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Twitter | TechCrunch
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November 2nd, 2012

Adding Photo Filters Doesn’t Mean That Twitter Will Cancel Out Instagram


Nick Bilton of the New York Times is reporting that Twitter is working on adding filters for photos to its product. This is clearly an attempt to add to its current capability to upload photos. At first blush, you will think that this is purely a defensive move against Facebook and Instagram. While that might be partially true, adding filters to photos does not cancel out Instagram whatsoever. → Read More

November 2nd, 2012

Twitter Releases Numbers Related To Hurricane Sandy: More Than 20M Tweets Sent During Its Peak


As you know, the devastation of Hurricane Sandy has hit millions. Many turned to Twitter to discuss what they were going through. Today, the company shared some interesting facts and numbers having to do with Hurricane-related activity on the site.

What does this tell you? Twitter was a fine replacement for cell phones and landlines that weren’t working. The interesting thing about these… → Read More

October 26th, 2012

Want To Read App.net Status Messages In The Official Twitter App? Here’s How With Apparchy


The great thing about San Francisco is that it’s a small town in size. As I was walking to the office today I walked by Steve Streza of Pocket and we caught up on what he’s working on lately. Yesterday, there was an App.net hackathon and Steve showed me what he made, and it’s really cool. If you’re unsure, App.net is a project that is kind of like Twitter, for those who don’t want to necessarily… → Read More

October 26th, 2012

Bald Beliebers Remind Us: Just Because You Read It On Twitter, Doesn’t Mean It’s True


My mom always said that the most dangerous lies are the ones mixed with truth. That’s why the internet, namely Twitter, can be such a spurious environment. We sometimes forget that with the real-time, viral benefits of the short-winded social network come the same negative effects. Truth can spread like wildfire, and so can lies.

Today, the Bieber nation has learned that lesson. Behold, dear… → Read More

October 25th, 2012

Longtime Googler Russ Laraway, National Media Sales Lead, Joins Twitter


According to a tweet from longtime Googler Russ Laraway, he has decided to join the flock at Twitter. According to Laraway’s LinkedIn profile, he won a “2011 Great Manager Award”, along with 19 other people. → Read More

October 25th, 2012

Twitter Now Has “Over 2,000 Ways” To Interact And Engage With Tweets Thanks To Twitter Cards


Today, Twitter gave us an update on how the company is doing on its “expanded tweet” program. Right now, the company says that there are over 2,000 unique ways to engage and interact with a tweet: → Read More

October 24th, 2012

Twitter’s Number One Gift To The World Is The Art Of Brevity


I’ve been using Twitter for just about six years now, someone on Twitter informed me. Naturally. There are quite a few things that I’ve enjoyed about the service over the years, including the ability to connect with people all over the world in real-time.

But do you know what I appreciate about Twitter the most? Ushering in the notion of “brevity” for the entire Internets. Not sure what it… → Read More

October 23rd, 2012

Senior Twitter and Juniper Executives Join VC Firm Sutter Hill As Managing Directors


Sutter Hill Ventures has added two new directors from Twitter and Juniper Networks — a move that speaks to the next big focus in investment — enterprise IT and its integration with consumer technologies. → Read More

October 22nd, 2012

Twitter Is Testing A “Like” And “Star” Button In Lieu Of “Favorite.” Isn’t The Concept Of “Like” Already Broken?


I’ve never really been a fan of tapping a “Like” button on Facebook. Mostly because it doesn’t always mean that I like something. I use that button as a way to say “hey I looked at this and it meant something”, but maybe I use Facebook incorrectly. Today, The Next Web surfaced what seems to be a test on Twitter, with the labels of “like” and “star” instead of the word “favorite” when it comes to… → Read More

October 22nd, 2012

Twitter Poaches Former Google Exec Matt Derella As New Director Of Agency Business Development


According to AdAge, Twitter is taking this whole brand thing seriously, as it has hired away a prominent Googler, Matt Derella, to be its new Director of Agency Business Development.

This is a huge development for Twitter, which as we’ve pointed out is moving closer and closer to the media industry. Execs at top agencies, firms and networks are all over Twitter to become more involved with the… → Read More

October 19th, 2012

Instagram Just Solved A Major Pain, Now Translates Its @ Mentions To Correct Twitter Usernames In Tweets


There’s nothing worse than mentioning someone on Instagram when their username is different from their Twitter name. If you tweet the image, then the username doesn’t properly sync up. The team has fixed that today, according to its blog → Read More

October 18th, 2012

Twitter Will Hold A Fiction Festival From November 28 To December 2

twitter fiction festival

Twitter just announced that it’s holding an online fiction festival that will run from November 28 to December 2. The announcement is being made on-stage at the New York Public Library, where Twitter’s Andrew Fitzgerald is on-stage with the New Yorker’s fiction editor Deborah Treisman, and there are now details on the Twitter blog.

The company says that it will be looking for “creative… → Read More

October 18th, 2012

Tweetbot For Mac Now Available For $19.99: Twitter Client Token Limits To Blame For High Price


Tweetbot for Mac has finally arrived in retail release form, after an extended public alpha and beta testing phase. The native OS X Twitter client from iOS and Mac developer Tapbots is available from the Mac App Store, for the somewhat eyebrow-raising price of $19.99. Is it worth $20? A thousand times yes. But some users may balk at the price – which is exactly what Tapbots is counting on. → Read More

October 18th, 2012

Twitter Uses Country-Specific Blocking Powers For The First Time To Restrict Neo-Nazi Account In Germany


Twitter has used country-by-country blocking powers for the first time to restrict access to a neo-Nazi Twitter account in Germany at the request of local authorities. The move was spotted by the FT, which also flagged up two tweets from Twitter’s general counsel, Alex Macgillivray confirming both the request to close the account and the fact that Twitter had acted on the request → Read More

October 15th, 2012

I Love Lamp, So Do My Friends, And Who Cares?


This weekend, Nick Bilton of the NYT wrote an interesting piece called “Disruptions: Seeking Privacy in a Networked Age” about his experience at a recent dinner party he threw for friends. The crux of the article is that his friends used social tools to let everyone know where they were and what they were doing. This led to a few uncomfortable moments for Bilton, such as this:

I certainly… → Read More

October 14th, 2012

Here’s To The Death Of “Personal Branding” On The Internet


I’m not exactly sure who made being a “personal brand” a thing on the Internet, but I’d really like to sit down with them and ask them why they thought that it was a good idea. You see, an entire ecosystem of people looking to make money have cropped up around this notion of helping people become a “brand.” Honestly, it’s bull, and I’d like to see it stop. Why is it bull? Because unless you’re Kim… → Read More

October 12th, 2012

Facebook’s Having Some Issues With Twitter Cross-Posting, But Nobody Cares. For Reasons.


As The Next Web reported, users are finding that their Facebook status messages aren’t being cross-posted to Twitter even though they’ve set up their accounts to do so. I first noticed this the other night, but thought nothing of it, since I’m not really a fan of cross-posting.

We reached out to both companies and Facebook let us know that this was indeed a bug and that they’re working on it. → Read More

October 11th, 2012

Dick Costolo: “The Biggest Misconception About Twitter Is That You Have To Tweet To Use Twitter”

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During a fireside chat at Federated Media’s San Francisco headquarters, Twitter CEO Dick Costolo sat down to talk with John Battelle in the warmup for Battelle’s first ever OpenCoSF event tomorrow, which is focusing on the spirit and ecosystem of tech.

Eighty-five different locations will be visited, which is a pretty new spin on an event. It’s basically a moving tour throughout the city and… → Read More

October 11th, 2012

Twitter Open-Sources Clutch.IO, The Mobile A/B Testing Service It Recently Acquired


In August, Twitter acquired the small A/B testing service and development framework Clutch.io and announced that it would shut the service down on November 1st. Clutch, which Twitter describes as “an easy-to-integrate library for native iOS applications designed to help you develop faster, deploy instantly and run A/B tests,” will live on, however. The company today announced that it is… → Read More

October 10th, 2012

TweetDeck Gets A Visual Refresh On All Platforms, Now Looks More “Twittery”


For you hardcore Twitter users, the main app just doesn’t cut it. You need multiple windows and notifications and more windows and stuff like that. For me, I enjoy the simple original web version of Twitter, but what do I know. Today, TweetDeck for all platforms, except iOS, was updated, and you can now go check it out and rejoice. → Read More

October 9th, 2012

If Twitter Gets Into The Video-Hosting Game, It Could Be A Wonderful, And Horrible, Thing


According to AllThingsD, Twitter has decided to get into the business of hosting video by acquiring NYC startup Vine. We’ve reached out to Twitter but haven’t been able to confirm this as of yet.

If true, this marks an important milestone for Twitter, which is in complete attack mode when it comes to turning into a media powerhouse. As it stands now, you can upload photos to attach to your… → Read More

October 8th, 2012

Why Is Twitter’s Search For A French Country Manager Turning To Merde?


As if it wasn’t tough enough being an entrepreneur in France right now (OK, it’s not impossible, but let’s face it it could be easier) news reaches us that a global tech company like Twitter is having issues putting boots on the ground in the nation’s capital. The news is not exactly an advert for Paris’s tech ecosystem, but it may also of course be a function of the weird market right now… → Read More

October 7th, 2012

The Forgotten Half Of Social


Editor’s note: Jack Krawczyk is head of monetization at StumbleUpon, the discovery platform. Jack was a founding member of Google+ and tweets about stuff.

Have we forgotten that being social means connecting with the people in your life? In today’s world of growth hacking and viral marketing, we have taken social to mean acquiring likes and followers so that we can post a photo to Facebook… → Read More

October 7th, 2012

Twitter Dominates Live TV Because Social TV Is Failing


Editor’s note: Somrat Niyogi is the CEO of Miso.

Every time I turn on the TV, I see Twitter. Hashtags and Twitter handles are on TV shows. There are dedicated pages to world events like the Olympic Games. Even entertainment news reporting has been transformed because the general population can get in touch with what’s happening in the lives of celebrities instantaneously. → Read More

October 6th, 2012

Here’s Why Twitter’s Road To An IPO Won’t Be As Rocky As Some Might Think


Today, Nick Bilton of the New York Times published a pretty extensive piece on Twitter, specifically its CEO, Dick Costolo. As I read it, one paragraph concerning the potential IPO of the company struck me. → Read More

October 6th, 2012

UK Prime Minister, David Cameron, Sends First Tweet

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David Cameron, the British Prime Minister, has sent his first tweet. Despite joining Twitter in January 2010 his verified account had never tweeted anything — until a few moments ago. Why Cameron feels the need to tweet now can be explained by growing rumblings of discontent in the Conservative party about the direction of his leadership. → Read More

October 5th, 2012

It’s “D-Day” For Twitter’s “Display Requirement” Changes, And Guess What? Nothing Happened.


It’s been exactly one month since Twitter announced the 1.1 version of its APIs and the fact that some things were going to change for third-party developers. A lot of folks, including me, took that to mean that the stuff was about to hit the fan for anyone who has spent time building something cool on top of Twitter → Read More

October 5th, 2012

Twitter’s Elizabeth Weil Joins Andreessen As Partner, Will Set Her Sights On Social

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Andreessen Horowitz continues building its arsenal. Days after the announcement that it had invested $15m in innovative hip hop annotations startup Rap Genius, we learn that it’s hired Elizabeth Weil away from Twitter. → Read More

October 4th, 2012

First 2012 Presidential Debate Saw 10.3M Tweets And Gave Politics A New Dimension


Yes, we know that tonight was a record-setting night for Twitter. The first 2012 Presidential Debate was the most tweeted about political event in company history. Whether you care or not, this is significant and worth noting. → Read More

October 3rd, 2012

Tapbots Founder Paul Haddad On App.net, Netbot, And What Twitter’s New API Means For Tweetbot


App.net, the Dalton Caldwell startup that pivoted from being essentially an About.me for apps, and towards being a paid Twitter alternative, today got a boost on the software side thanks to the introduction of Netbot by Tapbots. Netbot, as any Tapbots fan will likely immediately recognize, is essentially a modified version of Tweetbot for iPhone and iPad, but one that works with App.net instead. → Read More


NodeFly — Received $800k in Seed funding from Shasta Ventures
LoveByte — Company added to CrunchBase
Shasta Ventures — Invested in NodeFly .
Topguest — Acquired by Switchfly.
Topguest — Acquired by Switchfly.
CoreTrace — Acquired by Lumension.
SkuLoop — Acquired by Revionics.
Longboard Media — Acquired by Bazaarvoice.
NodeFly — Received $800k in Seed funding from Shasta Ventures
FAGUO — Received €1.5M in Unattributed funding
Trademob — Received $15M in Series B funding from Kennet Partners, Tengelmann Ventures, and High-Tech Gruenderfonds
Shasta Ventures — Invested in NodeFly .
Tomorrow Ventures — Invested in BUMP Network.
JCB Investments — Invested in BUMP Network.
La Jolla Holding — Invested in BUMP Network.
ZIG Capital — Invested in BUMP Network.
LoveByte — Company added to CrunchBase
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ArcMail Archiving for Salesforce Chatter — Product added to CrunchBase
ArcMail Guardian for Google Apps Email Archiving — Product added to CrunchBase
ArcMail Archiving for IM — Product added to CrunchBase
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