HTC Officially Kits Out the One X+ With a 1.7GHz Quad-Core Beast

The rumours and leaks were spot on. HTC's giving its flagship One X a spec bump to help it compete with the likes of the Galaxy S III. Meet the new 1.7GHz quad-core-packing, 64GB-equipped 4.7-incher, dolled up in go-faster red and black, the HTC One X+. Read More >

lightning review
Sony Xperia T Lightning Review: Much Bigger and a Bit Better

Announced a few weeks back at this year's IFA tech event, the Xperia T is the newest, biggest Android-powered smartphone from Sony. There's another new physical design to explore with your longing fingers, plus this one arrives with Android 4.0 from launch. It really ought to be Sony's big breakthrough. Read More >

The Barnes & Noble Nook HD and HD+ Might Just Be the Media-Centric Tablets We’ve Been Waiting For

Following the American bookseller's store and ereader launch in the UK, we're also getting some brand new Android tablets out of Barnes & Noble too. Meet the impressive-looking Nook HD and HD+ -- two new cheap, but potentially great, tablets to give the Nexus 7, Kindle Fire HD, and maybe even the iPad a run for its money. Read More >

Reimagined Flags Based on National Stereotypes are Awesome Art

Kirill Zaytsev's "Flagsters: Flags Letters Countries & Stereotypes" is a visual experiment using national flags and their verbal stereotypes to reimagine pre-existing national designs. Read More >

Samsung Galaxy Note II Hands On: Bigger Got Better

The original Galaxy Note was very not good, but seven months and 10 millions sales later, it's hard to deny that it's found a niche. But will its even beefier successor live up to the hype? We just spent the morning fondling the upcoming Galaxy Note II, and you know what? We're pleasantly surprised. Read More >

The Explosion! by Ashley Vincent
There’s Still Time to Enter the National Geographic Photo Contest, But the Competition Is Scary-Good

If I asked you where you could find an epic clash between some deer and some riot troops set aflame, in the vicinity of a nocturnal, cloud-covered skyline, you might think it was the start of a rather bizarre joke. Well, think again, as this is exactly what's on show in this year's amazing National Geographic photo contest. Read More >

Pure’s Getting Into Fancy Freeview Boxes

Pure's made the leap from making digital radios to the exciting world of Freeview+ HD boxes. I know what you're thinking, just another rubbish Freview box that you're probably not going to buy. But Pure might actually make a difference here with the Avalon 300R Connect. It's finally done what we've been craving for ages, spent time on the interface and made it slick and fast. Read More >

3d printing
The MakerBot Replicator 2 Prints a Bigger, More Detailed Chunk of Your Creative Genius

When the MakerBot appeared in 2009, the idea of 3D printing was a bit foreign to all but the most advanced fabricators. Company founder and CEO Bre Pettis says he used to get asked: "So what, do you have to wear special glasses to see it?" Read More >

HTC’s First Windows Phone 8 Smartphones, the 8X and 8S, are Much-Needed Shots of Colour

A few months back, a HTC exec told me that the reason store shelves are replete with identical black slabs nowadays is because manufacturers just can't afford to take a gamble on high dosages of colour, like the pre-smartphone days. Well, you know what they say -- when in times of crisis (if you do believe HTC is in dire straits), try a different gambit. A daring one. A colourful one. HTC's two first WP8 handsets, the 8X and 8S, are gambles that should pay off nicely. Read More >

The Leica X2 Paul Smith Edition, Because Black Just Isn’t Your Style

Leica's been busy of late, what with a raft of camera launches, and even Jony Ive getting in the mix. But this, well, this is the best-looking camera I've ever seen, and I want one. Meet the Paul Smith edition Leica X2. Read More >

This Aston Martin Android Phone Certainly Isn’t Up to 007′s Specifications

Bond might be saddled with a Sony, thanks to Sony Pictures producing 007's recent outings, but he should be glad he's not stuck with this polished turd-of-a-phone. Meet the Aston Martin Aspire, an Android phone that no one should ever buy for £800 -- it's no Vertu that's for sure. Read More >

Motorola’s RAZRi Has a Whopping 2GHz Intel Processor

Calling it their "biggest launch since the original RAZR" (no sniggering in the back row, please), Motorola's RAZRi is the first phone with a 2GHz Intel processor; however good that may be. Sounds impressive though, non? Read More >

Porporta Hard Shell
Here Are a Load More Bits of Plastic to Add to the Landfill

After the initial round of rather eye-watering iPhone 5 network prices, you'll no doubt have guessed that, after the launch of a flagship Apple product, comes a whole deluge of accessories and add-ons, the most common being cases and covers. Here's a quick rundown of the most recent ones arriving on the market. Cue the music, and check out the gallery. Read More >

This Two-Tone HTC One X Is the Most Gorgeous Phone You’ll Never Be Able to Own (Updated: Gallery!)

The HTC One X is a pretty striking phone, but slap a two-tone back on it and it becomes absolutely gorgeous. Trouble is, this fancy Cushnie Et Ochs edition is not for the likes of you and I -- it's for the elite of the New York Fashion week. Bugger. Click over for a full gallery of this gorgeous creation. Read More >

lightning review
Bayan 7 Speaker Dock Lightning Review: Is Bigger Always Better?

For years, anyone in the market for a iPod speaker dock was faced with a stark choice: cheap and cheerful (i.e. tacky), or expensive and bloated with audiophile hyperbole. Has the gap finally been closed, now that Bayan has combined engineering and design with a reasonable price tag? Read More >