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StarDust | Profile
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20121114191756/http://www.nintendolife.com:80/users/StarDust

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Sun 20th January, 2008
United States

Recent Comments



StarDust commented on New Super Mario Bros. U:

I just saw a preview video on IGN. Please tell me they're not gonna rehash the same dang BGM for the fourth time!!! Uggg...



StarDust commented on Wii U Stock Shortage Reports Surface in UK:

I'm just hoping that my Gamestop receives all five of the Black Deluxe consoles that were preordered including mine, otherwise it's the first come/first serve standing in line BS that I wanted to avoid.



StarDust commented on Talking Point: The Challenges When Writing Abo...:

NintendoLife has always been my first source for Nintendo news, at least since VC-Reviews, and later Wiiware-World and the merger. IGN, for instance, is either biased or talks about stupid stuff that doesn't even relate to me as a gamer. Never mind looking through rose-tinted glasses talking about fanboy bias and a site called NintendoLife, but you all really do the best reviews...



StarDust commented on MCV: Wii U Is A Stopgap System, Real Successor...:

Exactly. Sega signed it's own death warrant by continuous upgrading...

1986: SMS
1990: Genesis.
Genesis+Sega CD
Saturn (5th generation - too late)
Dreamcast (6th generation - too early)
Drops out of hardware market.

Though to be fair, the Gameboy Color and DSi were kind of stopgaps. Oh, and Nintendo's original "third tier" Virtual Boy crashed like a ton of bricks!



StarDust commented on Feature: Pokémon's Controversial History:

What annoyed me the most about Pokemon was that I got a Game Boy Color when I was in high school, and there were never any decent games out in the store because the racks were stuffed full of poke-crap...



StarDust commented on Nintendo Download: 18th October 2012 (North Am...:

3d land, kart 7, Zelda, and starfox, I already have. $40 is too high for retail downloads, IMO, but anyone who registers these awesome titles gets a free DK original Edition download. I'm so jealous, although I do have a repro of this game for NES.



StarDust commented on Wii U In-Game Voice Chat Won't Use GamePad Mic...:

You've got to think about issues like feedback between the speaker system and Gamepad microphone. If somebody's gaming with their Wii hooked up to a hifi stereo system, the in-game audio will be picked up by the microphone and transmitted to other players, causing all sorts of noise problems. Speakerphones work on the fact that the microphone is only activated when noone on the other line is speaking, so the mic and speaker are not operated at the same time. That's not an option for game systems. Headsets virtually eliminate feedback due to the close placement of the mic to the face so the gain is lower, and earbuds in the ears don't produce feedback. This is not possible using the gamepad mic in conjunction with the home speaker system.



StarDust commented on Nyko Experiences Power Outage, No Longer Relea...:

It's still asymmetric junk, although not as bad as the ugly goiter otherwise known as CPP.

Face the facts, CPP is a failed accessory, just like the GBA e-reader and DS rumble pak, and Nyko knows it. I seriously doubt any more future 3DS games will support it.



StarDust commented on Wii U Pro Controller Lasts 80 Hours On A Singl...:

Nintendo will take forever updating the back-log of VC games for native Wii-U play. Until then, there will be no playing on the Wii-pad while someone else watches TV, and no Wii-U classic controller play. Dang, I would give anything to play Mario Sunshine on the Wii-U-pad while my mom watches "dancing with the stars".



StarDust commented on Walmart Offers Layaway and Midnight Pickup For...:

I did the right thing and drove to Gamestop as soon as the press conference was over. 32Gbyte deluxe bundle reserved. I'll have to ask GameStop if they're doing a midnight launch though. It will be fun to walk past the droves of people standing in line with my shiny black Wii-U. :D



StarDust commented on Take A Look At The Inside Of The Wii U:

Needs bigger heatsink, bigger fan, beefier power supply, and maybe a tray of liquid nitrogen would also help, now just overclock that thing to kindome come and enjoy your 1080p lag-free gaming!



StarDust commented on Young Boy Thinks Gameboy Micro Is The Latest N...:

I remember holding a Game Boy Color in my hands with Mario Deluxe and getting the exact same warm fuzzy feeling. Oh wait, the year was 1998 and it really was the most advanced system at the time :D

BTW, NES is still one helluva sophisticated piece of hardware!



StarDust commented on Talking Point: Nintendo Takes One Step Forward...:

Digital downloads today means the demise of retro gaming in the future. Also, Nintendo is not factoring in packaging and distribution costs. Nintendo makes probably less 50% off retail sales, yet makes 100% off download sales. Make the downloads 50% the cost of retail, and a lot more people will D/L the games, and Nintendo still makes more $$$ per unit than retail.



StarDust commented on Computer Virus Responsible For Bomb Scare at N...:

Sad thing is, anytime there's a bomb threat, authorities have to act, whether it's lipstick on a bathroom mirror, an anonymous prank call from a payphone, or a Facebook post. Hijacking computers is not a new concept.

That said, there is a squadrun of Bob-ombs currently waiting to explode in Princess Peach'es basement. Yup, I just made a bogus Bob-omb threat on Peach'es castle, and Bowser is waiting in the bushes to make kidnapping as everyone evacuates in the caos. Take that, mushroom retainers!



StarDust commented on Pokémon Almost Brought a "Seizure Gun" to the...:

Even with EMP pulses rather than light or sound techniques, only a tiny percentage of people will be affected. IMO, a weapon that temporarily disables 1-2% of enemy soldiers while most leaving others unscathed, or just mildly annoyed, is not an effective tactical weapon. BTW, the "golden" seizure ratio is roughly 15-18 Hzへるつ strobe light. Every third frame PAL (50/3=18.83Hzへるつ) or every third or fourth frame NTSC (60/3=20Hzへるつ; 60/4=15Hzへるつ) flashing visual patterns have been banned in public media for most jurisdictions because of this effect.
Does anyone have the episode number (or production code) for this Simpsons episode? Thanks...



StarDust commented on Review: Retro Pocket (DSiWare):

I'm kind of a Game-N-Watch junkie. I didn't have a Nintendo growing up, but I had four Game-N-Watch games, and played them to death. I also own the Game-N-Watch Collection DS from Club Nintendo, and I will get the second one when I get around to tallying another 800 points. There are currently 9 G&W titles available for DSiWare, and the 18 dollars I spent on those 9 games were a far better value than the 5 dollars I spent on these 8, if my first impressions of the other 7 games are anything like the first, Fireman. One problem for me while playing the game was that the action takes forever to ramp up in difficulty. I booted the game, and not knowing which game to try first, I played Fireman. The game seemed really good at first, and was basically self-explanatory. The problem therein lies in the fact that Game-n-watch style LCD games were originally meant to be pick-up-and-play type games. They are basically like the candy of the video game world: delicious in small doses. Same principal for a lot of early Atari VCS games: gameplay lasting only a few minutes is like taking little bites of candy. An Epic RPG quest or a modern 3D platformer like Mario Galaxy is more like steak and potatoes: A full meal. You can literally play those for hours on end without tiring. But if you eat a meal's worth of candy, you get a bellyache. That's what happened with RetroPocket. What made the pick-up-and-play action of those early LCD games so addicting was that the difficulty and speed ramped up very quickly. They start off easy, but only those with lightning fast reflexes could survive more than a few minutes, and a single lapse of concentration or the blink of an eye can spell doom in those circumstances. Likewise, everytime you got licked, you would try try again, and there was a very high replay value and satisfaction in trying to best your old high score. My first round of Fireman lasted an entire hour. You get for misses with the falling victims and four misses with the window fires. A while into the game, I realized that instead of spraying the water only when fire appeared, I could basically run back and forth spamming the building with water to ensure the fire doesn't have a chance to respawn. I was determined to play until I used up all of my chances, and wondered for a long time how long I had to play before the game sped up or increased in difficulty. As it turns out, the difficulty never really increased, eventually turning the game into a battle of concentration and marathon attention span. I made it to 15000 points exactly. I had one hit remaining for the victims and one hit remaining for the fires. Another victim was falling to her death. I swooped in to save her, but then I saw my score at an even 15000 points and my hands were beginning to cramp, so instead of rescuing the maiden, I decided I'd had enough, and side-stepped out of her way. The lady came crashing down into the dumpster, followed by a GAME OVER screen. Somehow it was more satisfying to end my game watching my last victim fall to her death than it would have been to let the fire engulf the building. IMO, game-n-watch games should not last a whole freaking hour on a single credit! If it was a coin-op, they'd have gone bankrupt. Not sure if I'll go back to fireman, or at least not on Game "A". I ended up with the gamer's "bellyache" from dining on candy instead of steak. The 15000 high score was essentially meaningless because it's not a measure of how good I was, but how long I was willing to tie myself to the game. Still too exhausted at the moment to try another game. As a Game-N-Watch fan, I was sorely disappointed, so I believe the score is fair.



StarDust commented on Review: Kirby's Dream Collection: Special Edit...:

Like with SM All-Stars, I got this day one. I'm very pleased with my purchase this time around. Yeah, they could have easily released Tilt 'n' Tumble with Wiimote motion tech (or 3DS VC as well), but overall I'm much more impressed with this offering than the Super Mario AllStars demake (Without SM World like I've got for SNES), and Mario 64 with some bonus materials would have been a nice gesture, but Kirby makes up for everything Mario lacks! ;)



StarDust commented on Sony: Wii U Offering "Something That Vita and...:

LOL, anybody ever played Pacman VS? GBA/GC split screen right out of the box, and years before PS3/Vita existed, LOL! They should definitely remake Pacman VS for the Wii-U, or at least tie it in with one of the next Pacman outings.



StarDust commented on Replacement Wii U GamePads Will Be Available I...:

$170 bucks just for the controller? If that's true, then even for the $350 deluxe model, Nintendo must be selling these systems at a loss! :O

We really need hard acrylic screen protectors to protect the delicate touch screens from being bludgeoned while not in use. And while the plastic film screen protectors often protect against light cosmetic scratches, they are virtually useless for protection against blunt-force trauma. Furthermore, game controllers often tend to get tossed together in a storage bin when put away. That's usually what I do for my classic systems usually when I'm not playing them. While this is usually fine for hard plastics, it's definitely a no-no for tactile touch screens. Damage was only a non-issue for the DS touch screens due to the clam-shell design. Just look at how many people break their iPhones on a daily basis!



StarDust commented on Why the White 3DS XL Didn't Ship to Europe or ...:

If you really want a white 3DS xL (or any other color), then get a triwing screwdriver, dismantle the entire 3DS and spread out all of the external plastic bits on some newspaper, buy a can of spraypaint, or nail polish, varnish, whatever, and go nuts decorating it!!!

If I wanted, would probably do a patriotic stars and stripes motif with red, white, and blue nail polish; I doubt Nintendo would be creative enough to release something like that. Also remember there were a lot of 3rd party "skins" available of the original DS phats; expect some stuff like that for the 3DS xL midway through the console's lifespan.

But remember, the 3D effects look better with a black boarder around the screen; otherwise your eyes will focus on the edges and the 3D effect will be partially lost as a result.