Curiosity Rover Makes the First Foursquare Check-in On Another Planet

Sure, while astronaut Doug Wheelock has the first-check in on foursquare from the International Space Station, can he boast the first check-in from another planet? 'Course not, Curiosity has got that one nailed to a tee already, by checking in on the big red planet known as Mars. Take that humans! Read More >

Curiosity Has Found a Riverbed on Mars

NASA's Curiosity rover has found evidence of an ancient riverbed on Mars. While it's now dried up, it's the first ever evidence to prove that running water once poured over the surface of the red planet. This is huge. Read More >

The First Man on Mars Could be… Richard Bloody Branson?

In an interview with a US news station, Richard Branson has revealed this he'll be taking his kids up with him when the first Virgin Galactic edge-of-space planes start running next year -- but a mission to Mars is his new ultimate fantasy. Read More >

Curiosity Took an Earth Rock to Mars

In the 60s and 70s, America spent £67 billion on getting rocks from the Moon back to Earth*. In 2012, America spent a couple of billions on moving an Earth's rock to Mars**. Moving rocks is a lot of fun! Read More >

NASA Discovers Mysterious Spheres On Mars

NASA claims that new mysterious spheres discovered by the Mars Opportunity rover are puzzling researchers to no end. According to Opportunity's principal investigator, Steve Squyres of Cornell University in Ithaca, "this is one of the most extraordinary pictures from the whole mission." Read More >

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The Best Video of Mars Landing, Period

I've seen interpolated videos of the historic Mars Curiosity landing before, but this one is much more amazing than all those. It was painstakingly done in four weeks. "A labor of love", as Bard Canning says. It's truly feels like being aboard the ship. Read More >

Curiosity Sends Home a Self-Shot That’s Out of This World

You've probably taken some pictures of yourself at some point or another, but none of them were on Mars. Yesterday, everybody's favourite currently-active Mars rover, Curiosity, sent back a self-shot that is literally out of this world. Read More >

This Is the Most Expensive Penny in the Universe

This is the most expensive penny in the Universe. It's now on Mars, after an exciting £1.5 billion ride. Previously, the most expensive Lincoln penny in history was a 1943 copper-alloy cent that was sold for £1 million in a 1996 auction. That's peanuts compared to the cost of putting this coin up there, however. Read More >

The Best Mars Panorama Yet Feels Just Like Being There

This morning Hans Nyberg sent me the most impressive panorama I've seen of Mars yet, made from images released by NASA on August 27. Put it at full screen and look around. It's like being right there, but with oxygen and air conditioning. Read More >

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You Can Listen to the Same Songs Mars Curiosity Wakes Up To

Every morning, when Mars Curiosity opens her amazing eyes, she plays a motivating, inspiring song to start the new sol, or martian day. Each track is delightful, and even though you're on Earth they're wonderful ways to kickstart yourself out of bed. Here's the full list from the JPL, and a Spotify playlist so you can rock out with the rover: Read More >

Actual Musician to Premiere Actual Song on Mars Because No One’s Totally Sick of Him There Yet

This isn't even a joke! Serious musician is premiering a new song today. On Mars. Broadcast through the Curiosity rover. And the name of said song, which also just for the record is not actually a joke, is Reach for the Stars. Read More >

Next NASA Mission Will Go Deep Under the Surface of Mars

Right after Curiosity's success, NASA has announced a new Mars mission called InSight. It will be a spacecraft designed to get deep under the surface of Mars and find some its hidden secrets. It will launch in 2014. Read More >

Image of Mars Curiosity Moving for the First Time

The success of the Mars Curiosity rover continues. As this image just released buy NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory shows, Curiosity is now moving without any problem whatsoever. Read More >

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Has Curiosity Captured UFO Images On Mars? (Guess the Correct Answer)

Ufologists are running amok after 'discovering flying saucers' in the last images from Mars Curiosity. It hasn't been the first time and it will not be the last—the guys with the tinfoil hats are scrutinising every single image uploaded by the rover. Read More >

Curiosity Laser
Curiosity Vaporises Rocks With Its Nuclear-Powered Laser

NASA's only just got to Mars, well, for the third time, but it's already started shooting up the place. Curiosity let the Martian rock feel the wrath of her 1 million watt laser, vaporising the thing and any aliens that got in her way*. Read More >