Facebook Took Down This Picture Because It Thinks Elbows Are Boobs

Elbows and boobs. Both are great in their own special ways, but they are definitely not the same thing. You and I might know that well enough, but it seems that Facebook has a little more trouble with the distinction. That's why they took down this elbowlicious picture. Read More >>

US Government Wants the FBI to Shut Down Hamas Twitter Accounts

Twitter has moved far beyond just being a service you tweet about your lunch on, and along with the many useful services it's a platform for, it can also be a tool for terrorism and violence. At least that's how bits of the US government see it, and that's why they're asking the FBI to shut down Hamas-related Twitter accounts. Read More >>

Watch This Adorable Horde of Intelligent Swarm Robots Play Piano

Sometimes robots can be better than humans at playing instruments. Sometimes they're just cooler at it. This herd of little swarm robots — which divvy up the playing between themselves automatically — is the latter. Read More >>

air conditioners
Awesome New Air Conditioner Fends Off Both Heat and Mosquitoes

Air conditioners are truly a technological marvel, cold-campfires of the modern era, or something. But they don't have to be limited to just keeping you cool. A new model LG is rolling out not only cools air but also keeps mosquitoes at bay. Read More >>

Animals Are Literally Being Dissolved Alive Because of Acid in the Ocean

The next time you're having a bit of a bad day, consider this: in a part of the Southern Ocean, sea snails are literally dissolving day by day, thanks to the increasingly high amounts of man-made acidification. Being a little late to that meeting beats being dissolved alive, eh? Read More >>

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This Robotic Water Snake is Both Graceful and Utterly Terrifying

Do snakes freak you out? How about the idea of being hunted down and killed by robots either of their own accord, or on orders from someone else? If you said yes to either of those questions, chances are you'll find this video a little freaky, but enthralling nonetheless. Read More >>

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The Stink Master 2000 Brings Chemical Warfare To Your Backyard

Chemical warfare is generally frowned upon by the world at large, but stink bombs play an important role in any prankster's (read: jackasses') aresenal. The problem with stink bombs is, of course, collateral damage, specifically to the thrower. This custom-made bomb-launcher designed by Joerg Sprave would keep your nostrils safe from harm. Read More >>

What’s Your Favourite Travel Gadget?

Whether you're driving, flying, taking a train, taking a bus, or just walking several hundred miles, chances are you're doing some traveling today. Tech makes just about everything better, and travel is no exception. What's the one travel gadget that makes your arduous trips a little less annoying? Read More >>

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Even the Tone Deaf Can Rock Out on This Self-Playing Harmonica

The harmonica is already a bit of a beginners instrument. Even if you just blow through the thing, you'll get notes that are all in the same key. A listenable mess. This "Rolmonica" from 1928 makes it even easier by playing the right notes for you; all you have to do is blow. Read More >>

Microsoft Just Committed to Supporting the…

Microsoft just commited to supporting the Surface and Windows RT for at least four years. Long live the firmware updates! [ZDNet] Read More >>

This Chunky Four-Legged Robot Scopes Out Danger So You Don’t Have To

When disaster strikes, there are places you—no human, really—wants to be. After the Fukushima disaster, for example, there was tons of fatally radioactive ground where no sane man would dare venture. And with inventions like Toshiba's new quadroped, disaster-investigating robot, they wouldn't have to. Read More >>

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These Tiny Pyramids Are Microscopic Cages For Cells

Cells are three-dimensional so it makes sense to study them in a three-dimensional context, right? That's what researchers from the University of Twente in the Netherlands thought, which is why they made these little cages for studying live cells, instead of using a flat petri dish. Read More >>

The Government Actually Listed a Job Posting For a 00 Agent

Ever wanted to be a secret agent like James Bond? If so, you're probably a little insane, but the government's official job site briefly posted an opening for a position called "Target Elimination Specialist." The job code? 007. No doubt it comes with a license to kill. Read More >>

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This Crazy Bass Guitar Robot Shreds Like a Total Machine

We've all heard of drum machines, but you've probably never heard of a bass machine. Apparently at least one exists, and it's awesome. Read More >>

vending machines
Caviar Vending Machines Are Perfect for the Tycoon on the Go

Ever found yourself in the mood for some caviar but didn't have quite enough time to stop off for some on the way to your private jet for a trip to your own personal island? Me neither, but apparently someone has, because they invented the caviar vending machine. Read More >>