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Reach a large targeted audience of home buyers and renters with an online-only ad on SearchChicago-Homes using one of the ad types below.
If you would like to buy a print ad, please use our "I Want It Marketplace."
Sample: Ad Detail Page
Sample: Spotlight Ad
Sample: Featured Ad
Ad Posting Products
Ad Posting Products
30 day standard listing (30 day duration)
15 day standard listing (15 day duration)
7 day standard listing (7 day duration)

     Our most economical internet ad. Add as much text as you want and up to 16 photos.

Upgrade Products
Featured Upgrade
30-day featured listing (30 day duration)

Gets four times the page views.  Buy this to add to your standard listing.  If you don't already have a standard listing, purchase one of the standard listings above or one of our packages below.

15 day featured listing (15 day duration)

Gets four times the page views.  Buy this to add to your standard listing.  If you don't already have a standard listing, purchase one of the standard listings above or one of our packages below.

7 day featured listing (7 day duration)

Gets four times the page views.  Buy this to add to your standard listing.  If you don't  already have a standard listing, purchase one of the standard listings above or one of our packages below.

Spotlight Upgrade
15-day spotlight (15 day duration)

Gets up to 10 times the page views.  Buy this to add to your standard listing.  If you don't already have a standard listing, purhcase one of the standard listings above or one of our packages below.

7 day spotlight (7 day duration)

Gets up to 10 times the page views.  Buy this to add to your standard listing.  If you don't already have a standard listing, purhcase one of the standard listings above or one of our packages below.

Open House Upgrade
Open House for 7 days (7 day duration)

Having an open house? Add an open house upgrade to your standard listing. It is searchable and mappable.

7 day standard listing plus 7 day Featured

Get up to 10 times the page views. Your standard ad will be prominently positioned to reach targeted buyers or renters

Included in this package:
  • 1 x Ad Posting (7 day)
  • 1 x Featured Upgrade (7 day)
  • 15 day standard listing plus 15 day Spotlight
    Included in this package:
  • 1 x Ad Posting (15 day)
  • 1 x Spotlight Upgrade (15 day)
  • 30 day standard listing plus 30 day Spotlight
    Included in this package:
  • 1 x Ad Posting (30 day)
  • 1 x Spotlight Upgrade (30 day)
  • 7 day standard listing plus 7 day Open House

    Having an open house? Increase your foot traffic with this searchable, mappable upgrade.

    Included in this package:
  • 1 x Ad Posting (7 day)
  • 1 x Open House Upgrade (7 day)
  • 15 day standard listing plus 15 day Featured upgrade

    15 day standard listing with a 15 day featured upgrade

    Included in this package:
  • 1 x Featured Upgrade (15 day)
  • 1 x Ad Posting (15 day)
  • 30 day standard listing plus 30 day Featured upgrade
    Included in this package:
  • 1 x Ad Posting (30 day)
  • 1 x Featured Upgrade (30 day)
  • Subtotal: