Scary New Malware Uses Your Smartphone To Map Your House for Robbers

If you aren't careful, much of the tech you hold near and dear can be used against you. An app called PlaceRaider, for instance, can use your phone to build a full 3D map of your house, all without you suspecting a thing. Read More >

25p apps
android apps
Google’s 25p App Sale Is Now Live

Google Play hit 25 billion downloads yesterday, and big G promised us an app flog-off to celebrate. Well, now it's now live and running for the next four to five days, with gems such as Angry Birds Space, Ashphalt 7 and London Bus Checker all 25p a pop. Check em out; the apps will probably change when the US wakes up today. [Google Play via Eurodroid] Read More >

Next-Gen Smartphones Want to Listen to All Your Conversations

The boffins at smartphone speech recognition specialist Nuance are working on low-power tools to continually monitor all spoken communications within their audio range, so even when your phone's in standby mode it'll be ready to perform your train timetable searches and check the time in faraway places. Read More >

Thanks to RFID, You’ll Never Lose a Sock Again

Pushing war and world hunger to the back of the line, the next important issue that technology is tackling is mismatched and missing socks. A company called Blacksocks has developed what it's claiming are the world's first smart socks that make them virtually impossible to mis-match, and incredibly easy to find in a basket overflowing with laundry. Read More >

Google Hasn’t Submitted a Google Maps App to Apple Yet

Those hoping that a Google Maps-shaped fix to the Apple Maps problem would be here any minute are fat out of luck -- apparently Google's "not done anything yet". In fact, Big G hasn't submitted a standalone app yet, so get twiddling those fingers because it's going to be a long while yet. Read More >

iphone 5
How Your Favourite Apps Look on the iPhone 5 vs. the iPhone 4S

One of the biggest differentiating factors from last iPhone to this one is the iPhone 5's longer screen. It's the first thing anyone notices, and the lengthening of the display makes apps feel a lot less cramped. Here are a few of the more popular apps that have already been optimised, next to their old iPhone 4S counterparts. Read More >

Just Breathe on Your Phone To Make Sure Your Lungs Are Healthy

Developed by researchers at the University of Washington to replace spirometers—devices used by doctors to measure lung capacity and diagnose respiratory conditions—SpiroSmart is a simple app that costs thousands of pounds less than dedicated hardware. So it's affordable and easy to use by patients who can monitor their conditions at home by simply exhaling on their phones. Read More >

iphone 5 apps
Here Are the iOS Apps Updated for the iPhone 5

The new iPhone 5 and its bigger screen is here. And to take advantage of all 4-inches of that taller screen, you need apps that are updated, optimised and ready to look bigger and better than ever. We got 'em all listed for you right here. Read More >

Your Twitter Profile Looks More Like Facebook Timeline Now

Twitter is now letting you add a header photo to your profile — it's a lovely new feature that seems like it draws a little inspiration from the large banner photo you get with Facebook Timeline. Read More >

Grab Some Free Tunes From Starbucks, Now Without Having to Go to Starbucks

The Starbucks Pick of the Week feature is a clever little way of encouraging people to try new music by offering free music tracks to those who visit the coffee chain. The only problem was the last century distribution method -- numbers and letters on pieces of paper. How crude. Read More >

iphone apps of the week
iPhone Apps Of The Week: Lift, Gojee, and More

I don't know if you guys heard, but Apple announced a new iPhone this week. But the apps of the week stop for nothing. Like cheap healthy food? Like fashion? You've come to the right place. Read More >

ipad apps of the week
iPad Apps Of The Week: Feed, Dumbo and More

The iPad Mini rumours didn't come true on iPhone day, but as a consolation prize, you can still have the best iPad apps of the week. This round you're getting football, a visual music maker, and much more. Read More >

Triggertrap android
app of the day
Triggertrap Mobile: Bringing DSLR-Triggering Fun to Your Android Phone

We've covered Triggertrap back when it was in its infancy still, as a budding young Kickerstarter project. Since then, the developers have been hard at it, releasing a iOS app, and now a brand new Android counterpart, bringing all the functionalities of the standalone device, and more. Read More >

Did a New Yorker Cartoonist Predict Today’s Apps in 2009?

There is an app for just about anything and everything these days. Even back in 2009, a cartoonist for the New Yorker knew what was up. Roz Chast drew "myPhone"—the cartoon marked the iPhone's first appearance in the magazine—for an issue that ran July 27, 2009. Read More >

windows 8
No, No, No, It’s “Windows Store” Apps Not Metro, OK?

Microsoft's reeling from what's probably the worst branding disasters in recent memory. It's still trying run a mile from "Metro" and is currently trying to get you to use the super-clunky "Windows Store" apps instead. Mind you, it's also musing over "Modern" as a replacement for Metro, which is both horrendous, and not confusing in the slightest. [The Register] Read More >