wish you were here
All Roads Should Glow in the Dark (Obviously)

The Dutch design firms Studio Roosegaarde and Hejimans Infrastructure just came up with a brilliant prototype for a "Smart Highway" that uses interactive lighting that adapts to driving conditions to make the roads safer. Enough with crap infotainment systems inside cars that distract us from driving with Twitter and dinner reservations—let's light up the roads like a night club until no one crashes again. Read More >

Bloomberg: Apple’s Pandora-Killing Internet Radio Service Is Coming Early Next Year

Bloomberg reports that Apple is currently negotiating licensing deals with record labels in hopes that it can launch an Internet radio service "within the first three months of 2013." The service would be a formidable competitor to Pandora. Read More >

macbook pro
13-Inch Retina MacBook Pro Teardown: At Least the Battery Comes Out!

iFixit just finished a teardown of Apple's new 13-inch retina MacBook Pro, and the findings are a mixed bag of good and bad news for folks who like to fix their own gear. Compared to the 15-inch retina MBP, the smaller model should be marginally easier to tinker with. But it's still pretty much impossible to repair. Read More >

The Hobbit Will Use Dolby’s Crazy 128-Element Atmos Sound

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey is shaping up to be a groundbreaking event for film technology. First, we heard that Director Peter Jackson shot the film at 48 frames-per-second, and now he's telling us that the film's sound will be mixed for Dolby's ultra-intense new Atmos system. Read More >

mac mini
New Mac Mini Torn Down and Benchmarked: Ivy Bridge Kicks Ass

The folks at Mac Mini Vault have benchmarked and torn down the new Mac Minis. The Mac Mini's £499, 2.5GHz Core i5 Ivy Bridge configuration racked up a Geekbench score of 7433 straight out of the box. That's impressive considering last year's Sandy Bridge i5 Mac Mini refresh has a standing average of 6323 on the Geekbench. Read More >

Zuckerberg: People Spend More Time on Instagram Than Twitter

During yesterday's Facebook earning's call, head honcho Mark Zuckerberg told investors that overall people spend "more mobile time on Instagram than Twitter," pointing to comScore numbers to back up the claim. Not a bad justification for that huge investment. Read More >

Nikon 1 V2: An Interchangeable-Lens Camera For Clueless Photographers (And No One Else)

The Nikon 1 V2 is a total overhaul of its predecessor. The hope is that the higher-resolution sensor, bigger body, and amateur-friendly features will turn a legion of aspiring beginners into lens-swapping, accessory-toting photographers. We think? Otherwise this camera makes no sense. Read More >

Mac Mini
The New, Speedier, Ivy Bridge Mac Minis Are Here

A new tiny iPad isn't the only little-big news out of today's Apple extravaganza. Here's a the brand new set of upgraded Mac Minis that'll be delivering that Apple love at sub-£500 prices — Now with upgraded Intel Ivy Bridge processors. They're available for purchase now. Read More >

There’s a New Google Wallet on the Way

Google Wallet is getting an overhaul, and Google has started accepting requests for invites to the new incarnation of its mobile payment platform. While there aren't any details about what exactly will be new about the upcoming wallet, the invite process asks you whether you're using Android, iOS, or "other devices," which indicates some big changes allowing the system to work across platforms. Read More >

Amazon Deletes User’s Account and Kindle Data Without Explanation

Amazon's terms of service grants it basically god-like authority over its domain, but we all buy in because we believe that the company will be benevolent with its power. That's not always the case. Here's the story of a user whose account was deleted and her Kindle wiped with no explanation whatsoever. Read More >

Canon S110 Review: The Best Camera You Can Fit in Your Pocket

The Canon S110 is the most refined little pocket camera Canon has ever made. The core design of the S110 remains unchanged from previous iterations. But with a little streamlining and some key new features, it's inched one step closer to perfection. Are you looking for the highest quality possible in a small point-and-shoot? Check out your new camera. Read More >

Report: Samsung Won’t Sell LCD Panels to Apple Anymore

The Korea Times reports that Samsung will stop providing Apple with LCD panels next year. According to an unnamed "senior Samsung source," the company is unwilling to sell displays to Apple at the steep discounts of some of its competitors like LG. Read More >

TweetBot for Mac: How Can a Twitter Client Possibly Be Worth £14?

TweetBot, the hugely popular iOS Twitter client, finally comes in a finished desktop version available in the Mac App Store for 14 quid. No joke. It appears to be a nicely polished piece of software with some smart features, but is there any way to justify that price when you can just use Twitter's app for free? Read More >

Scientists Erase the Memories of Sleeping Mice

Researchers at Stanford claim they've figured out how to erase the traumatic memories of mice while they sleep bringing them one step closer to their goal of ending PTSD for humans. Apparently a prescription memory-eraser could even be on the way. Are we closer to an Eternal Sunshine moment than we think? Read More >

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watch this
The Onion’s First TED Talk Parody Is Freaking Hilarious (Because It Seems So Real)

Wouldn't it be great if we could run cars off compost? That's not the topic of a TED Talk, but, sadly, that small nugget of an idea is all you would need to be granted the freedom to pontificate before an audience of naive dreamers at a hokey conference. This is actually The Onion's first TED Talk parody. And it's incredible. The best line? "I'll be your visionary, and you do the things I come up with." Read More >