Is This Google’s Native Google Maps App For the iPhone?

Looks like Google's coming along nicely with its new, native Google Maps app for iOS 6. These leaked shots, from developer Ben Guild, supposedly show off an alpha build of Google's new map app, complete with some tantalising details. Read More >

iphone apps of the week
iPhone Apps Of The Week: Photoset, The Paris Review, and More

We have a bit of a high-brow edition of this week's best iPhone apps. From an app that'll teach you all about wine, to a stalwart lit mag, we're flexing your brain muscle for you this time around. Read More >

how to
How to Make the Switch from iOS to Android

You've been hanging back, waiting for the dust to settle around the iPhone 5 debut. Now that the reviews are in, you're out. It's time to trade in the Cupertino Kool-Aid for some Jelly Beans. Here's how to do it right. Read More >

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Using Your iPhone To Detect Ear Infections Also Keeps the Doctor Away

Forget that daily apple. Researchers at Georgia Tech and Emory University have developed the Remotoscope, an accessory that turns the iPhone into an ear-inspecting otoscope so doctors can diagnose and treat kids remotely in the event of an ear infection. Read More >

The Apple vs Android Fanboy Wars In One GIF

Here's a brief note intended for the fanboys who ruin technology for everyone else: Look, your war doesn't make any sense, ok? This whole fanboys vs fandroids thing, the iPhone vs Galaxy, the iPad vs Kindle Fire... who the hell cares? They're just machines. Read More >

First Look at What’s Inside Apple’s New Dock Adapter: It’s Impossible to Tinker With

I just got my dock adapter in the mail. So naturally, I want to destroy this one. The dock adapter has a plastic shell on it that is glued tight. You can't cleanly get it off without a dremel, as the glue is not hot glue, as far as I can tell. Read More >

This Case Makes the Back of Your iPhone Touch Sensitive

Mimicking the touch sensitive pad on the back of the PlayStation Vita, the Sensus iPhone case lets you interact and play games with your handset without ever mucking up its display with fingerprints. The case features capacitive sensors on its back and right edge so there's at least one spot left where you can hold your device without accidentally triggering anything. Read More >

Stand Your iPhone Up Like a Cobra and Charge It While You’re at It

Ever wanted to make your iPhone stand up like a Cobra ready to strike? Well now you can, and you can charge it at the same time too. Meet the Une Bobine -- a crappy name, but a potentially useful little cable, which having blasted through Kickstarter, is now on sale. Read More >

Google’s Got a Fancy New Sliding Mobile Homepage For You

It seems sliding layers in from the sides is the new thing. Google's mobile apps do it, Facebook's apps do it, Spotify does it, hell, even Mountain Lion does it from the right. Now Google's mobile homepage at has a new slider bar, full of Google services. Read More >

Lytro Founder On the Ultimate Question: When Will Smartphones Have Light-Field?

Rarely am I given the opportunity to interview a genius. Someone who has really shaken up the tech world. So, when the opportunity to interview the founder and inventor of Lytro Cameras, Dr Ren Ng, presented itself I leapt at the chance. One thing is for sure: the man -- like his iconic camera -- does not disappoint. His is a story that will change the way you take photos. Pull focus with us. Read More >

Anyone Else Having iOS Buyer’s Remorse?

Despite the problems I had with the HTC One X, I find myself missing it. More specifically—and I never thought I'd hear myself saying this—I find myself missing Android. The widgets, specifically. I just had that thing so damn dialed in. Anyone else? Read More >

This Is What It Looks Like When You Print iPhone Photos the Old-Fashioned Way

This photograph by Adam Rhoades looks like a haphazardly developed still pulled from a 1950's snuff film. But it's not that at all. It was taken from an iPhone and printed using an old-fashioned photo enlarger. Read More >

Turn Your Passbook Into a Time Machine with These Historical Tickets

If you've got an iPhone, and your Passbook app has been sitting lonely and unused, there's a short-term solution to the problem; fill it out with some gag tickets. Read More >

Can a Crappy iPhone Instagram Clone Save Olympus?

Presumably still quite troubled camera maker Olympus has got its shit together for long enough to make an iPhone app, with its pretty self-explanatory OLYMPUS Image Share offering out now on iTunes. Read More >

iphone 5
Apple’s Official iPhone 5 Camera Fix: Take a Different Picture

We'd seen previously how Apple customer support handled complaints about a weird purple lens flare that shows up on certain iPhone 5 camera shots. But the problem's apparently become so widespread that the company has issued a general proclamation in its support pages. Read More >