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bonesy91 | Profile
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Mon 21st March, 2011
United States

User Signature

"It's like a birthday party where everyone wants to kill me..." - Pit
All My info! 3DS friend code, PSN ID on my backlog!
My inchworm animation stuff

Recent Comments



bonesy91 commented on Rumour: Wii U Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Not Ru...:

you know that half the ps3 games I have played don't run at full 1080p. Heck most ps3 games run at 720. So Considering this game is a port from older consoles of course it's not gonna run 1080p on a brand new system.

just my thoughts anyway.



bonesy91 commented on Wii U Pre-Order Guide:

pre ordered day 1 at gamestop. Cannot wait! after hearing of monster hunter tri ultimate for it I was like: "Sold"! lol.



bonesy91 commented on Out Now: 3DS XL Goes Big in North America:

so I caved and did the trade up. But sadly they told me the wrong way to transfer my data. Good thing I have transformers fall of cybertron reserved their. Going in early tomorrow :D



bonesy91 commented on Out Now: 3DS XL Goes Big in North America:

was gonna pass up upgrading to the big red. But now that I'm working I guess I'll trade up while I can get 100$ off. :P

gonna miss the old shiny blue guy I got on launch day though :( but heck bigger screen "drool"



bonesy91 commented on Nintendo Download: 28th June 2012 (North America):

Well I am a fan of Kingdom hearts (played nearly all of them) but the story has drifted so much that I've sorta been put off of the series. But I'll come back eventually... whenever 3 finally comes out :P

and games I'm looking forward to?
Unchained blades.
Fire emblem: Awakening
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate
Transformers Prime (if it scores well)
Rabbids Rumble
Paper Mario: Sticker Star
Monster hunter 3 or 4 (whenever capcom decides to tell us lol)
Bravely default: flying fairy
just to name a few....



bonesy91 commented on Reggie Fils-Aime: Fanbase Demands Are 'Insatia...:

I can understand that. That is why it's best not to listen to the fans :P

As people, of course we will always want more games and such. But the one thing that game company's need to realize is Localization. There are so many good games out there that never made it overseas due to this. And in a world like today where we are all connected, it shouldn't even be an issue.

So just fix that and I'll be a happy camper. And thank goodness they did release Xenoblade. It has grown to be my favorite RPG or just favorite game in general. :)



bonesy91 commented on Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This...:

Probably just Xenoblade for the most part. (63 hours in and I still don't think I'mn even a 3rd of the way done haha)

also picked up: Pikmin 2, Mario Power Tennis, Rayman Origins and Donkey Kong Country Returns.

I've been so busy, that my Games have just been piling up haha.



bonesy91 commented on Miyamoto: "Angry Birds Would Have Been Better ...:

I can understand why Miyamoto likes the charm of Angry birds. You cannot say that team Rovio didn't have a blast throwing birds into walls while trying to squish pigs into dust during development.

Though due to the overdose of hype this game has become one of my least favs. I mean yeah its a great game but its not the best game ever that some people to this day still swear it is.

But if Nintendo and Rovio decided to work on one made for the eShop... I could see where that might end up to be awesome.



bonesy91 commented on Nintendo Download: 12th April 2012 (North Amer...:

Well at least I have Xenoblade. And I've been leaving messages when I fill out my surveys saying they need to add more than 1-3 new titles a week. It's like they said ok sure more than 1 but less than 3. NOA be trolling lol



bonesy91 commented on Junction Point Holding "Epic" Event on 27th March:

bleh epic mickey one suffered from boring gameplay (while original I'll give it that) and a terrible camera and the fact Disney wouldn't allow their icon to take on a more darker role (cut from the game). but with dual sticks maybe the camera issue would not be a problem.



bonesy91 commented on Darksiders II Creative Director: "Don't Compar...:

Well the original could easily be compared to both "god of war" and "Zelda" in terms of gameplay. Normally wouldn't be a bad thing in my book, I love god of war and Zelda... but when I played Darksiders it was after I tried Kingdoms of Amalur and that also played like god of war... So hopefully this game tries to distinguish itself from where it drew from and make some original experiences.

I'm tired of playing the same game but with a different story lol.



bonesy91 commented on North America, These Are Your Upcoming eShop G...:

Hmmm This week to week release thing needs to change in the future (Especially when the Wii-U drops) I wish Nintendo would just release things when they are ready, not hold off on releasing them to follow this schedule.

But hey, I'm not a businessman so I could be wrong.



bonesy91 commented on Feature: The Desire for Physical Media:


while that may be true, I doubt Sony would drop the PSN items that they have in the future, what I mean is yes the systems will get better but when they reach the point of say how the Ipod works with it's firmware, then all past versions of content will work with future versions of said systems. (Ipod first gen games still work on later gen models) and I highly doubt seeing the PSN PS3 titles not work on PS4 to even PS5.



bonesy91 commented on Feature: The Desire for Physical Media:

while I do love physical media (stares at oracle zelda game cases) but after owning a PS3, I can see why digital is the way to go. Well, if done right. And if internet companies start giving us better download speeds. (4 days to Download inFamous)

But the simple fact is. Physical media cost more, can get lost or even break. And if games went digital prices could drop due to not having to produce copies in a factory. New releases would be available sooner and you wouldn't have to worry about the game not working in several months time.



bonesy91 commented on Review: Box Pusher (DSiWare):

Hmm so now we have a "Pull block game" and A "Push block game".... Guess I'll wait for the "Action adventure block game" :P lol but still, not bad, might check it out down the road.



bonesy91 commented on Pokémon Black & White Version 2 Announced:

Not really surprised it's on DS. I didn't expect a full blown 3DS title to come out so soon after Black and White. I wont be getting this though (sadly the online for Dsi requires a different wireless setting... WEP...) so I'll be waiting for about 2 years? before I get my hands on a 3DS verison.

Still looks cool though :)



bonesy91 commented on Review: Dillon's Rolling Western (3DSWare):

personally I'd go with an 8. This game really reminds me of being goron link in Zelda Majoras mask. And the open world + tower defense scheme is awesome.

I hope we see Dillon in SSBB 3DS and Wii-U :)



bonesy91 commented on In Fire Emblem 3DS, Death Isn't Always Permanent:

good. I hated how if the character dies he was gone. I always restarted if that happened (hey I was going for 100% completion) and also I hope they let us level our characters outside of the main missions (I don't want 40 balanced weak characters... I want all characters maxed out)

one of my two wishes came true :)



bonesy91 commented on Ex-Rare Staff Talk Nintendo, Microsoft and Whe...:

Rare should come back to Nintendo. Imagine Rare and Retro under one roof. My head explodes thinking of what A new Banjo kazooie game would be like.... but then again, Rare has changed and I'm perfectly happy Retro filled that void with all the Metroid Prime goodness :D