Watch the iPad Mini Livestream Right Here

We'll be posting our butts off today when Apple drops new goodies, but if you want to watch what's happening in California too, we've got your video right here. Read More >

user manual
Be Nice to Your Sad Friends with BlackBerries

Plato said "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." This is particularly true if you meet someone using a BlackBerry, perhaps the hardest of all battles. But they don't deserve pity. Around BlackBerry users, we must remember manners, courtesy, and a few basic rules of kindness. Read More >

Banana Boat Sunscreen Might Set You on Fire

Sunscreen is good for you, and not just because your mom told you so. It can help prevent skin cancer! Unless it's one of these just-recalled Banana Boat variants, in which case you might die in flames. Read More >

microsoft surface
Inside Surface: Microsoft’s Insane Quest for Gadget Perfection

Surface, the sorta-tablet-sorta-laptop that shouts the future, goes on sale later this month. We got to peek (and touch, a little bit!) behind the scenes, with access to Microsoft's secret labs never granted to anyone else before. So, should you buy a Surface? Very possibly—the thing seems pretty fantastic. Read More >

user manual
How To Kill Time Without Staring at Your Phone

Once upon a time, standing around and waiting involved exactly that: Standing around, waiting, and not doing much else. Today, any free moment is spent facedown in a phone. Stop reading this on your own phone. Right now. Look around. At this moment, you should be the only person, anywhere in sight, not looking at a phone. Read More >

Can Apple Surprise Us Anymore?

That iPhone 5 up there isn't an iPhone 5. It's a flawless computer image we had months before we ever saw the real thing, made possible by the fact that we knew exactly what it was going to look like. Exactly. Everyone did. Read More >

What If Tech Companies Used These Beautiful Vintage Logos?

Google has one of the most iconic logos of all time, in spite of itself. There's nothing charming about it except for its massive, comforting familiarity. But what if Google (and the rest) swapped in a luscious, retro look? Read More >

Foxconn Workers on Strike After iPhone 5 Starts Brawls

The underpaid, overworked Chinese workers of Foxconn have had enough, according to a new report by China Labor Watch: thousands have gone on strike over immense iPhone manufacturing pressure and fistfights with their bosses. Read More >

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Facebook’s First Ad Is Facebook’s Worst Ad

Facebook just hit 1,000,000,000 users. That's a lot of people tagging and poking and posting GIFs of puppies kissing geese. So, to celebrate, Facebook released the dumbest video we've seen in a while. Read More >

Facebook Is Reading Your Messages and Liking Things For You

You might think clicking "Like" is the only way to stamp that public FB affirmation on something—you're wrong. Facebook is checking your private messages and automatically liking things you talk about. Without asking you. Read More >

How Digg Was Saved in Six Weeks

The last time Digg was something worth thinking about, Iraq was in the midst of civil war and Justin Timberlake was on the radio. The site went to ruin. It sold for pocket change. And now, with no warning, it's back—and it's beautiful. And the team that pulled it off isn't sure what to do now. Read More >

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Mark Zuckerberg on a Russian Late Night Talk Show Is Exactly as Awkward as You Think

Zuck's tour of the Red Menace just became zanier: after meeting with Russia's Prime Minister and giving him a t-shirt emblazoned with his Facebook URL, the IPO baller sat down with Russia's Jimmy Fallon. It's kind of hard to watch! Read More >

Here’s the Annoying New Way Facebook Makes Money Off Your Life

Facebook really needs to start making more money, or its stock will soon be worth about as much as a shopping bag full of mulch. How do they do that? Ads! New ads. But these new ads involve your life. Read More >

Top of the First Antarctic Explorers’ Packing List: Lots and Lots of Cocaine

Headed out to explore the frigid Arctic? Better pack some blow. Scottish author Gavin Francis details the medical supplies early 20th century expeditions took on their treks to the South Pole, and they read more like the inventory list of a heavily stocked drug den than a voyage to the coldest place on the planet. Read More >

The Libratone Zipp Could Be the Best AirPlay Speaker Yet

Libratone's last AirPlay outing was a beautifully designed dud—it was just way, way too expensive. But their next stab, a compact cylinder wrapped in wool, has the chance to be the best take on AirPlay we've ever seen. Read More >