You Need a Tactical Chopstick Holster When You’re Serious About Sushi

If sashimi and maki are subjects you take very seriously, check out this over-the-top chopstick holster from Brandon, the incredibly talented 17-year-old behind Vanguard Armament. It ensures your personal set of chopsticks is always close at hand for those quick draw dining situations. Read More >

Stuffing Cool Ranch Doritos in a Pepper Grinder Is How You Bottle Genius

Some people douse their meals in salt, pepper, even Tabasco sauce before even having a taste. It's impossible to know if the food actually needs more seasoning—unless you've gone to the trouble of filling a pepper grinder with crushed up Cool Ranch Doritos. Then it's guaranteed that whatever you're eating will taste better with a few twists. Read More >

Moon-Shaped Ice-Cream Sandwich Balls: Coming to a Freezer Near You

The only thing better than ice cream is ice cream with a gimmick. And since ice cream trucks are all actually sort of chemist vans in disguise (right?), and those Pikachu-faced Popsicles aren't even that tasty, please direct your attention to this new and very wonderful upgrade, coming straight from the guys who know how to make ice cream best: Häagen-Dazs. Read More >

Sriracha Popcorn: Genius or MegaGenius?

You can put Sriracha on anything—eggs, sandwiches, noodles. It would probably even make human flesh taste delicious. Now The Oatmeal teamed up with food purveyor JD's to marry the scrumptious hot sauce with popcorn. Nobel Committee, are you paying attention? Read More >

These Five Threadcakes Look Far Too Good to Eat

Cakes, sweet, sweet merciful cakes. We love 'em. We hate what they do to us. But these cakes are a little bit different, as we don't want to eat them. We want to preserve them in some kind of magical cake museum, because they look absolutely incredible. Called Threadcakes (an amalgamation of cakes and indie-darling, crowdsourced t-shirt shop Threadless), the baking competition has been going since 2009 and we've slapped ourselves silly gorging over them before. The latest entries for the 2012 competition are absolutely stellar and out of the 163 top-notch entries from this year, we've selected five of our favourites. Read More >

The World’s Largest Lollipop Weighs 3.5 Tonnes

See's Candies celebrated National Lollipop Day (which is apparently a thing) on July 20th by unveiling its record-breaking confection—a 7,003-pound version of the company's signature Gourmet Lollipop—in San Francisco's Justin Herman Plaza. Read More >

Getting Drunk Will be Super Easy with Water-Flavoured “Air”

Do you like getting drunk but hate the taste of alcohol. Are you a vodka/soda guy (or gal) too impatient to mix a simple adult beverage? When you're drinking water, do you often wish you were drunk of your ass already, for crying out loud? Read More >

All-You-Can-Eat Breakfast Is Your “Because Breakfast Is the Most Important Meal” Deal of the Day

It is said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. What's more important is shoving as much of it into your pie-hole that you don't need to eat another thing for the rest of the entire day. Read More >

Are These the Eggs That Technology Hath Wrought?

As anyone who knows me well will tell you, I make some mean deviled eggs. It would be pretty hard to improve upon my deviled eggs. Read More >

How to Make Crystal Clear Potato Crisps

The results might look like some kind of fancy sugary confection, but this detailed Instructable shows you how to make a see-through snack that tastes exactly like potato crisps. Minus the fat, greasy fingers, and guilt. Read More >

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The Photographic Tricks That Make McDonalds Burgers Look Good

If you've ever wondered how McDonalds manages to make its burgers look so much more appetising in the pictures than they do in real life, wonder no more. This video takes a peek behind the scenes at a McDonalds photo shoot to explain some of the tricks that are used to make you crave a quarter pounder. Amazingly, the ingredients in the two are exactly the same—though they do look very, very different by the end of the process. [YouTube via PetaPixel] Read More >

This Is the Healthiest Meal in the World

Take a superstore full of crazy nutritional advice, and shove it all into the biggest pot you can find. Simmer gently for months, skimming the scum off the top occasionally. Finally, reduce until you have only the best, most trustworthy claims left. What's left? The world's healthiest meal. Read More >

How an 11-Year-Old Invented the Ice Lolly and Changed Summer Forever

Ever wonder why the ice lollies you make at home don't taste quite as uniformly delicious as the ones in the freezer? Well, you may have been perfecting your popsicle-making technique for years, but the ones in the store have a hundred years of science and innovation in their corner. It all started with one particularly brilliant 11-year-old boy... Read More >

Data-Driven Website Visualises Nutritional Info, Bite by Bite

Fat or Fiction is an "infotographic" website that depicts the nutritional value of various British snack foods and beverages—cakes, candies, crisps, cheeses, chocolate, and alcoholic drinks—in bar-graph and pic-chart form, using the food (and drink) itself as visualisation representation of the data. Read More >

If You Like Hot Sauce, This Might Change Your Life

Hot sauce, adored worldwide as a way of numbing your mouth into liking something, is a modern kitchen staple. And Sriracha, the iconic red rooster magic juice, is perhaps king of hot sauces. What if you could spray it? Read More >