design week
Why the London Tube Map Has Been Turned Into a Working Radio

When Harry Beck designed the iconic London Tube map in 1931, he was partly inspired by circuit board schematics. He even sketched an "All Electric" spoof diagram of the network before working on the final draft. Read More >

New UK Mobile Coverage Checker Splits Voice Quality From Data Speed

A new way of mapping mobile data coverage is now live in the UK, which generates vastly more local and useful data than that provided by the networks -- and also separates call quality from data connectivity. Read More >

Is This Google’s Native Google Maps App For the iPhone?

Looks like Google's coming along nicely with its new, native Google Maps app for iOS 6. These leaked shots, from developer Ben Guild, supposedly show off an alpha build of Google's new map app, complete with some tantalising details. Read More >

Google’s Biggest Ever Street View Update: Sneak Inside Twice as Many Famous Spots

Street View has been been given its biggest ever refresh, updating 250,000 miles of road and doubling the number of special collections so you can sneak inside famous locations around the world. Read More >

apple maps
Apple Maps Accidentally Revealed a Top Secret Military Base

Uh oh. Apple Maps, for all of its blurry, melting world faults, was actually a little too clear in one area: it revealed a top-secret, £770 million ultra-high-frequency radar in Taiwan for everyone to see. Um, that's not good. Read More >

apple maps
New App Puts Old iOS Google Maps Back on Your iPhone—Sort Of

There's a new app out called ClassicMap that offers a half decent fix for anyone who's looking for an alternative to Apple's maligned Maps app, but really just wants things back the way they were. Read More >

apple maps
Apple Is Starting to Fix Its Own Apocalyptic 3D Maps Mess

Among the first things people noticed about Apple's new lackluster maps was that the 3D mode was not quite, um, true to life. Now Apple's started to roll out fixes for some of the locations it flattened like a water-damaged waffle iron. Read More >

Apple May Be Using Retail Store Employees to Fix Their Crap Maps

Mac Rumors claims that Apple is "turning to select Retail Store employees to help improve Maps for iOS 6." What a genius idea! Read More >

There Is One Very Important Thing That Apple Maps Is A Lot Better Than Google Maps At

Side by side, Google Maps is better than Apple Maps. No matter what anybody says, that's the truth. But unbeknownst to most people, there's actually something that Apple Maps is better at and it's pretty damn important: Apple Maps is a lot more data efficient, nearly five times more data efficient than Google Maps. Meaning you use less data using Apple Maps. Read More >

People of Newcastle Invited to Mock Apple as Google Updates its Maps Imagery

Google has now uploaded an enormous new stash of aerial images to its mapping database, allowing us to get a slightly better view of the world from above and from the oddly more thrilling and realistic 45-degree angle. Read More >

Could Nokia Win the Map Battle?

Nokia is to be part of a big mapping tie-in with the enterprise giant Oracle. Given the current map furore, and bearing in mind that Nokia Maps is actually good, this could be the Finns' big chance: maybe, just maybe, Nokia could sneak through the back door and claim a victory. Read More >

apple maps
Apple Stops Calling Its Maps “The Most Powerful”

Following Apple CEO Tim Cook's candid admission that Apple Maps might not be so great, and his suggestion that users turn to competing services, Apple has cleaned up one final detail: they aren't calling their maps the most powerful any more. Read More >

apple maps
Apple Adds New Maps Section to App Store to Help You Replace the iOS 6 Horror Show

Buried within Tim Cook's apology for the embarrassment that is Apple Maps was the candid suggestion that people go try the many other map applications and websites out there. Well, now Apple has gone one step further, adding a whole featured section to the App Store for maps from third party developers. That's a big on Apple's part. Now maybe get your own maps working better? [MacRumors] Read More >

google maps
Google Maps Adds New High-Res Satellite Images and (Basically) Flyover for a Bunch of Cities

This sort of seems like piling on. Google just added a bunch of new high res images to its maps. That means its overhead satellite data should be even more up to date, and its 45-degree Flyover-like images will be more abundant. Read More >

Boris Bikes mapped
This Mesmerising Tron-Like Video Is Actually All the Boris Bike Journeys Mapped in London

Data can look truly awesome, especially when it's Tron-ified. 5 million Boris Bike journeys across London were mapped and animated, creating this amazing visualisation that looks more like a fancy art installation than a map of tired commuters pedalling themselves into work. Read More >