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All Tech Considered

Two Top Execs Out At Apple()  

Apple announced Monday that two top executives who had presided over missteps at the company, including the Maps software, are leaving.

October 29, 2012 John Browett, the head of Apple's store operations, is leaving after just six months on the job. Scott Forstall, who's been at the company since 1997 and is seen as one of OS X's original architects, will leave next year. In the interim, he will serve as an adviser to CEO Tim Cook.


All Tech Considered

Why Is This Supercomputer So Superfast?()  

Cray employees put the finishing touches on Titan at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee. The supercomputer may be the world's fastest. It's designed to do 20 petaflops — or 20,000 trillion calculations — each second. It consumes enough electricity to power a small city of 9,000 people.

October 30, 2012 Titan, potentially the world's fastest computer, comes online at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The supercomputer is designed to do more than 20,000 trillion calculations a second, allowing researchers to model everything from black holes to nuclear reactors. And they'll have video gamers to thank for its blazing speed.


On All Things ConsideredPlaylist

The Two-Way

Competing With Apple, Google Announces Three New Devices()  

The Nexus 4, Nexus 7 and Nexus 10.

October 29, 2012 The announcement sets up a holiday-season face-off between the two companies. Like Apple, Google now has three different sizes of touch-screen devices.


The Two-Way

Tracking Hurricane Sandy: Handy Maps And Apps()  

Hurricane Sandy, seen from a NASA satellite

October 29, 2012 We've pulled together a selection of storm-tracking maps, graphics and animations from across the web to help keep you abreast of the storm's developments.


The Two-Way

Sweden Wants Your Trash()  

In May 2011, uncollected rubbish piled up in Naples, Italy. Sweden hopes Italy might be willing to export the problem.

October 28, 2012 Move over Abba, Sweden has found new fame. The small Nordic country is breaking records — in waste. Sweden's program of generating energy from garbage is wildly successful, but recently its success has also generated a surprising issue: There is simply not enough trash.


All Tech Considered

A Contest To Build A Disaster-Ready Robot()  

The "RoboSimian" from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory has the advantage of being able to grasp things with all four limbs, like a chimp. It will compete in the DARPA Robotics Challenge.

October 26, 2012 The Pentagon's research agency, known as DARPA, is challenging scientists to develop robots that can work in man-made disasters like Fukushima. The goal is to develop machines that can be easily operated immediately after disasters strike.


On All Things ConsideredPlaylist

The Two-Way

Zapping Nuclear Waste With Laser Beams Could Actually Be A Great Idea()  

This laser's just pretty, not powerful: Artist Yvette Mattern's laser rainbow in Whitley Bay, England, earlier this year.

October 26, 2012 The world's most powerful laser beams are going to be built in Europe. Scientists say that a blast from them could destroy nuclear waste in seconds — meaning it wouldn't have to be stored for centuries.


How We Watch What We Watch

The Future Of 'Short Attention Span Theater'()  

Yale graphic design critic Jessica Helfand says the phenomenon she calls "short attention span theater" is amplified by the digital gadgets many people now carry.

October 26, 2012 Digital gadgetry and on-demand media are changing the way we watch TV. Why wait for next week's episode when you can download a whole season from Netflix? Graphic design critic Jessica Helfand wants to harness that impatience and come up with more compelling short-form media.


On Morning EditionPlaylist

All Tech Considered

Can Windows 8 Bridge The Gap Between Tablet And PC? ()  

The Microsoft Windows 8 operating system is unveiled at a press conference on October 25 in New York City.

October 25, 2012 Microsoft's new operating system, Windows 8, is the company's boldest move yet. In an attempt to stay competitive with other tech giants, the new software is designed to boost company's mobile and tablet business. But will it upset Microsoft's computer-based loyalists?



All Tech Considered

Spookier Living Through Technology: Zombify Your Kids()  

Before and after: The iMut8r app brings out the inner zombie in children of all ages.

October 25, 2012 Oh, the horror! Frightful apps like iMut8r — which transforms the people in digital portraits into zombies, vampires, witches or demons — can liven up the Halloween season. Other apps let you stream classic horror films or prank your friends with scary sounds when they least expect it.


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