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Money and Policy - Health News - The New York Times
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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Money & Policy

Ronald F. Pollack of the consumer group Families USA sees potential benefits, and problems, with the multistate insurance.
Brendan Smialowski/Getty Images

Ronald F. Pollack of the consumer group Families USA sees potential benefits, and problems, with the multistate insurance.

The Obama administration will soon take on a new role as the sponsor of at least two nationwide health insurance plans that will be offered to consumers in every state.

From Calm Leadership, Lasting Change

Rachel Carson, who warned of pesticides’ toll on nature in “Silent Spring” 50 years ago, offered an indelible example of the power of individual action.

U.S. Cuts Estimate of Sugar Intake

The Agriculture Department has lowered its estimate of annual sugar consumption to around 80 pounds a person from nearly 100 pounds, reshaping the debate over sweeteners.

Reports on Energy Drinks Show Gaps in Safety Policy

While the Food and Drug Administration regularly makes reports about drugs and medical devices public, it does not do so for dietary supplements like energy drinks.

Today's Economist

If Primary-Care Doctors Were Taxed Like Hedge-Fund Managers

To encourage more doctors to provide primary care, why not tax them at the lower rate assessed on some income of hedge-fund and private-equity managers?

Spending on Medicaid Has Slowed, Survey Finds

Enrollment in the program grew only modestly as well, but that may change as millions of people are due to become eligible in 2014 under the new national health care law, a survey found.

Settlement Eases Rules for Some Medicare Patients

Tens of thousands of people with chronic conditions and disabilities may find it easier to qualify for home health care, nursing home stays and outpatient therapy.

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Democrats Use Health Law to Assail Republicans

A provision of the law requiring members of Congress to use the new insurance exchanges has inspired a barrage of political advertising that some call misleading.

A New Painkiller Crackdown Targets Drug Distributors

In a new approach to combating prescription painkiller abuse, the federal government is focusing on the middlemen between drug makers and the doctors and pharmacies that dispense drugs.

Uruguay Senate Approves First-Trimester Abortions

The bill, which allows the procedure during the first trimester for any reason, opens the way for one of the most sweeping abortion rights laws in Latin America.

Medvedev Calls for Public Smoking Ban in Russia by 2015

In an apparent bid to reclaim relevance and support, Prime Minister Dmitri A. Medvedev came out in support of the proposed ban in Russia, where close to a third of the population smokes.

From Opinion
Op-Ed Contributor

Beyond Obamacare

Unless we start allocating health care resources more prudently, the exploding cost of Medicare will swamp the federal budget.

In Remission and on a Mission

Seun Adebiyi — an Olympic hopeful, Yale Law School graduate and leukemia survivor — is trying to start a public cord-blood bank in Nigeria.

Health Care Costs

Posts from the Economix blog on why the United States spends so much on health care.

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