Neighbourhood Agreements Pathfinder programme - The latest research on the Effective Practice area aims to support residents and service providers who wish to put in place a Neighbourhood Agreement in their local area by summarising the key recommendations and learning from research into design, delivery and development of Agreements in five Pathfinder areas. 
This research relates to an initiative that was set up under the previous Government. Home Office Occasional Paper 107.
Published 1 August 2012

Assessing young people in police custody: An examination of the operation of Triage schemes - The most recent report to be added to the Effective Practice area highlights a number of lessons that can be learnt about the design, implementation and delivery of Triage schemes from the experiences of the seven local areas where the study was carried out. Home Office Occasional Paper 106.
Published 1 August 2012

Taverham Massive - The latest case study to be uploaded to the Effectie Practice area combined law enforcement, community engagement and social crime prevention measures to address the problem of anti-social behaviour and youth crime in Taverham.
Published 27 July 2012

The annual call for UK entries for the European Crime Prevention Awards is now open to any project, initiative or package of measures that aims to reduce crime and/or fear of crime.  Entries are invited from organisations such as local authorities, CSPs, the police, community groups and voluntary organisations.  Please contact Maria.Athayde3@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk or Georgina.Mallows@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk for more information. 
Published 24 July 2012

The Self Esteem and Self Empowerment Programme (SENSE)
See the most recent Effective Practice publication showing how groupwork modules to increase self confidence and empowerment, are helping young women to make 'safe choices' in Manchester.
Published 3 July 2012

The Terriers Project
Read the latest publication on the Effective Practice area that shows how Merseyside successfully used theatrical approaches in secondary and primary schools in England, to demonstrate the stark reality of being involved in gangs.
Published 29 June 2012 

Leaving Prison Mentoring Scheme
The latest effective practice publication comes from The Prince's Trust.
This pilot project works with selected prisons in England and Northern Ireland and enables ex-offenders to mentor young people through their transition from prison to community.
Published 21 June 2012

Step 2
The latest effective practice publication to be uploaded comes from Easington.
Read how the STEP 2 project has successfully decreased antisocial behaviour and improved information sharing and involvement of other agencies when dealing with some of the most challenging and antisocial households in society.
Published 8 June 2012

Community Help Point Scheme (CHPS) in Enfield
The latest effective practice publication to be uploaded comes from Enfield. 
See how the Metropolitan Police and Enfield Children and Young People's Services, in collaboration with local businesses, have increased young people's feelings of safety using an innovative partnership approach.
Published 8 June 2012

Practitioner's perceptions of the role of Neighbourhood Crime and Justice co-ordinators
This report provides findings from interviews in 9 of the 60 local authority areas to identify the benefits the co-ordinators have delivered and what made the role effective.
Published 23 May 2012

Positive Futures Funding Opportunities
The Home Office have launched a grant application process to provide grant funding in six areas for the management and delivery of Positive Futures and is inviting applications from both the voluntary and statutory organisations and agencies.  The deadline for applications is the 25th May.  Please visit the Home Office Positive Futures page for more information on the programme.
Published 14 May 2012

Metal Theft Toolkit
The LGA have put together a Metal Theft Tookit to help councils and partners to understand what powers already exist to reduce the attractiveness and profitability of metal theft.  The toolkit also examines developing practice from councils as they work to better regulate their local scrap dealers.
Published 26 April 2012

Focus on the victim - Summary report on the ASB call-handling trials
Read the findings from the trial of a new approach to handling calls from the public reporting instances of antisocial behaviour.  See also the case studies included in the report for examples of successful approaches.
Published 11 April 2012

ASB Connect Newsletters
ASB Connect Newsletters will now be hosted on the Home Office website.  Read past editions here.
Published 11 April 2012

Tilley Awards 2012 Launched
Full details of this year's 10 themes and the revised application process for this year's Tilley awards, can be found here.
Published 30 March 2012

CSP A&E Data Sharing Audit
If you are a CSP with an A&E Department in your area, you should have received a survey from the DoH exploring data sharing arrangements between A&E departments and CSPs.  Please help with this audit by providing data by following this link to the survey.
Published 30 March 2012

Alcohol Strategy published today
Read the Alcohol Strategy, published today, which sets out the Government's proposals to crackdown on our 'binge drinking' culture.
Published 23 March 2012

Updated Violence Against Women and Girls Action Plan, Taking Action - The New Chapter 
Includes 100 actions to tackle VAWG in the areas of prevention, provision of services, and partnership working, as well as justice outcomes and reducing the risk to victims. 
Published 8 March 2012

Sixth Police and Crime Commissioner's Update Bulletin
Includes feedback from the Partner Engagement Events, information on the online survey, clarification on the requirement for a 'balanced' police and crime panel, links to the consultation on services for victims - the Victim Service Advocate (VSA) Project and information relating to the Home Office PCC Transition Programme Review.
Published 12 February 2012

Take Part programme
Produced by the Department For Communities and Local Government (DCLG) and managed by the Community Development Foundation (CDF) has helped pave the way for new policy agendas seeking to devolve power to the local level. The programme offers opportunities for local organisations to build on the networks, knowledge base and the skill set that Take Part has helped to embed across England, to encourage local action and a stimulating civil society.
Published 12 February 2012

About Effective Practice
How partners will benefit from sharing their experiences, and how we plan to help.
Published 8 February 2012

Latest guidance, case studies and research
Partner's experiences and learnings are now available.
Published 6 February 2012

Submit your case studies

Guidance and information is available to help you submit case studies for publication on this website. Please submit your case studies and contribute to this valuable effective practice resource. 

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