iPad mini
iPad Mini Display Shoot Out: How Does It Stack Up?

The iPad mini has finally arrived—Apple's much anticipated response to the incredibly successful 7-inch tablets pioneered by Amazon and Barnes & Noble, and more recently by Google with its Nexus 7. So far they are the only tablets that have made a dent in Apple's near monopoly on tablets. At first Apple declared them too small to be useful, but consumers clearly wanted something more portable than a full size 10-inch tablet, and also a lot less costly. Millions were sold—and that got Apple's attention. Over the past year there have been increasingly credible accounts of a small iPad prototype being developed by Apple, but there was no guarantee that it would turn into an actual product until Apple's official announcement. Read More >

This iPad Mini Ad Parody Is Actually Better Than the Original

Apple's iPad mini ad is almost as adorable as the shrunken tablet itself, featuring it and its larger sibling playing a duet of Heart and Soul. But what about the rest of Apple's hardware? They're seemingly given the cold shoulder, which is what prompted the folks at Cinesaurus to create this all-encompassing parody that even includes the new iMac in a fitting final gag. [YouTube via Pocket-lint] Read More >

iPad mini
Apple’s Not Saying How Many iPad Minis It Sold

Apple doesn't hesitate to trumpet its successes, but its first public acknowledgement of iPad mini sales is mostly notable for how much it doesn't say. Read More >

Tablet Drops
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Which Tablet Is the Hardest? Nexus 7 vs iPad Mini vs iPad 4, Fight!

When you buy a tablet, you probably buy it on specs, size and price, but what if you drop it? Which one is the hardest? And which one is likely to survive if you get swirlied with it in your bag? Let the cringe-worthy testing commence. You've got to love watching gadgets get smashed. Read More >

The iPad Mini Costs Around £150 More Than Its Components Add Up To

According to a teardown by IHS, renowned estimator of how much companies actually pay for components, Apple’s iPad Mini carries a USD$188 (£118) cost of materials. You know how Google and Amazon are just barely breaking even on their tiny tablets? This is the opposite of that. Read More >

The iPad Mini’s Screen Isn’t Retina But Its Pixels Are Super Small Compared to the iPad 2

The biggest beef that people will have with the iPad Mini (other than price, that is) is that it doesn’t come with a pixel dense Retina Display. It’s the only new iOS device—iPad 4, iPhone 5, iPod Touch—that doesn’t have one. But it turns out, its screen is still much better than the iPad 2 because its pixels are smaller. Read More >

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“Everyone standing in line to get an iPad Mini in New York and New Jersey should be punched in the throat,” says Jimmy Kimmel.

He’s completely right, except they should be cockpunched too when they are on the ground. Several times. Damn sycophantic fanboys. Anyway, watch his video. It’s actually quite funny. Read More >

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Someone Already Built an iPad Mini Into a Car

Want an iPad Mini but you’re not sure it really fits into your already many-screened gadget line-up? Soundwaves of Tampa have an idea. Why not use it to turn your car stereo into an iDevice? Read More >

iPad mini
Gadget Torture Porn: Watch iFixit Tear Apart a Virgin iPad Mini

A day after Halloween, the gadget dissectors over at iFixit have gotten their hands on an iPad mini. Downloading apps? Watching videos? Please. That's for fuzzy bunny amateurs. These guys are doing what they always do: going Hostel on some gear. Follow along! Read More >

iPad mini
iPad Mini Review Roundup: Smaller Is Better?

The first reviews of the iPad Mini are out and they're just like we expected. Smaller is nice! It's so light! But having such a hefty price tag without a Retina Display is sorta disappointing. Is the iPad Mini worth the cost? Read More >

iPad mini parody
This iPad Mini Parody Video Tells the Hilarious Truth About the iPad Mini

The iPad Mini is almost here and the advertising onslaught from Apple is already beginning to overwhelm my ears, fingers, nose, mouth and eyeballs. How many times can people hear about small and nice and powerful the iPad Mini is until they realise it's neither as small as the iPod Touch nor as nice as the iPhone 5, nor as powerful as the full-sized iPad? If Apple commercials told the truth, this hilarious 'banned' iPad Mini parody video would be what we would get to see on TV instead of manicured fingers swiping and tapping over hipster music. It's hilarious. [YouTube] Read More >

Amazon Sold the Most Kindle Fire HDs the Day After the iPad Mini Was Announced

If you're wondering if the iPad Mini had an effect on its competitors, it did. Just not the one you were thinking. The Kindle Fire HD actually had its biggest day of sales in America since its launch, the day after the iPad Mini was announced. Read More >

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Jimmy Kimmel Showed People an iPod Touch and Told Them It Was the New iPad Mini

In a hilarious prank that shows how the Apple advertising machine works on people who don't live and breath technology, US presenter Jimmy Kimmel showed people an iPod Touch and told them it was the new iPad Mini. What did people say? You guessed it! Ooh, smaller, lighter, brighter and better! Read More >

Apple Already Sold Out of the White iPad Mini

Apple started pre-orders for the iPad Mini at 8AM ET. It's already outta initial stock of white iPad Minis, with shipping times now having slipped by two weeks from the original "Delivers 2nd November". The black Wi-Fi iPad mini remains available for delivery by November 2nd. For now. [Apple via MacRumors] Read More >

Tim Cook: “We Would Never Make a 7-Inch Tablet”

In Apple's earnings call yesterday, Tim Cook uttered something that is, frankly, stunning in its obliviousness: Read More >