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Chicago News Reports by Laura Washington of the Chicago Sun-Times
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20121028071919/http://www.suntimes.com:80/news/washington/index.html
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Laura S. Washington biography

Laura S. Washington, a columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times , brings more than two decades of experience as a non-profit professional and multi-media journalist who …

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‘Luck of Obama’ never, ever quits

Have you heard of the luck of the Irish? That’s nothing, laddie, compared to the Luck of O’Bama. Just five weeks to the Nov. 6 election, President Barack Obama is favored to cap an unlikely and charmed political career by being re-elected the 44th president …

Time to end the Jackson Jackson Jr. bob and weave

Dear U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., representative of Illinois’ 2nd Congressional District: Like all politicians, you have enemies who, fueled by ambition, jealousy or old scores, want to see you gone. I have never been in that camp. Now, even this longtime Triple J watcher …

‘Shadow strikers’ marched with CTU

They are the shadow strikers. Behind the bullhorns and police lines, hundreds of community organizers and their compatriots strategized, marched and danced last week in solidarity with the Chicago Teachers Union. Quiet as it’s kept, the city’s robust community-organizing movement has been a potent sister …


There are just 57 excruciating days until Election Day. Four may be pivotal. On four evenings in October, American voters will get their best and last chance to judge the presidential nominees. For many American voters this summer, the livin’ hasn’t been easy. The new …

Dems should leave convention with ‘strong sense of unity’: Ald. Tunney

D ese, dem and dose. Leave it to Chris Christie be the one to resurrect a hackneyed chestnut: Barack Obama the ward heeler. As the GOP convention kicked off last week, the New Jersey governor lobbed that number at a meeting for the California delegation, …

Newborn giant panda cub dies at the National Zoo

The National Zoo’s week-old giant panda cub died of unknown causes Sunday morning. Zoo officials say the cub was found dead after panda keepers heard sounds of distress from its mother, Mei Xiang.

To GOP: Round up blacks for the camera

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney will be formally nominated this week at the Republican National Convention in Tampa. It’s his first and best chance to tell his personal story and warm up before a national audience in prime time. (Did you know his real first …

How Fed policymakers affect the economy

The Federal Reserve’s chief policymaking group, the Federal Open Market Committee, has vast power over the economy through its ability to set monetary policy. How the FOMC operates.

Fed cuts 2012 growth forecast, raises next 2 years

The Federal Reserve has lowered its outlook for growth this year but is more optimistic about the next two years.

Here’s hoping for change: Hillary Clinton for VP

Here she comes again. She’s going to cue up that broken record, once again. She’s going to beat that old horse down, down into the ground. Here’s my pitch, one more time. Hillary Clinton for vice president is a hands-down, sure-fire victory strategy for President …

Both sides play ‘us’ vs. ‘them’

Class wars? Or the politics of penury? Democrats and Republicans are ferociously exchanging barbs about our money. Those barbs could backfire. Each side is spending millions on ads accusing the enemy of failing the Cleavers, Huckstables and Bunkers. Each side argues they are the true …

‘Ale to the chief’: White House releases beer recipe

WASHINGTON — Beer lovers, the secret is out. The White House has made public the recipe for two homemade beers that have become an object of fascination for beer drinkers everywhere. White House Honey Brown Ale, thought to be the first beer brewed on the …

  • Gov. Quinn stands up to People of the Gun

    It’s about time someone stepped up. Last week, I lamented the lack of leadership on gun control. Even after last month’s movie theater horror in Aurora, Colo., the politicians are still cowering and quivering. From President Barack Obama on down, the politicians fear alienating the …Read More

  • Bowing low to the People of the Gun

    A semiautomatic assault rifle, anyone? How about a few thousand rounds of ammo? On July 20, those weapons of choice killed 12 innocents at the Century 16 Theatre in Aurora, Colo. The shooter legally bought an AR-15 assault rifle, three other guns and thousands of …Read More

  • A fitting honor for civil-rights activist Ida B. Wells-Barnett

    July 16, 2012, marked the 150th anniversary of the birth of Ida B. Wells-Barnett, a singular Chicagoan, among many other things: journalist, educator, civil-rights activist, suffragist, mother and wife, rabble-rouser. Wells-Barnett was born in Holly Springs, Miss., in 1862, the daughter of former slaves. She …Read More

  • Bring on Hillary and Condi for VP

    What do Hillary Clinton and Condoleezza Rice have in common? Both have first-rate political pedigrees. Both are among the boldest of boldface names. Both could knock the 2012 presidential race out of the box. The vice presidential speculation machine kicked into overdrive Thursday night, via …

  • Obama ‘deeply saddened’ by shooting at Sikh temple

    President Barack Obama said Sunday that he and first lady Michelle Obama are “deeply saddened” by the killing of at least six people Sunday at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin, and promised his administration will provide “whatever support is necessary” to those investigating the shooting.