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Quote of the Week

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"Like when Phil Collins left Genesis' drum chair to begin his career of balladry; well, that's what I did, but it sounds completely different."
- multi-instrumentalist Darren Garvey, describing the sound of his new solo record

Read the full Centerstage interview and then hear it for yourself on March 14 at Tonic Room or March 16 at The Whistler.

Quote of the Week

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"I was asked once if I was as good in bed as I am on the drums. That kind of stuck in my head."
- "Angry Joe" Dorenbos of five-piece funk band The Jordan Years

Check out the full Centerstage interview, then head to darkroom on Friday, February 19 for the band's Dre Day performance with local rapper Psalm One.

Quote of the Week

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photo: Joan Marcus

"I am a drug addict. You see these little blue babies? They're my best friends and they never let me down. Try to get 'em away from me and I'll eat you alive!"
- Violet Weston (Estelle Parsons), "August: Osage County"

For more Weston wit, and the full Centerstage review of the show's touring production (at the Cadillac Palace Theatre through Valentine's Day), click here.

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