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The Inevitable Downfall Vs. Gangnam Style Mash-Up Will Have You Cubicle-Dancing All Day

The internet really is amazing isn't it; you always know that your next source of musical merriment is right around the corner. As if PSY's original K-Pop sensation 'Gangnam Style' wasn't entertaining enough, there's now a remix that combines it with one of the most unlikely collaborators imaginable: Downfall. Actually, scratch that -- this IS the internet we're talking about here. Read More >

Go Compare Defaces Its Own Ads, So You Don’t Have to

That excruciatingly noisy Go Compare man has been driving the British public mad for far too long now, so Go Compare came up a new way to catch your eye; pre-defaced billboards. Read More >

Lock ness
American Children are Actually Taught Nessie Is Real

No, really. Children in some US schools are being taught that the Loch Ness monster is a living dinosaur, as evidence against evolution. What the hell? Read More >

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Why Spotify Didn’t Exist In the ’80s

If you've ever sat at your desk, contentedly listening to streaming music on your computer and thought, "Man, I wish this existed 25 years ago," stop. You don't. You really, really don't. Watch this video and recant. Read More >

Chinese Design Students Dream of a World Without Racist Bandages

In an endeavour worthy of a John Lennon classic, the students from South China Agricultural University's College of Arts want to change the world for the better one small step at a time, starting with the 'Chameleon Bandage'. Read More >

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The Inevitable Windows Edition Parody Of Google’s Project Glass

Google's ridiculous-looking Project Glass already seems like a parody unto itself. But it's real, it's coming, and the internet has responded with countless videos parodying what wearing the augmented reality specs will really be like. Read More >

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What Wearing Google Glasses Would Really Feel Like (Spoiler: POLES)

We're all excited for the science fiction future reality of Google's 'Project Glass' but without actually trying them on, we have no idea how they'll actually work. Let's just hope they don't work like this hilarious parody of Google's demo video where people run into poles and fall to the ground because they're so distracted. Read More >

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Best. Technical College. Ad. Ever.

What begins as a seemingly cheesy commercial for the Central Institute of Technology in Australia quickly devolves into a morass of extremely dark silliness. But yes, it's actually a real ad for a real school. Very creative, twisted, and funny. [Henry and Aaron via Reddit] Read More >

This Photo Perfectly Sums Up Everyone’s Feelings On the Yellow Pages

I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank Kate who perfectly sums up how I, and probably a good chunk of the population, feel about those giant stacks of unclaimed phone books showing up at apartment buildings every year. Read More >

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Twitter’s Awful But Amazing Recruitment Video

There's nothing like a good viral video to spread the word that you're hiring, and that's what Twitter hopes they've created with their latest recruiting effort that combines equal parts cheesy and awesome. Read More >

Here’s a Weirdo Facebook Bug to Waste Your Friday With

There's a strange bug on Facebook where if you post @[xxx:0] in a comment (with the XXX being three random numbers), when you hit enter a random name will appear. For example: @[345:0] = Karina Scalise. Weeeeiiiiirrrrrd! Read More >

ThinkGeek’s IRIS 9000: The Best Reason Yet to Buy an iPhone 4S

Sure, Siri is cool. It can make appointments, send emails, and knit you sweaters (unverified), but you have to talk into your hand. That's no fun. And where's the big, red, evil eye? There's got to be a better way! Read More >