You Can Use Emoticons In Facebook Comments Now T_T

Oh noes. Facebook has activated emoticons in the comments. That means that now your Facebook page will get full of all kinds of smileys. And, for some reason, sharks. Read More >

Pleased to Meet the Facebook Version of You

Hats off to your laissez–faire attitude about the beautiful dinner you guys cooked up at the beach this summer. I was cracking up at the joke you made in the caption ("Looks like we're eating outside AGAIN. Oh, well…") under the snapshot of the gorgeous lobsters. The potatoes looked amazing fading off into the blur of a shallow focal range that ends at the saturated greens and yellows of herbs, and cornbread, and lemon garnish on the left just below where the sunset creates the lens flare that bounces off your icy bottle of beer. You must've literally JUST pulled that cold one from the tub or cooler I see there on the right next to your, hello, preternaturally attractive mate (unthinkable that they're whiling away weekdays toiling over files and phone calls in a room someplace like the rest of us rubes. They could be making in one day what the rest of us are paid in a month if they would just model, already). Read More >

How Viral Images Spread on Facebook, Visualised

Like counts are interesting, but they don't tell you how a link spreads on Facebook. That's why Stamen Design has explored how viral photos spread across the network — and the visualisation they've created is damn pretty. Read More >

Five More Internet Users Charged With Naming Rape Victim

The crackdown on offhand comments and random vigilante action on Twitter is gaining momentum, with authorities charging a further five people with offences after they posted the name of the woman raped by footballer Ched Evans. Read More >

Facebook Added to UK’s List of Shameful Tax Dodgers

Facebook is now ranked alongside Vodafone in the list of shame when it comes to tax avoidance, with the social network accused of shovelling most of its UK earnings through Ireland in order to pay lower corporation tax rates. Read More >

Facebook Is Cracking Down on Apps That Clog Your Feed So That It Can Clog Your Feed with Other Crap

One of the more annoying things about Facebook is how your News Feed gets clogged and spammed and smacked with stuff you don't care about. Facebook is trying to fix that by limiting what apps can post stuff to your Feed. Read More >

Look at Facebook’s Crazy Statistics

They have 1 billion users, but that's not Facebook's only amazing statistic. There are a lot more, starting with a staggering 1.13 trillion likes. One point thirteen trillion likes, people. It's crazy. Here are the rest of their stats, compiled since the first day of Facebook: Read More >

Should Criminals Be Allowed to Have Facebook Fan Pages?

After someone in the UK created a Facebook Fan Page for an accused murderer, Facebook responded by taking the page down. Common sense says this is the right thing to do. That said, is it the best practice? Read More >

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The Only Facebook Ad Parody You Need To Watch

I'm glad someone finally made a parody that truly shows the impossibly high level of imbecility and self-congratulatory pretentiousness of that stupid Facebook ad that we had to suffer last week. Read More >

Whatever Happened to Facebook-Killer Diaspora?

The first real Kickstarter success story, Diaspora, was a new social network born out of frustration with Facebook's privacy policies. It surpassed its modest funding goal of £6,500, eventually raking in over £125,000, and then... nothing. Read More >

We Didn’t Learn a Thing From Microsoft’s Monopolisation

People shouted and screamed and stomped their feet over the fact that Microsoft bundled a browser with an OS. Clearly, we haven't learnt a thing. Read More >

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What’s the All-Time Worst Gadget Ad?

Yesterday's Facebook-is-a-chair ad was bad. But it wasn't the worst tech ad by a long shot. Gadget ads have a long history of being awkward and disconnected from reality. Read More >

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Facebook’s First Ad Is Facebook’s Worst Ad

Facebook just hit 1,000,000,000 users. That's a lot of people tagging and poking and posting GIFs of puppies kissing geese. So, to celebrate, Facebook released the dumbest video we've seen in a while. Read More >

Facebook Is Reading Your Messages and Liking Things For You

You might think clicking "Like" is the only way to stamp that public FB affirmation on something—you're wrong. Facebook is checking your private messages and automatically liking things you talk about. Without asking you. Read More >

Facebook Now Has One Billion Active Users

Mark Zuckerberg has just announced that there are "more than one billion people using Facebook actively each month." That means one-in-seven people across the entire planet log on to the social network every month. Read More >